Trump is giving Americans so many of the actions they wanted while simultaneously engaging with the deep state allowing Agenda 21 goals to near completion. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
I believe it’s time to break out of the ossified paradigm that's constrained us for the past century, exploring new ways to educate the next generation. - BY BRIAN ALMON
George Simion: "It's a wave. We're trying to go from MAGA to MEGA. We should seize the momentum; we should act now. The globalists are frightened." - BY ANDREW MULLER
Over time a tariff prevents the transfer of wealth away from the domestic economy. The consumer isn’t advantaged by a lower cost product but is advantaged,... - BY BRENT REGAN
The DEI “mentality” embedded in our culture: Not much may change until we shed destructive norms such as equality dogma and the lie of diversity. -BY SELWYN DUKE
After the Lopez Family provided proof regarding stats shaving by Mr. Colvin, the Principal at CDA High School, Mike Randles replied regarding the incident. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Rep. Dale Hawkins introduced a potential constitutional amendment clarifying once and for all that parents, not the government, are the primary custodians of their children’s education. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Perhaps most significantly, the order demands a review of American involvement in the United Nations Scientific, Education, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and U.N. as a whole. - BY ANDREW MULLER
These Obama-era DEI efforts also created a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) push to hire people who are deaf, blind, and/or have “severe intellectual” and “psychiatric disabilities.” - BY SELWYN DUKE
In addition to decreasing recoil, minimizing muzzle blast and providing hearing protection, suppressors help lower human-generated noise in the environment, contributing to a quieter ecological setting. - BY LAURA HARRIS
The American system of disaster response is supposed to be based on federalism, private charitable efforts, and mutual aid between states, cities, and utilities. - BY CHRIS EDWARDS
This year, we continue to see the positive impact of policies rooted in individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, and limited government. - BY STATE REPESENTATIVE VITO BARBIERI, DIST 3
After yesterday’s crash, the End Wokeness X feed posted two videos that demonstrated just how obsessed the FAA and Biden administration were with DEI. - BY R. CORT KIRKWOOD
Everybody pays, and pays the same percentage, eliminating manipulation to lower levels, because after all everyone benefits from what those taxes should be used for. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
An Article V convention possesses the inherent power to propose any changes to the U.S. Constitution, including drafting and proposing an entirely new “modern” (i.e. socialist) constitution. - BY JBS.ORG
Phillip Hamburger: The freedom of parents in educating their children belongs to all parents, not only the faithful. Freedom of speech more completely explains this educational liberty.” -BY ALEX NEWMAN
Jefferson’s belief that government should protect rights – not micromanage lives – stands in sharp contrast to the overreach that has plagued governments throughout history and persists today. - BY MICHAEL BOLDEN
As federal funding for local law enforcement increases, so does federal control. Americans must stand-up to this stealth assault on freedom — before it’s too late. ... BY PETER RYKOSKI
The enemies from within have already made it clear they'll do whatever it takes to stop Trump from implementing the policies Americans voted for on November 5. -BY ROBERT RINGER
While cutting spending is important, it’s even more imperative to reduce taxes and keep that money from reaching the government in the first place. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Does Trump understand AI's the driving force behind the 4th IR, a Davos theme in 2024, and renamed the Collaboration for the Intelligent Age this year? - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Legislative leaders proposed a 43% pay increase for legislators, which is over the top and would put Idaho as the highest-paid part-time legislature in the country. - BY RONALD M. NATE
If you’re a state and local taxpayer, have you wondered where your money goes — your income tax, sales tax and property tax dollars? - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Boeing's currently revising the schedule for the presidential jetliner once again, which is expected to be updated later this summer, according to an Air Force spokesperson. - BY MICHAEL MARROWON
These drugs don’t just alter brain chemistry — they can hijack emotions, disrupting life, leading to consequences far worse than conditions they claim to treat. - BY A MID-WESTERN DOCTOR
The next time an issue is being described as woke, just remember it is the UN and especially WEF spreading propaganda, not the right or left. -BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Self-driving cars still get into accidents on highways, an environment for which there's abundant data to train algorithms, “What's the training data set for nuclear war?” - BY SYDNEY FREEBURG,
Will we defend the values of liberty and democracy, or will we allow ourselves to be ruled by a technocratic regime that prioritizes control over freedom? - BY WILLOW TOHI
As California grapples with one of its worst natural disasters, the political blame game's only intensified. Trump’s calls for Newsom’s resignation and his criticism of Bass... - BY CASSIE B.
Last year, the lobbyist for the Idaho Dairymen’s Association admitted that up to 70% of their workers would fail an audit of their I9 forms... - BY BRIAN ALMON
Agenda 21 it is not dead It clearly continues to be executed, and is reaching its final stages of implementation thanks to the government and corporations. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
There are several different ways to describe the trend of government spending in Idaho. You could say that state spending's up 53% the past five years. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
The reconciliation process is an opportunity to extend and improve on previous Trump tax cuts, cutting low-value spending, and drive down the deficit. - BY CHRIS EDWARDS AND ADAM MICHEL
This was a man-made disaster created by a mental illness called “California liberalism.” All that, plus electing as your leader a Kamala Harris DEI clone. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
The Resolutions Committee considered 32 proposed resolutions, of which 21 were included in the Resolutions Committee report. These resolutions are available on the website. - BY BRENT REGAN