Huge Compilation of Linked Articles Collectively, Totally Debunk Globalists’ Obama/Biden Climate Change Scheme, Exposing Blatant Lies & Corruption with Verified Facts

Huge Compilation of Linked Articles Collectively, Totally Debunk Globalists’ Obama/Biden Climate Change Scheme, Exposing Blatant Lies & Corruption with Verified Facts



Compiled by Rich Loudenback


  1. 1,609 global scientists debunk climate hysteria
  2. Those 11,000 “scientists” warning about an impending “climate emergency” are just “11,000 random people,” investigation reveals
  3. ABSOLUTE PROOF That Climate Change Is a Ploy for Control by Globalists
  4. Biden Western Solar Plan will sacrifice 22 million public land acres to fight climate change
  5. More Absolute Proof that CO2 Climate Change Is A Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Theory for CONTROL
  6. Fires, Hurricanes: Not Caused by Climate Change
  7. Maui and Climate Change Absurdity
  8. Climate change policies war on America’s living standards
  9. Climate Change is Both a Hoax and Money Pit
  10. Phony Climate Change Narrative: Follow the Evidence
  11. How Green Investors Pay the Media to Promote ‘Climate Change’
  12. A Little Learning on Methane and Climate Change
  13. The Collapse of the Climate Change Cult
  14. A Central Role for Climate Change in the New U.S. National Security Strategy
  15. The True Craziness of the Phony Climate Change Narrative
  16. WATCH NOW: Biden Is Trying To Crush A Historic Climate Change Lawsuit
  17. At UN Commission on Status of Women, Far Left Ties Gender Ideology, Abortion to Climate Change
  18. Climate change chorus exploits tornado tragedy
  19. Would the Real Climate Change Hypocrite Please Stand Up!
  20. Climate lockdown: UCL professor advocating lockdowns to combat “climate change”
  22. CFACT engages in climate change showdown at Freedom Fest
  23. Climate change: Last bastion of the royalists
  24. Top Secret Cold War Military Project Found, Could End Climate Change Hoax
  25. “Climate Change” No Cause for Alarm, Report Says
  26. Most voters either believe climate change isn’t real or don’t want climate policies harming economy
  28. Toxic chemical in car tires, not climate change, is killing off West Coast salmon
  29. Manufacturing climate change deceptions — Part Two
  30. Global warming/climate change due to CO2 is cancelled
  31. Here We Go Again: Leftist Eco Policies, Not ‘Climate Change’ Causing Western Wildfires
  32. The real climate change deniers
  33. The real climate change deniers
  34. Hundreds of News Outlets Agree to Use Pandemic to Hype Climate Change
  35. A very fresh look at climate change
  36. Climate change accused of being deadlier than Covid 19 — Fact check
  37. Exposing How the Hoax of Climate Change Drives Delirious Political Policies
  38. The warming wind turbines of climate change
  39. ‘Climate Change: A Convenient Truth’ – A Short and Simple Book for School Kids
