Climate Change is Both a Hoax and Money Pit

Climate Change is Both a Hoax and Money Pit



By Mark Schwendau


Over the past 40 years, not one major climate change prediction has come to pass. Also, while Americans are forced to lose their minds over climate change with a Federal Government organization like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Eastern Asia gets a free pass. If you, as an American, buck the narrative, you are labeled a “climate denier.”


Given this scenario above, those pushing this narrative should be charged with domestic terrorism and treason. Think I am wrong?


China is abandoning fields of cars of almost new electric vehicles (EVs) without explanation. At the same time, China continues to count these vehicles as part of their EVs in service! China’s “green technology,” the “climate cultists” of the West brag about, is all smoke and mirrors, as is evident here.


If this does not make you livid and feel like going after somebody, it should. Instead, we have a nation of wussies who are unable to think for themselves and sort out fact from fiction, so they are afflicted with “climate anxiety.”


Climate anxiety can be experienced in an array of mental health problems. Those can range from anxiety and feelings of helplessness to depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and even suicidal thoughts. All of this is brought on by something that isn’t even real other than the false climate change narrative pushed by America’s Democrats.


So if the left calls a realist, like myself, a climate denier, what do I call them? I call them insane “climate alarmists.” Who makes the better call?


In February 2019, the center-right American Action Forum estimated AOC’s (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY) New Green Deal plan would cost between $51–$93 trillion over the next decade. That estimate calculates out to $600,000 per American household. In other words, the plan she wants us to follow over a false narrative will cost the country more than it is worth. Meanwhile, China and much of Asia will be doing no such thing. Tell me AOC is not the enemy within after reading that insanity! The woman needs to be removed from the House of Representatives!


Acting President Joe Biden should also be charged with treason. After a six-year hiatus, he pledged $1 billion in American taxpayer dollars to the UN’s flagship climate fund. Joe Biden made this commitment by hosting a virtual meeting of world leaders to spur limiting global warming on April 20, 2023.


The reason why Joe Biden is a failure as president compared to Donald Trump as a success, Trump would be asking two questions showing himself as a critical thinker:


1. What scientific evidence do we have that climate change is actually really occurring?

2. How much money will other countries be putting up for this initiative?


Of course, the answer to both questions would be in the negative, and Trump would walk away. Why should Americans be left holding the bag for a complete and utter hoax? Proof of this is how he handled NATO, which America overinvested in for many years. Essentially, we were getting fleeced.


So why did the Chinese make all these electric vehicles only to leave them parked in fields?


In 2018 “The Atlantic” reported a similar incident with bicycles in Shanghai, the country’s largest city and a global financial hub. They reported that after bike sharing peaked in 2017 in China, supply had outpaced demand. The result was a surplus of bicycles left in huge piles.


The abandoned cars may have suffered a similar fate. But there might be other factors at play. The 2021 model cars reportedly belong to a failed car-sharing service called Microcity, which had thousands of Kandi 11 models, as documented by the Chinese state-owned newspaper “People’s Daily.” That company’s failure may have resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic that began in 2020.


Another factor that could have led to this field of cars is something we reported on previously: “25 Red Flags Before Buying a Green EV.”


In that article, we reported:


“The nation’s power grid may not be able to handle millions of EVs charging in the future and require additional engineering of the power grid. The EV concept is relatively new in the last 20 years.  Electric power companies in the country have to change and adapt to this lifestyle change as it becomes more prevalent.”


Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau


Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  He is a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist.  His l website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.


