Exiting The UN Isn’t Enough
By Karen Schumacher
In his previous term President elect Trump was assertive in taking the U.S. out of several United Nations (UN) organizations such as UNESCO and the World Health Organization (WHO). Hopefully he will do the same in his new term. But it won’t be enough.
The primary problem is because Agenda 21, also known as Sustainable Development (SD), was inserted into federal policy and programs in 1993 via Clinton’s President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). Those agencies will continue to insert SD ideology into legislation. Then there is the secondary problem of federal agencies being in partnerships with multiple UN agencies that Trump may not exit such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Even more dangerous are non-governmental organizations (NGO) that are UN members such as Education International in which the National Education Association belongs. These groups will continue to advocate for SD in education policy at a local level even if Trump exits UNESCO.
NGOs such as the Nature Conservancy will still be at work influencing government policy to put everything into conservation and has the money to right out buy land to lock it up so it can’t be used. Even worse, it then turns around and sells land to the government, often at a profit. The Nature Conservancy, along with NGOs such as Yellowstone to Yukon and the Center for Large landscape Conservation, will still be active in promoting ICUN objectives.
Exiting the UN won’t solve the problem of corporations that are partners with the World Economic Forum (WEF) or the UN itself with its Global Compact and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). All of these organizations will continue to throw SD into our lives.
Legislation to extract SD out of federal policy is needed along with eliminating any funding to NGOs that are actively engaged with the UN or any UN organizations. Is this an issue the newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) can address? Certainly, there is massive abuse of government policies that require SD, and funding that goes to NGOs is repulsive.
Is it not time that NGOs and all UN ideology is removed from deep within the government? It is because of UN involvement, not only directly but through 1.5 million partnering groups or NGOs, that they have been given such a strong voice in government. It is time to end that and return government back over to the voice of citizens. If not done, exiting the UN just won’t be enough.
Editor’s note:
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