  40. Climate change delusions are undermining science
  41. The Climate change money machine
  42. Entitlement Liabilities Are a Graver Threat to the Next Generation of Americans than Climate Change
  43. What is Climate Change Costing You? Ask Idaho Power
  44. Al Gore’s climate change disaster nothing but hot air
  45. Climate change that ignores history
  46. Inslee claims to have witnessed climate change: But where?
  47. Climate Change and Governor Inslee
  48. Added Green Vegetation from Climate Change Shrinks Sahara Desert by Whopping 8%!
  49. “Meet the Press” Drops Any Pretense at Objectivity on Climate Change Issue
  50. The WEF and Climate-Change Nonsense
  51. No meltdown: ANOTHER ship with climate-change warriors gets stuck in ice
  52. Law Firms Stand To Make Killing From Blue Cities’ Climate Lawsuits Against Energy Giants
  53. The Netherlands’ U-turn to climate sanity
  54. Courts slap down climate policies – again
  55. JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock drop out of UN Climate Action alliance
  56. Congress and the courts enable climate and energy fantasies and government expansion.
  57. Climate Agenda Makes Vital CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant
  58. Chinese Communist Party linked to funding climate activists in the U.S. and U.K.
  59. Climate “journalism” perpetuates fraud
  60. Bad Climate Data Brings Wrong Conclusions
  61. Climate Justice, Nonsense on Steroids
  62. UN Report Condemns U.S., Demanding Speech Control, Constitution Change & More Abortion
  63. The climate war is over: China won
  64. CLINTEL World Climate Declaration
  65. Largest Wildfire Ever Recorded in the EU Caused by Arson, Not Climate
  66. Climate ideology in America’s classrooms
  67. Peak ESG behind us: Investors throw out climate fantasies
  68. Morano speaking tour exposes Great Reset and climate agenda
  69. Legalized climate grifting
  70. Climate Cartels Plan to Cancel Single Family Homes, Private Cars
  71. The climate cabal has plans for you
  72. Climate at a Glance: Deaths from Extreme Weather
  74. The Australian Climate is Fine — but the State of the CSIRO and the BOM is a Crisis
  75. COP 27: Biden climate “fact sheet” mired in false attribution, massive spending and regulation
  77. The insanity of the UN climate COP’s continues
  78. Climate policies vs. nature
  79. Climate extremism is making America mentally ill
  80. Let’s talk about REAL climate cataclysms
  82. How global hurricane activity can rebut climate exaggeration
  83. End-running democracy by forcing climate policies
  85. Senate Poised To Ratify Climate Treaty That Could Make Home Appliances Even More Expensive
  86. Declarations of “climate emergency,” not the climate, are causing serious harm
  87. Dallas event shows ‘Climate Hustle 2,’ CFACT’s Morano speaks
  88. Private: US temperature readings are junk, negating climate science
  89. Climate Hypocrisy: Obama Installs 2,500-Gallon Fossil Fuel Tanks at Martha’s Vineyard Property
  90. Climate Hypocrisy: Obama Installs 2,500-Gallon Fossil Fuel Tanks at Martha’s Vineyard Property
  91. SEC’s “Climate-related disclosures” would put farmers and ranchers in regulatory cross-hairs
  92. Biden’s climate crusaders: What planet do they live on?
  93. The secret climate election we didn’t know we had
  94. Washington Policy Center: Green activists dismiss science in favor of political dogma on salmon and climate
  95. CFACT’s “Climate Hustle 2” airs on Newsmax for world broadcast premiere
  96. How the climate crusade hijacked the environmental movement
  97. Report: Big Tech Caught Tilting the Scales for Biden; Changed Outcome of 2020 Election
  98. Soundbite, snapshot methods push the phony climate war
  99. Report: “No Evidence of a Climate Crisis”
  100. Climate alarmism posing as science education for children
  101. Another chapter in the climate war against democracy and prosperity
  102. Ranchers in climate crosshairs as food prices soar
  103. Death by a thousand cuts until climate scare defeated
  104. The army’s climate obsession is a disgrace
  105. When climate alarmists panic, they double down on their propaganda
  106. John Kerry: Putin’s useful climate idiot
  107. Canada’s capital attempts climate suicide (Part Three)
  108. Supreme Court Hears Blockbuster Climate Case With Separation Of Powers Implications
  109. Climate mandates threaten global security
  110. The “social cost” of climate fraud
  111. 25 States Urge Biden To Rescind Fed Nominee Over ‘Radical’ Climate, Social Views – Idaho Is One of Them.  Washington & Montana Are Not!
