Huge Compilation of Linked Articles Collectively, Totally Debunk Globalists’ Obama/Biden Climate Change Scheme, Exposing Blatant Lies & Corruption with Verified Facts
Compiled by Rich Loudenback
- 1,609 global scientists debunk climate hysteria
- Those 11,000 “scientists” warning about an impending “climate emergency” are just “11,000 random people,” investigation reveals
- ABSOLUTE PROOF That Climate Change Is a Ploy for Control by Globalists
- Biden Western Solar Plan will sacrifice 22 million public land acres to fight climate change
- More Absolute Proof that CO2 Climate Change Is A Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Theory for CONTROL
- Fires, Hurricanes: Not Caused by Climate Change
- Maui and Climate Change Absurdity
- Climate change policies war on America’s living standards
- Climate Change is Both a Hoax and Money Pit
- Phony Climate Change Narrative: Follow the Evidence
- How Green Investors Pay the Media to Promote ‘Climate Change’
- A Little Learning on Methane and Climate Change
- The Collapse of the Climate Change Cult
- A Central Role for Climate Change in the New U.S. National Security Strategy
- The True Craziness of the Phony Climate Change Narrative
- WATCH NOW: Biden Is Trying To Crush A Historic Climate Change Lawsuit
- At UN Commission on Status of Women, Far Left Ties Gender Ideology, Abortion to Climate Change
- Climate change chorus exploits tornado tragedy
- Would the Real Climate Change Hypocrite Please Stand Up!
- Climate lockdown: UCL professor advocating lockdowns to combat “climate change”
- CFACT engages in climate change showdown at Freedom Fest
- Climate change: Last bastion of the royalists
- Top Secret Cold War Military Project Found, Could End Climate Change Hoax
- “Climate Change” No Cause for Alarm, Report Says
- Most voters either believe climate change isn’t real or don’t want climate policies harming economy
- Toxic chemical in car tires, not climate change, is killing off West Coast salmon
- Manufacturing climate change deceptions — Part Two
- Global warming/climate change due to CO2 is cancelled
- Here We Go Again: Leftist Eco Policies, Not ‘Climate Change’ Causing Western Wildfires
- The real climate change deniers
- The real climate change deniers
- Hundreds of News Outlets Agree to Use Pandemic to Hype Climate Change
- A very fresh look at climate change
- Climate change accused of being deadlier than Covid 19 — Fact check
- Exposing How the Hoax of Climate Change Drives Delirious Political Policies
- The warming wind turbines of climate change
- ‘Climate Change: A Convenient Truth’ – A Short and Simple Book for School Kids
- Climate change delusions are undermining science
- The Climate change money machine
- Entitlement Liabilities Are a Graver Threat to the Next Generation of Americans than Climate Change
- What is Climate Change Costing You? Ask Idaho Power
- Al Gore’s climate change disaster nothing but hot air
- Climate change that ignores history
- Inslee claims to have witnessed climate change: But where?
- Climate Change and Governor Inslee
- Added Green Vegetation from Climate Change Shrinks Sahara Desert by Whopping 8%!
- “Meet the Press” Drops Any Pretense at Objectivity on Climate Change Issue
- The WEF and Climate-Change Nonsense
- No meltdown: ANOTHER ship with climate-change warriors gets stuck in ice
- Law Firms Stand To Make Killing From Blue Cities’ Climate Lawsuits Against Energy Giants
- The Netherlands’ U-turn to climate sanity
- Courts slap down climate policies – again
- JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock drop out of UN Climate Action alliance
- Congress and the courts enable climate and energy fantasies and government expansion.
- Climate Agenda Makes Vital CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant
- Chinese Communist Party linked to funding climate activists in the U.S. and U.K.
