Needed for every electric vehicle

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Using data recently published by US Geological Survey and World Bank, it is now clear that conversion to electric transportation is impossible. - BY DAVID BOLENIUS, MBA, MS, Geologist,

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How environmentalists stalled progress over half century

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Activist judges colluded with activist environmentalists to make the process of defending a permit near impossible. - BY ROBERT LYMAN, DR. JAY LEHR

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The Future of Nuclear Energy

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Small modular reactors, the next generation of nuclear technology, promise safety, low cost, and energy independence. Will bureaucrats stand in the way? - BY ED HISERODT

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Pentagon Sued Over Complaints of Teaching Critical Race Theory at Military Academies

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According to, CRT is an "outgrowth of the European Marxist school of critical theory" and an "academic movement which seeks to link racism, race, and power." - BY JAY CLEMONS

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See the Draining of the Emergency Oil Reserves

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The Biden administration has sold nearly 6 million barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to an entity tied to the CCP records show. - BY M. DOWLING

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NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life”

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Sex crimes with children, child exploitation, money laundering, perjury, and pay to play, reads the partial list of crimes that, claim NYPD sources... - BY SELWYN DUKE

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The higher education DEI takeover will not end until this one major problem is fixed in Idaho

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 Accrediting bodies ram DEI rules into standards linked to federal funding. -BY ANNA K. MILLER

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Democrats Plan To Shell Out Almost $80 Billion To Supersize The IRS

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The move is intended to generate $124 billion through improved “tax enforcement” measures and fight inflation, according to the Democrat summary of the bill. - BY JACK McEVOY

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Exclusive: In Private, Cassidy Hutchinson Joked About Riot, Called J6 Committee ‘Phony,’ Praised Trump Before Changing Story

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Hutchinson commiserated with other targets of the probe about how little information she had about any wrongdoing on Jan. 6. - BY MOLLIE HEMINGWAY AND TRISTAN JUSTICE

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If the Quality Education Act is approved by voters in November, expect a sky-high tax increase in 2024 on all businesses and individual taxpayers.- BY FRED BIRNBAUM

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Green energy policies offer no Help to the Most Desperate

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Herd hysteria is taking tragic social and economic tolls on formerly prosperous countries that have enacted climate alarm-premised anti-fossil energy and agriculture policies. - BY LARRY BELL

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Another Fauci flip: We were ‘always aware’ of natural immunity to COVID

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A study...funded by the National Institutes of Health – for which Fauci works – predicted "long-lived immunity to SARS-CoV-2 after natural infection." - BY ART MOORE

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Meet the FBI Analyst Behind The Decade’s Biggest Political Disinformation Campaigns

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Brian Auten pushed Trump-Russia collusion and is now accused of discrediting Hunter Biden stories. - BY CHUCK ROSS

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Will GOP Make Democrats’ Red China Ties An Election Issue?

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Sara Carter: ‘China Has Compromised Almost Every Aspect of American Life’, BY GEORGE RASLEY

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Betsy Russell’s recent attack on me proves everything I’ve been saying about the leftist news media...Her own words give away her bias. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN

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Government using charities to hide just how much money is going to illegal immigration

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It’s money laundering. Democratic politicians want to maximize illegal immigration, but they don’t want their fingerprints on it,: paying so-called charities to do the work for them. - BY BETSY McCAUGHEY

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Volcanoes, Oceans and Weather

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"If emissions of CO2 are the problem, why have we banned emissions-free nuclear power?"  - BY VIV FORBES

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Rather than risking our Constitution on a fool’s gambit, ...we should start enforcing it as it stands. State legislatures are the biggest offenders of Constitutional violations. - BY RONALD NATE

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Biden’s EPA will raise prices and harm crops and the environment, in name of saving species

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After 7,000 studies the past 60 years the EPA, found the herbicide atrazine is safe but the CBD and PAN want it banned or regulated into oblivion. - BY PAUL DRIESSEN

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Revising the Bank Secrecy Act to Protect Privacy and Deter Criminals

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The evidence suggests that the Bank Secrecy Act framework has proven a minor inconvenience for criminals but a major burden on law‐​abiding citizens. - BY NORBERT MICHEL AND JENNIFER J. SCHULP

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Marxist O’Biden Secret Weapon: “Education”

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Marxists spoke: Never talk about politics and religion.  Don’t trust your parents. Be the silent majority. Sadly we listened. - BY KAREN SCHOEN

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...make sure people understand how dangerous and costly Reclaim Idaho’s ballot initiative is. No one should rely on media reports or Reclaim Idaho to form opinions. - BY WAYNE

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Any act or set of acts which results in a particular federal law or program being rendered null and void under law, or unenforceable in practice. - BY TENTH AMENDMENT CENTER

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Misconceptions of Article V Conventions | JBS News Analysis

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We’ll clear up dangerous misconceptions of the federal government calling a convention...and offer a much safer, quicker constitutional method of solving what ails America. - BY JBS CEO BILL HAHN

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Are We Going To Be A Nation Of Laws?

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World domination requires that the Marxists need lawless chaos to complete their takeover of the USA at the cost of the loss of...individual liberties. - BY STEVE ROSSITER

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Al Gore – chief science denier

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Polling reveals climate change is at or near the bottom of the nation’s concerns, and almost nine in ten Americans view the country on the “wrong track.” - BY PETER MURPHY

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Judicial Watch: FDA Records Show Top FDA Officials Concerned About Biden Administration Vaccine Booster Timelines That “Make No Sense”

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Through FOIA requests and lawsuits, Judicial Watch has uncovered a substantial amount of information about COVID-19 issues... - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF

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Democrats Want You To Suffer

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To Democrats, the only problem is you. Your love of freedom. Your car. Your food. Your different political beliefs. - BY GEORGE RASLEY

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“Corrupted to the Core” FBI Sabotaged the Hunter Biden Probe

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The FBI improperly sought to discredit it by labeling “verified and verifiable derogatory information about the president’s son as disinformation.” - BY M. DOWLING

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GM’s Profits Take $1 Billion Nosedive Amid Biden-Backed Electric Vehicle Push

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The car manufacturer reported its net income for...April through June was $1.69 billion, down from $2.84 billion in the same period from 2021. - BY JACK McEVOY

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Hillary Sold our Uranium, Is Biden Selling our Lithium?

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Steve Miller: "A Chinese-dominated mining company has procured millions of dollars in American subsidies to extract lithium in the United States... - BY DENISE SIMON

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Ammon Bundy for Idaho Governor Townhall Athol, Idaho July 22, 2022

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Rather than presenting a prepared speech, Bundy enthused the audience by fielding a wide variety of questions on critical Idaho issues for two very interesting hours. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Conservatives must keep fighting leftist indoctrination in higher education

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IFF is well-equipped and tireless in shining an honest light on CRT, social justice indoctrination, and outright malpractice happening in all levels of Idaho education. - BY RON NATE, Ph.D.

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How CHIPS for America Act Chips Away at America’s Economic Freedom

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America needs limited government, not expanded/expensive government, to ensure a transparent and competitive economic environment in which citizens enjoy the freedom and opportunity to prosper... - BY ANTHONY KIM

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Congressmen File Bill to Withdraw From UN, Restore U.S. Sovereignty

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Passing this bill is not only possible but necessary. By pressuring Republican lawmakers in primaries and then getting them elected.  - BY ALEX NEWMAN

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Biden Pilot Program: IDs and State Benefits for Illegal Aliens

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Congressional members included $10 million for the program, which is called the “ICE Secure Docket Card program,” in the FY 2023 appropriations bill. - BY M. DOWLING

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