  112. 2021 State Of The Climate Report
  113. Canada’s capital chooses climate suicide
  114. Google censors climate scientist
  115. Biden’s tornado climate ambulance-chasing
  116. The real climate and health crisis
  117. Wrong again Biden: Tornadoes are weather, not climate
  118. EPA proposes to hammer oil and natural gas with crazy new climate rules
  119. The rise of climate terrorism
  120. CLINTEL trilogy calls on heads of government, young people and climate scientists to wake up
  121. Biden’s climate power grab via trillions of dollars in annual federal procurement
  122. Private: COP 26: U.S.-China Climate Declaration Official Text
  123. COP 26: Armageddon awaits at the UN Climate Conference
  124. Xi, Putin snub high-stakes U.N. climate summit, momentum lags among world’s major polluters
  125. UN climate road trip! (and $hakedown)
  126. A mad rush for coal: China and India suspend climate correctness
  127. The crafty language of climate alarmism
  128. Climate narcissism
  129. Five Big Problems With President Biden’s Energy-Climate Plan
  130. Greenhouse saturation research could kill the “climate emergency”
  131. Report: Biden climate policies turning America into authoritarian capitalism
  132. Record Coral Cover Of Great Barrier Reef Shames Climate Alarmists, Media
  133. Unfounded fear of extinction drives climate hysteria
  134. Leftists’ Lockdown Love Affair: Are Climate Lockdowns Next?
  135. John Kerry tops climate as greatest “existential threat”
  136. Texas weather exposes the agenda-driven phony climate war
  137. False Fauci Covid narrative a microcosm of climate lies
  138. Review — Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, And Why It Matters – by Steven E. Koonin
  139. Another example of the media’s escalation of the phony climate war
  140. Climate Activists Target Pet Owners, Dogs and Cats
  141. Was China’s “great leap forward” disaster related to climate?
  142. Alarming climate exaggerations and policy mistakes — Biden’s 2021 Earth Day summit
  143. S. / China official joint climate statement
  144. CNN’s climate scare plans exposed
  145. Corporate climate “wokeness” reaps diminishing returns
  146. When history disproves climate doom
  147. The Godfather of climate skepticism makes you a book you can’t refuse
  148. Pro-Pothead “Climate Warrior” Confirmed As Interior Secretary
  149. Pelosi wrong on Central America migration and climate
  150. Climate Czar John Kerry
  151. Democrats’ climate agenda will mimic their COVID tyranny
  152. Massachusetts climate official resigns after admitting plans to “break your will”
  153. A Biden climate “emergency” would jettison democracy
  154. Banning gas-powered vehicles means a crushing change for America
  155. Climate “emergency” means house arrest
  156. Going zany on climate
  157. ‘Climate arson’ and other wildfire nonsense
  158. Mendacious Media enables climate alarmism
  159. New Dem climate plan disaster
  160. Climate dogma is worse than you think
  161. Climate campaigners want to make the shutdown permanent
  162. Climate alarmism and Covid-19 don’t mix
  163. The pivot from Covid to climate is starting
  164. CFACT & Heartland expose lockdown aspirations of climate radicals
  165. Models reconsidered: There is no climate emergency
  166. CLINTEL Manifesto blasts climate scaremongering
  167. UN Committee Rules That “Climate Refugees” Cannot Be Sent Home
  168. Teachers Union wants climate based social revolution taught in English classes
  169. Debunking CNN’s false climate scare reporting
  170. “I Don’t Want To Die” – Schools Are Traumatizing Kids With Greta’s Climate Apocalypse
  171. N. Warns U.S. It Cannot Escape Paying Punitive Climate ‘Reparations’ 
  172. The UN’s impossible climate action pyramid
  173. Inside The Media Conspiracy to Hype Greta Thunberg and the UN Climate Conference
  174. “Climate Emergency” Warning Exposed as Fraud
  175. RINOs Join Democrats in Congress to Push Climate Hoax
  176. Climategate: Ten years later
  177. Climate alarmists drop the polar bear as their mascot since polar bears are thriving, with record population numbers
  178. UN Boss: Use “Climate Action” to “Transform World”
  179. Common sense musings on the climate debate
  180. 500 expert skeptics rattle Europe’s climate cage
  181. Scientist: Al Gore and Climate Cabal Are Lying About Global Warming
  182. Is the “climate crisis” a cruel hoax or tragic blunder?
  183. The War Against Meat: Climate Hysterics Push Cigarette-style “Sin Tax” on Red Meat
  184. Still in Shock: Aussie Election Has Stunned Big Media, Pollsters, Climate Cultists, Greens, Labor
  185. Bad data makes bad climate science
  187. World’s Biggest Seller of Carbon Offsets Accused of Being a Scam
  188. The World Bank takes an energy wrong turn
  189. EVs are designed for ChatGPT – Not “carbon units”
  190. Everything that needs electricity is made with oil.
  191. The DOE’s Press Release on Federal Building Standards Is Inaccurate and Misleading Puffery
  192. The Importance of Fossil Fuels
  193. Another day, another blow to transportation freedom
  194. Al Gore – chief science denier
  195. Loss of Snake River dams would produce more carbon dioxide
  196. “Old Horseface” Gives $10 Billion Annually to UN Dictators for Doling Out
  197. Revisiting the Keystone XL Pipeline and Joe Biden’s False Promise of ‘Green Jobs’
  198. Biden Treasury Nominee Saule Omarova wants to “bankrupt” energy companies
  199. Rich nations enjoy coal energy while demanding poor nations abstain
  200. Must only the free world ban fossil fuels?
  201. Lysenkoism: The Danger of Politicized Science
  202. Exposing the “zero-carbon” fraud
  203. President Biden: Making Russia Great Again
  204. Biden’s budget request: $1.5 trillion, 16% domestic spending increase – to start
  205. Biden Going Agency by Agency and Undoing Trump’s Rescission Orders
  206. Biden will use bureaucracy to advance green energy boondoggles
  207. Will debt & inflation consume America?
  208. A simplified global warming tutorial: Who are we kidding? Judy Collins was right.
  209. Deep State Seeks “League of Democracies” for Globalism | Behind the Deep State
  210. Green propaganda
  211. Gates & Fauci Conspiracy
  212. Unmasking fake conservative “republicEN” and the carbon taxers
  213. The Green assault on home ownership
  214. Update on Weatherbell December hurricane season from hell forecast
  215. End of the UN? Americans Are Waking Up
  216. UN & Bill Gates Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” for Global Control
  217. Private: Whale of a lawsuit threatens to swallow up Biden green energy agenda
  218. ENGINEERED FAMINE: Oregon starts SHUTTING DOWN small farms “to protect the people”
  219. Every Terrible, Evil Thing Happening In America is Courtesy of China and the CCP…Obama…and Satan. Here’s How They’re Doing It.
  220. America’s energy scam