Agenda 21 Is Not Dead
By Karen Schumacher
Agenda 21, also called Sustainable Development (SD), was the United Nations (UN) action plan for the 21st century and signed by GHW Bush in 1992. WJ Clinton integrated SD into the federal government from the years 1993 to 1999. Although the Agenda 21 document is now 33 years old, it lives on but is just given other names.
Agenda 2030 is Agenda 21 with 17 broad ranged sustainable development goals (SDG) which have targets that identify more specific actions. Every Agenda 2030 goal and target can be found scattered throughout Agenda 21. Targets are further detailed into indicators which “measure progress on that target.” The UN has been collecting data on indicators since the inception of Agenda 21, including data from the United States.
Now with the Great Reset, which is also called the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Fourth Industrial Revolution (4th IR), and WEF’s partnership with the UN, the full achievement of Agenda 21 is coming close to its final fulfillment.
While much focus has been on the specifics and details of Agenda 21, the overall picture was easily missed. There are some clear themes that Agenda 21 is operating under.
Agenda 21 Themes
Even though now renamed as Agenda 2030 and the 4th IR, the same primary Agenda 21 themes are easily identifiable. These themes are present in each Agenda 21 chapter and can be found in Agenda 2030 and the 4th IR.
Public Private Partnerships (P3 or PPP): As dictated by Agenda 21 (30.7), throughout the federal government P3’s are actively being implemented. What initially appears to have begun as agreements for infrastructure development during the colonial period, have now become a full blown enmeshment of the two entities, escalating after Agenda 21. The UN sees this as necessary for the SDGs, and WEF strategically uses them to advance its corporate wealth and power.
In the real world these partnerships destroy citizen representation, blur government and corporate powers, and have been considered a form of corporatocracy, corporatism, or crony capitalism. While Trump backed away from P3’s during his first administration it remains to be seen what will happen this time around, especially given the amount of money being thrown his way already.
Agenda 21 also changed the structure of government. No longer is citizen representation at the heart of our Republic, it has been reassigned to non-governmental organizations (NGO), corporations, academia, and unions, which the UN and WEF both continue to nurture.
Technology: Each Agenda 21 chapter is replete with the use and advancement of technology to improve the world in all areas of life. Now, everyone lives a life drowning in technology. Technology is being used to gather more information on everyone, change how food is grown (14), and has even invaded the privacy of homes. With the advent and acceleration of artificial intelligence (AI) use in technology, the crowning glory of Agenda 21 is close to being achieved, ultimate control over humans.
Because of advanced technology and AI, jobs will be changed to meet corporate needs, whether someone wants it or not. The UN loves it and is working to advance the use of technology and AI, just what Agenda 21 called for. Meanwhile, WEF founder, Klaus Schwab, is drooling over the prospects of this advancing technology and how it will “enhance human potential,” now calling it “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age.”
Another form of technology addressed in Agenda 21 is biotechnology, and is being used as a weapon against life. From Agenda 21 (16.13(e, f)), both the UN and WEF continue to advance the creation of vaccines, whether harmful or not, and whether an individual wants them or not.
Gene editing is another type of biotechnology advocated for in Agenda 21. With the advent of CRISPR, the genetic altering technology, experimentation with changing genetic structures has now become an entertaining activity for the WEF, with others joining the party. Changing food, plants, and animal genetic structures (16.4), and manipulating DNA (16.1) were all called for in Agenda 21. Even the most minute detail from Agenda 21 (16.13(g)), mosquitoes, is being addressed. Mixing and matching medical technology with food has become a sick, genetic game.
Data Collection: Technology serves the UN purpose for surveillance and data collection throughout Agenda 21 but is directly addressed in Chapter 40. Agenda 2030 advanced this with its SDG addendum on digital cooperation (pg 8), while at the same time continuing to collect data through its various organizations. Data is also necessary to the WEF and its Future Global Councils which are assigned the task of determining everyone’s future based on data analysis.
Protecting the Environment: Protecting the air, oceans, water, biological diversity, and ecosystems (13.8(c)) in Agenda 21 was actually a ruse to gain control over all natural resources by the government. The expansion of national monuments, wilderness areas, conservation areas, land mass, federal agendas, and removing land from productive use has achieved the true goal of controlling resources, not protecting anything. The UN is thrilled that its land grab is moving forward, and WEF is closely monitoring those resources, while the Agenda 21 goal of inventorying (35.7(a)) those resources is being implemented, much to the delight of the UN and WEF.
Education: While there is one chapter on education in Agenda 21, education on SD is spread throughout all chapters and its intent to brainwash everyone. Not only was education hijacked by the federal government, it has been used as a vehicle to insert climate change propaganda and SD into the curriculum (pg 66). Through partnerships with global corporations, both the UN and WEF have succeeded in manipulating social change by deceit, influencing now what is several generations to accept SD as truth. Both the UN and WEF continue their assaults on education.
Economy: Agenda 21 was never about saving the world or protecting the environment, it has always been about taking control of the economy, as clearly stated by the UN. Throughout its chapters the economy is referenced with economic implications being considered in each activity, all the while redistributing wealth (33). Stakeholder Capitalism and a Circular Economy are two economic concepts by the WEF, but as 2030 nears, the carbon markets are now entering the realm. Perhaps that will be the end game along with central bank digital currencies for final control.
So, while years have passed since Agenda 21 was introduced, it is not dead, clearly continues to be executed, and is reaching its final stages of implementation thanks to the government and corporations. Massive control is already being executed over lives. Five years to 2030 and unless everyone is brave enough to stand up to the atrocity, most likely it will be a done deal.