These “Lords of Chaos” must find out that they are subject to the same rule of law that binds the rest of us mere mortals. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullJ.T. Wilcox, the leader of the Washington State Republicans has admitted to working with the Democrats in their efforts to oust Representative Matt Shea. - BY SHARI DOVALE
Read FullMimicking attacks on President Trump, ultra-left Democrats and their Fake News allies have unleashed a massive campaign smearing Washington State Representative Matt Shea a “domestic terrorist.” - BY WILLIAM JASPER
Read FullWhy should we believe that Congress would magically follow new laws any more than present laws? - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullIf a Virginia county votes to join West Virginia, who among the Democrat Left has the moral authority to oppose it? - BY JD HEYES
Read FullThe solution is to educate the electorate in the principles in our present Constitution — limited government, individual liberty, separation of powers, checks, balances, and federalism... - BY STEVE BYAS
Read FullIn this Report from Olympia, you can read about how different approaches were reflected in work lawmakers did during this busy first week. - BY WASHINGTON SEN. MIKE PADDEN
Read FullDon’t let this setback get you too down. It could be that this is the beginning of something that will awaken the great sleeping giant ... - BY JBS STAFF
Read FullSome recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. I hope you enjoy the information. - BY ID SENATOR DON CHEATHAM
Read Full...whenever government steps in to “help” people, it takes from and undermines parents, families, neighbors, and community organizations that voluntarily offer better services and better results. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullIn Lt. Gov. Priscilla Giddings opinion Gov. Little's comments on the repeal of the tax mean that they will pursue grocery tax repeal...BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read FullNo wonder children are terrified of their future. The radical premise of the Action Now! movement is that we are going to die from climate change... - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullSmartphones being given by the federal government to low-income people have Chinese spyware installed, spyware that can’t be removed and gives agents of Beijing... - BY JOE WOLVERTON, II, J.D.
Read Full...during the Obama administration, top military officials were given a litmus test asking them if they would fire on US citizens or not. - BY INFOWARS
Read Full...undercover video has captured a violent Sanders field organizer talking about putting political opponents in Stalinesque “gulags” and saying that the campaign is full of people... - BY SELWYN
Read Full...Obama got away with it all- because he had the biased, liberal mainstream media lock, stock and barrel. They let Obama get away with murder. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThe push for a Con-Con can be likened to walking along a steep precipice on a windy day. In other words, it amounts to possible suicide. - BY JOHN McMANUS
Read FullMake no mistake about it, when Bernie rages on about redistribution-of-wealth schemes, he’s not just some idealistic old fool. On the contrary, he gives hope to millions...BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full... a combination of the TPP, the North American Union and NAFTA on steroids. The provision of this agreement will turn America into a corporate dictatorship. - BY DAVE HODGES
Read FullI am taking a break from the Handing Over Idaho on a Silver Platter series to give a quick legislative update on our first week... - BY REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read Full...The baby killing political party, the terrorist (Soleimani) supporting party, the deconstruction of the American culture political party, the Democrats, are in favor of the USMCA,... - BY DAVE HODGES
Read FullGod clearly prohibits murder. His word also makes it evident that he approves of protecting the innocent, even to the point of using lethal force - BY ROBERT W. PECK
Read Full...anyone accused of a crime has a right to see all evidence against them, to face their accusers, and to call witnesses in their defense. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullThe USMCA transitions control of America to unelected, unaccountable, UN global elitists who know what’s best about everything for everybody in a Socialist world. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...submerging the sovereignty of nation-states into regional “orders”/governments built using “free trade” deals as the foundation, with the European Union serving as the premier example... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullWhat is actually wrong with it and where to find it in the document yourself. It will make us a member state of a global government. -
Read FullIf President Trump described the TransPacific Partnership as the worst trade deal in history, then why is 57 percent of his renegotiated NAFTA agreement copied from TPP? - BY
Read FullAmerican sovereignty will be dissolved if these giant FTA’s are reawakened to transition us to fruition as intended just like the member states of the EU. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullDr. Duke says Trump has "caved into progressive Democrats. You have given them what they wanted." - BY TNA VIDEO
Read Full...UN globalists typically use opaque language to disguise the real agenda, in this case, UN bosses celebrated the emergence of a “new world order” - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full...President Trump...should be raising absolute hell about the facts involved in this ginned up nefarious scheme to hasten the demise of America’s sovereignty. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullAlex Newman brings attention to the annual global summit which takes place in Dubai. - BY TNA 11 MIN. VIDEO w/ ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullPut bluntly, the USMCA is a fine-tuned instrument of doom for our nation’s sovereignty. Need proof? Just read it. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...once USMCA is introduced in Congress, those concerned about... merging the US with socialist Canada and corrupt pro-communist Mexico — will have no time to waste. - BY CHRISTAN
Read Full...Newman breaks down the organization consisting of the world’s elites, politicians, as well as corporations who influence foreign and domestic policy in the United States. - BY TNA VIDEO
Read Full...despite top U.S. media outlets partnering with the summit, the establishment press in the United States largely failed to inform Americans about it. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full