...State of Washington already boasts some of the most egregious infringements against law-abiding gun owners’ rights, including a law that requires an individual to be 21.... - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read Full...a crowd various estimates place between 600 and 1,000, has drawn mixed reactions on social media, but many in the crowd carried signs declaring support.... - BY DAVE WORKMAN
Read Full...there is a nefarious agenda to use certain species of fish, their habitat or lack thereof, and interfere with water rights which are a real property... - BY KAREN SHUMACHER
Read FullThe Divide: "We went to Spokane Valley to get a better understanding of why some voters are unfazed by "domestic terrorism" accusations against Rep. Matt Shea." - BY BRANDI KRUSE
Read FullMany of the headlines printed in the last few days about Idaho House member John Green have been grossly inaccurate, therefore injurious to him. - BY ID REP. TONY WISNIEWSKI
Read FullThe Nation; “If we want to keep cities safe in the face of climate change, we need to seriously question the ideal of private homeownership.” - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullThe press incorrectly reported the issue, the decision doesn't remove the dams. The court decision directs the Environmental Protection Agency to complete Clean Water Act... - BY RONALD HARRIMAN
Read Full“Without robust national and international efforts, the effects of climate change in receiving states may expose individuals to a violation of their right,” the ruling claimed. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read FullEncouraging Democrats to kill the bill was the tax-funded lobbying and abortion giant Planned Parenthood, as well as the far-left California Federation of Teachers. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullParts 1 and 2: Great turn out, there were about 250-ish souls in support of the rule of law, supporting the patriots in Virginia. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullAmerica is taking giant steps toward following Germany’s failed climate goals which should be a wake-up call for governments everywhere. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullIn this exposé, Boise Leaks reveals the power and money behind candidate Doug Okuniewicz. -BY BOISE LEAKS.ORG
Read Full...very well funded organizations, in partnership with state and federal agencies are targeting water and private land owners who live in not only Lemhi county, but... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullExpenses for instructional support, which includes expenses for central and executive-level management services, grew by 287%. Meanwhile, resources devoted to instruction increased 67%.... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullFifth generation wireless technology (5G) will forever alter human evolution, inundating human cells and subtle energy systems of the human body with constant pulses of radio-frequency radiation and ... BY
Read FullTrump should appoint a special counsel outside the FBI and Justice Department, since these agencies have proven they are utterly corrupt and incapable of policing themselves. - BY CHRIS FARRELL
Read Full244 years ago we took a stand and said, NO MORE KINGS, and we’re not about to change our minds now. - BY KRISANNE HALL, JD
Read FullIs VA's governor an idiot or a pawn of the deep state in the ongoing pursuit to take our guns and erode our Constitution? - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullThese “Lords of Chaos” must find out that they are subject to the same rule of law that binds the rest of us mere mortals. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullJ.T. Wilcox, the leader of the Washington State Republicans has admitted to working with the Democrats in their efforts to oust Representative Matt Shea. - BY SHARI DOVALE
Read FullMimicking attacks on President Trump, ultra-left Democrats and their Fake News allies have unleashed a massive campaign smearing Washington State Representative Matt Shea a “domestic terrorist.” - BY WILLIAM JASPER
Read FullWhy should we believe that Congress would magically follow new laws any more than present laws? - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullIf a Virginia county votes to join West Virginia, who among the Democrat Left has the moral authority to oppose it? - BY JD HEYES
Read FullThe solution is to educate the electorate in the principles in our present Constitution — limited government, individual liberty, separation of powers, checks, balances, and federalism... - BY STEVE BYAS
Read FullIn this Report from Olympia, you can read about how different approaches were reflected in work lawmakers did during this busy first week. - BY WASHINGTON SEN. MIKE PADDEN
Read FullDon’t let this setback get you too down. It could be that this is the beginning of something that will awaken the great sleeping giant ... - BY JBS STAFF
Read FullSome recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. I hope you enjoy the information. - BY ID SENATOR DON CHEATHAM
Read Full...whenever government steps in to “help” people, it takes from and undermines parents, families, neighbors, and community organizations that voluntarily offer better services and better results. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullIn Lt. Gov. Priscilla Giddings opinion Gov. Little's comments on the repeal of the tax mean that they will pursue grocery tax repeal...BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read FullNo wonder children are terrified of their future. The radical premise of the Action Now! movement is that we are going to die from climate change... - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullSmartphones being given by the federal government to low-income people have Chinese spyware installed, spyware that can’t be removed and gives agents of Beijing... - BY JOE WOLVERTON, II, J.D.
Read Full...during the Obama administration, top military officials were given a litmus test asking them if they would fire on US citizens or not. - BY INFOWARS
Read Full...undercover video has captured a violent Sanders field organizer talking about putting political opponents in Stalinesque “gulags” and saying that the campaign is full of people... - BY SELWYN
Read Full...Obama got away with it all- because he had the biased, liberal mainstream media lock, stock and barrel. They let Obama get away with murder. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThe push for a Con-Con can be likened to walking along a steep precipice on a windy day. In other words, it amounts to possible suicide. - BY JOHN McMANUS
Read FullMake no mistake about it, when Bernie rages on about redistribution-of-wealth schemes, he’s not just some idealistic old fool. On the contrary, he gives hope to millions...BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full