Stargate Will Throw America Into The Great Reset
By Karen Schumacher
Just as Covid-19 was used as justification to usher in the Great Reset, with vaccines, masks, and isolation rescuing everyone from the virus’s carnage, it appears this election outcome may be doing the same. As America has been disintegrating over the last four years, attention is only being paid to Executive Orders (EO) that rescue Americans and the Constitution from the carnage. However, this rescue is the next step towards implementation of the Great Reset, also called the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4th IR).
President Trump’s announcement of Stargate, an artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure project, is in the process of building its first data center in Texas, with plans to eventually build around ten throughout the United States. This endeavor actually began under former President Biden. These data centers “are needed for the development of AI projects in the US” and will “support the re-industrialization of the United States.” That is a perfect fit for the 4th IR. Data centers require a massive amount of energy and will also use renewable energy to generate enough without affecting supplies to local areas.
While a full exposure on what these AI projects will be wasn’t provided, there are many instances of how the federal government uses AI, including the military. The only example provided was on health. As explained at the announcement, data will be collected from electronic health records and shared, not once mentioning whether or not consent would be obtained.
According to Oracle co-founder, Larry Ellison, AI can assist with diagnosing disease such as cancer. This in turn could contribute to the development of mRNA vaccines, especially an mRNA cancer vaccine. This is a misguided statement as cancer vaccines are far from being fully researched. As one study states, “Despite the promise of AI-powered cancer vaccines, significant challenges remain.” Apparently Ellison didn’t get the memo on the dangers and harm caused by mRNA technology. Through its Stage-2 artificial general intelligence (AGI), these entrepreneurs seem perfectly okay with AI giving physicians a note telling them what to do for your treatment. Mr. Ellison’s statement is a ruse for enticing enthusiasm and acceptance of this project. Also of concern is the continued massive funding for mRNA vaccines by President Trump.
Or perhaps another medical “AI project” could assist the already established relationship between the Department of Defense and Big Tech companies to transform the healthcare system to one that is driven by AI.
This project was created between World Economic Forum (WEF) partners Oracle, OpenAI, and Softbank. Even Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO and WEF contributor, admits to the dangers of AI itself and was even removed once as CEO because of concern over his “handling of artificial intelligence safety.” Elon Musk has also expressed concern over Mr. Altman’s questionable ethical behavior. As part of the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Altman admitted AI is not good in “life-and-death situations,” has limitations, and “we should not expect more than it can do.”
At the announcement, no mention was made about safety concerns with AI or governance over it, even though that work had begun which President Trump rescinded. In its place a new Executive Order (EO) was issued with undefined guidance from his previous term. In addition, other EO’s include one to create an AI Action Plan, So concerning are the multiple dangers of AI, let alone the multiple dangers in healthcare, the WEF has formed an AI Governance Alliance, like they should be trusted with anything.
But there is another area where this type of system is being implemented. Although the newly created Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is being touted as streamlining government by ridding it of waste and abuse, it is really about “modernizing Federal technology and software,” and a reorganizing and modernization of the already existing United States Digital Service (USDS). USDS also began with healthcare back in the Obama days, managing such services as farmers, Medicare, Veteran’s affairs, and military members. DOGE will be its new name.
The DOGE goal is to improve “government-wide software, network infrastructure, and information technology (IT) systems” and promote inter-operability between agencies while ensuring “data collection and synchronization.” While AI is not specifically mentioned, job qualifications for USDS does include AI skills. There is no reason to believe that AI won’t be used to sort through all this data for better efficiency. Using AI will downsize these areas of the government but not in the way we have been led to believe, and will most likely spread to other government agencies eventually. As a result of these functions being taken over by AI, job losses should be anticipated. With building out the AI infrastructure, everyone will eventually be sucked into this AI data pit and OpenAI has its blueprint ready to go.
President Trump understands AI as a competitive race with China but may not realize he is taking us down the path of destruction by the WEF. It is clearly a path that is being decided for humanity, whether wanted or not. The quandary for President Trump is how can the United States step out of the path it is being forced into? If the rest of the world is on the AI path, how would it be possible to not follow, or even survive? It will take all countries to stand up and reject this 4th IR trajectory.
The most devastating aspect of this project is that it is a dream come true for WEF by putting into place the very system that will drive the 4th IR, AI. Once in place, everything will be turned over to AI with surveillance, gathering of data on everyone, and eventual decision making over every human.
Obviously, there are millions of Americans who are thrilled with the return of President Trump and he has taken immediate corrective action to get America back on the right path. However, he should be scrutinized as closely as any other person in that job. He has surrounded himself with technocrats who would like nothing better than to execute a technocracy in a 4th IR style, and Stargate highlights that technocracy with its AI infrastructure.
Patrick Wood is the leading authority on technocracy. In his interview starting at the 14:08″ mark, he talks with Alex Newman about concerns over technocracy being brought to the government by Elon Musk and others in DOGE through the use of AI, which is pretty much validated by the EOs. As Mr. Wood states, technocrats don’t talk the same language which is why information on Stargate activities is unspecified, and why DOGE has been misrepresented. An example of how detached a technocratic world can be is through its substitution of human contact with a robot dog. Heed Mr. Wood’s warning.
President Trump addressed the WEF at the annual Davos meeting on January 23. He did not give any indication of supporting the WEF 4th IR agenda, and went so far as to criticize many of the Agenda 2030 actions that have been forced upon America. However, he did mention becoming the “world capital of artificial intelligence.” Does he understand AI is the driving force behind the 4th IR, a Davos theme in 2024, and renamed the Collaboration for the Intelligent Age this year? Or is the Stargate project his way of participating in the 4th IR?
Congress has been working on the AI issue, as well as some states. But it is critical that everyone becomes more involved with their elected officials before the dangers of AI have gone too far. Right now, with Stargate and DOGE, it doesn’t appear there has been any representation on those decisions.
Stargate is a threat to America and Americans but not engaging in AI is also a threat from the rest of the world. A comprehensive governance structure for America is needed before it goes any further as the 4th IR rapidly moves forward.
A basic understanding of technocracy can be found here.
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