Sustains Act – Theft Of Private Property
By Karen Schumacher
Along with other state Attorneys General, Raul Labrador was successful in stopping the Natural Asset Companies (NAC), at least for now. However, in its continued quest against the American people, the federal government has essentially put the same agenda into a piece of legislation called the Sustains Act.
Basically, the Sustains Act is the same old story as NACs and is a threat to private property rights. The act “allows private funds to be used for conservation efforts on private land. The USDA will oversee the program, and the Secretary…will also decide who owns the environmental service”, opening the potential “to transfer America’s real assets from private citizens to federal and international interests.”
Private investors will provide money for land conservation through government programs that is then paid to private land owners for conserving that land. But the “contributing entity” will then own the “services” provided by the land that is conserved, removing private property ownership of that “service.” Even more galling is that the federal government will decide who owns that “service.” A full explanation is provided by the American Stewards of Liberty. It should be no surprise that this scam is for advancing Agenda 2030.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is requesting public input by September 16. Comments can be submitted here, just click on the green button, Submit a Formal Comment, on the top right hand side. By clicking on the “view posted comments” just below that button you can see other comments people have made.
There is also a “list of questions for commenters” where the USDA has suggestions on what to comment on. Let them know this is an affront to private property rights and an overreach by the federal government.
The only saving grace is that private property owners can refuse to participate in this scam. Let as many people as possible know about this scam so when an “entity”, non-governmental organization, or government official comes knocking at the door, tell them to get off your property and don’t come back. That is how this will be stopped, don’t participate.