- Climate “journalism” perpetuates fraud
- Bad Climate Data Brings Wrong Conclusions
- Climate Justice, Nonsense on Steroids
- UN Report Condemns U.S., Demanding Speech Control, Constitution Change & More Abortion
- The climate war is over: China won
- CLINTEL World Climate Declaration
- Largest Wildfire Ever Recorded in the EU Caused by Arson, Not Climate
- Climate ideology in America’s classrooms
- Peak ESG behind us: Investors throw out climate fantasies
- Morano speaking tour exposes Great Reset and climate agenda
- Legalized climate grifting
- Climate Cartels Plan to Cancel Single Family Homes, Private Cars
- The climate cabal has plans for you
- Climate at a Glance: Deaths from Extreme Weather
- The Australian Climate is Fine — but the State of the CSIRO and the BOM is a Crisis
- COP 27: Biden climate “fact sheet” mired in false attribution, massive spending and regulation
- The insanity of the UN climate COP’s continues
- Climate policies vs. nature
- Climate extremism is making America mentally ill
- Let’s talk about REAL climate cataclysms
- How global hurricane activity can rebut climate exaggeration
- End-running democracy by forcing climate policies
- Senate Poised To Ratify Climate Treaty That Could Make Home Appliances Even More Expensive
- Declarations of “climate emergency,” not the climate, are causing serious harm
- Dallas event shows ‘Climate Hustle 2,’ CFACT’s Morano speaks
- Private: US temperature readings are junk, negating climate science
- Climate Hypocrisy: Obama Installs 2,500-Gallon Fossil Fuel Tanks at Martha’s Vineyard Property
- Climate Hypocrisy: Obama Installs 2,500-Gallon Fossil Fuel Tanks at Martha’s Vineyard Property
- SEC’s “Climate-related disclosures” would put farmers and ranchers in regulatory cross-hairs
- Biden’s climate crusaders: What planet do they live on?
- The secret climate election we didn’t know we had
- Washington Policy Center: Green activists dismiss science in favor of political dogma on salmon and climate
- CFACT’s “Climate Hustle 2” airs on Newsmax for world broadcast premiere
- How the climate crusade hijacked the environmental movement
- Report: Big Tech Caught Tilting the Scales for Biden; Changed Outcome of 2020 Election
- Soundbite, snapshot methods push the phony climate war
- Report: “No Evidence of a Climate Crisis”
- Climate alarmism posing as science education for children
- Another chapter in the climate war against democracy and prosperity
- Ranchers in climate crosshairs as food prices soar
- Death by a thousand cuts until climate scare defeated
- The army’s climate obsession is a disgrace
- When climate alarmists panic, they double down on their propaganda
- John Kerry: Putin’s useful climate idiot
- Canada’s capital attempts climate suicide (Part Three)
- Supreme Court Hears Blockbuster Climate Case With Separation Of Powers Implications
- Climate mandates threaten global security
- The “social cost” of climate fraud
- 25 States Urge Biden To Rescind Fed Nominee Over ‘Radical’ Climate, Social Views – Idaho Is One of Them. Washington & Montana Are Not!
- 2021 State Of The Climate Report
- Canada’s capital chooses climate suicide
- Google censors climate scientist
- Biden’s tornado climate ambulance-chasing
- The real climate and health crisis
- Wrong again Biden: Tornadoes are weather, not climate
- EPA proposes to hammer oil and natural gas with crazy new climate rules
- The rise of climate terrorism
- CLINTEL trilogy calls on heads of government, young people and climate scientists to wake up
- Biden’s climate power grab via trillions of dollars in annual federal procurement
- Private: COP 26: U.S.-China Climate Declaration Official Text
- COP 26: Armageddon awaits at the UN Climate Conference
- Xi, Putin snub high-stakes U.N. climate summit, momentum lags among world’s major polluters
- UN climate road trip! (and $hakedown)
- A mad rush for coal: China and India suspend climate correctness
- The crafty language of climate alarmism
- Climate narcissism
- Five Big Problems With President Biden’s Energy-Climate Plan
- Greenhouse saturation research could kill the “climate emergency”
- Report: Biden climate policies turning America into authoritarian capitalism
- Record Coral Cover Of Great Barrier Reef Shames Climate Alarmists, Media
- Unfounded fear of extinction drives climate hysteria
- Leftists’ Lockdown Love Affair: Are Climate Lockdowns Next?
- John Kerry tops climate as greatest “existential threat”
- Texas weather exposes the agenda-driven phony climate war
- False Fauci Covid narrative a microcosm of climate lies
- Review — Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, And Why It Matters – by Steven E. Koonin
- Another example of the media’s escalation of the phony climate war
- Climate Activists Target Pet Owners, Dogs and Cats
- Was China’s “great leap forward” disaster related to climate?
- Alarming climate exaggerations and policy mistakes — Biden’s 2021 Earth Day summit
- S. / China official joint climate statement
- CNN’s climate scare plans exposed
- Corporate climate “wokeness” reaps diminishing returns
- When history disproves climate doom
- The Godfather of climate skepticism makes you a book you can’t refuse
- Pro-Pothead “Climate Warrior” Confirmed As Interior Secretary
- Pelosi wrong on Central America migration and climate
- Climate Czar John Kerry
- Democrats’ climate agenda will mimic their COVID tyranny
- Massachusetts climate official resigns after admitting plans to “break your will”
- A Biden climate “emergency” would jettison democracy
- Banning gas-powered vehicles means a crushing change for America
- Climate “emergency” means house arrest
- Going zany on climate
- ‘Climate arson’ and other wildfire nonsense
- Mendacious Media enables climate alarmism
- New Dem climate plan disaster
- Climate dogma is worse than you think
- Climate campaigners want to make the shutdown permanent
- Climate alarmism and Covid-19 don’t mix
- The pivot from Covid to climate is starting
- CFACT & Heartland expose lockdown aspirations of climate radicals
- Models reconsidered: There is no climate emergency
- CLINTEL Manifesto blasts climate scaremongering
- UN Committee Rules That “Climate Refugees” Cannot Be Sent Home
- Teachers Union wants climate based social revolution taught in English classes
- Debunking CNN’s false climate scare reporting
- “I Don’t Want To Die” – Schools Are Traumatizing Kids With Greta’s Climate Apocalypse
- N. Warns U.S. It Cannot Escape Paying Punitive Climate ‘Reparations’
- The UN’s impossible climate action pyramid
- Inside The Media Conspiracy to Hype Greta Thunberg and the UN Climate Conference
- “Climate Emergency” Warning Exposed as Fraud
- RINOs Join Democrats in Congress to Push Climate Hoax
- Climategate: Ten years later
- Climate alarmists drop the polar bear as their mascot since polar bears are thriving, with record population numbers
- UN Boss: Use “Climate Action” to “Transform World”
- Common sense musings on the climate debate
- 500 expert skeptics rattle Europe’s climate cage
- Scientist: Al Gore and Climate Cabal Are Lying About Global Warming
- Is the “climate crisis” a cruel hoax or tragic blunder?
- The War Against Meat: Climate Hysterics Push Cigarette-style “Sin Tax” on Red Meat
- Still in Shock: Aussie Election Has Stunned Big Media, Pollsters, Climate Cultists, Greens, Labor
- Bad data makes bad climate science
- World’s Biggest Seller of Carbon Offsets Accused of Being a Scam
- The World Bank takes an energy wrong turn
- EVs are designed for ChatGPT – Not “carbon units”
- Everything that needs electricity is made with oil.
- The DOE’s Press Release on Federal Building Standards Is Inaccurate and Misleading Puffery
- The Importance of Fossil Fuels
- Another day, another blow to transportation freedom
- Al Gore – chief science denier
- Loss of Snake River dams would produce more carbon dioxide
- “Old Horseface” Gives $10 Billion Annually to UN Dictators for Doling Out
- Revisiting the Keystone XL Pipeline and Joe Biden’s False Promise of ‘Green Jobs’
- Biden Treasury Nominee Saule Omarova wants to “bankrupt” energy companies
- Rich nations enjoy coal energy while demanding poor nations abstain
- Must only the free world ban fossil fuels?
- Lysenkoism: The Danger of Politicized Science
- Exposing the “zero-carbon” fraud
- President Biden: Making Russia Great Again
- Biden’s budget request: $1.5 trillion, 16% domestic spending increase – to start
- Biden Going Agency by Agency and Undoing Trump’s Rescission Orders
- Biden will use bureaucracy to advance green energy boondoggles
- Will debt & inflation consume America?
- A simplified global warming tutorial: Who are we kidding? Judy Collins was right.
- Deep State Seeks “League of Democracies” for Globalism | Behind the Deep State
- Green propaganda
- Gates & Fauci Conspiracy
- Unmasking fake conservative “republicEN” and the carbon taxers
- The Green assault on home ownership
- Update on Weatherbell December hurricane season from hell forecast
- End of the UN? Americans Are Waking Up
- UN & Bill Gates Behind “Digital Public Infrastructure” for Global Control
- Private: Whale of a lawsuit threatens to swallow up Biden green energy agenda
- ENGINEERED FAMINE: Oregon starts SHUTTING DOWN small farms “to protect the people”
- Every Terrible, Evil Thing Happening In America is Courtesy of China and the CCP…Obama…and Satan. Here’s How They’re Doing It.
- America’s energy scam