How global hurricane activity can rebut climate exaggeration

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...whatever hysteria is whipped up, with 4x the amount of people than 1930  we have 1/28th the amount of climate and weather-related deaths today.  - BY JOE BASTARDI

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In support of a young J6 patriot the feds made a scapegoat

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The un-American Department of Injustice has made life hell for hundreds of peaceful Trump rally participants – locking them up, throwing away keys, harassing their families... - BY MICHELLE MALKIN

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Hurricane hype, lies, censorship – and reality

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...newest fear-mongering is slightly more sophisticated. Now hurricanes are gaining strength more rapidly, because of fossil fuels. The phenomenon even has a fancy name: “rapid intensification.” - BY PAUL DRIESSEN

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The Democratic Party’s History of Anarchy: 1800-1918 – Part 2

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Democrat Memphis City Judge John C. Creighton: “Boys, I want you to go ahead and kill every damned one of the ni**er race and burn the cradles.”  - BY STEVEN

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Taking Rights Seriously

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A right is not a privilege. A right is an indefeasible personal claim against the whole world. It does not require a government permission slip. - BY ANDREW NAPOLITANO

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Saudis Bet Against Joe: Arabia Cuts Oil Production to Force Biden From Power

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Joe Gallops Dem Donkeys Off Cliff While America's Enemies Celebrate - BY KELLY O'CONNELL

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The Maoist “Helmsman,” Xi Jinping Becomes All-Powerful on Sunday

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As Xi gains more power with his Maoist policies, his economy is contracting. He’s using power alone to bring China into a more restrictive communist rule. - BY M. DOWLING

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The Power of Silence

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Aldous Huxley: "...simply not mentioning certain subjects … totalitarian propagandists influenced opinion more effectively than they could' have by the most eloquent denunciations. ” - BY ROBERT RINGER

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Why Conservatism’s Most Important Value Is Liberty

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conservatives stand for “liberty”—especially free speech. That’s why you fear and oppose big government—because big government and individual liberty cannot coexist. - BY DENNIS PRAGER

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Unlike Bob Kustra, the Idaho Freedom Foundation carefully combs through the budget every year. When we criticize certain legislators based on records, we have actually examined... - BY FRED BIRNBAUM

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The Mike Ingersoll Story: Benewah County Sheriff falsely arrests one of their own

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Mr. Ingersoll was falsly arrested by a Benewa County Sheriff Deputy who was himself actually a former convicted felon. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Mitch McConnell Sinks to a Despicable New Low

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Sen. Mitch McConnell is paying for ads his political group puts out to assassinate the character of Alaska Republican Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka. - BY M. DOWLING

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FBI Chief Was Found Dead After Exposing Sickening Truth About the Elite

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...there was an FBI chief who, before his death in 2011, blew the whistle on Satanism in the CIA, the Illuminati, elite pedophile rings, and more... - BY BAXTER DMITRY

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Biden’s petroleum embargo: Back to the 70’s 

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Indeed, trying to manage the domestic supply of a globally traded commodity only results in unintended consequences. - BY DAVE JUDAY

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Learn why ESG standards are a threat to our personal and economic liberty. - BY THE HEARTLAND INSTITUTE STAFF

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AMA goes all-in with child mutilations, wants DOJ to prosecute those who try to save children from gender-mutilating surgeries

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There is a very real possibility that the AMA will get its way, if any of the DOJ’s recent actions under Joe Biden are any indication. - BY ETHAN HUFF

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Idaho’s government promotes radical gender theories in schools building partnerships with interest groups pushing the sexualization of children, like Planned Parenthood.  -BY ANNA MILLER AND DR. SCOTT YENOR

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The Democrat Party: A History of Anarchy – Part 1

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Since the election of Donald Trump, the vitriolic attacks on Trump, his family, cabinet, and conservatives in America today are non-stop. - BY STEVEN NEILL

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Congress Considering Police-federalization Bills, Could Pass Them After Midterms

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Federal involvement in local police is dangerous; making the latter dependent on the former, thus allowing the federal government to insidiously take over local police departments. - BY PETER

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Defend the Guard: A Powerful Check on Unconstitutional War Powers

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Defend the Guard is a state-level bill that would stop the deployment of a state’s National Guard units unless specific constitutional criteria are met. - BY MIKE MAHARREY

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Now We Know Washington Democrat Patty Murray Really Is In Trouble

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One tell that Democrats are in panic mode is that New York Senator Charles Schumer transferred $500,000 of his own campaign cash to Murray’s campaign. - BY GEORGE RASLEY

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Profound Evil at the DOJ As They Arrest Pro-Life Protesters as Felons

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The DOJ hasn't pursued or charged anti-pro-life radicals for firebombing pregnancy centers. The vicious, threatening protesters outside Justice’s homes weren't arrested although they broke the law. - BY M. DOWLING

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Inside the Machines

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VALIDATED FORENSIC DISK IMAGES: The downloads are two forensic image files created from a Dominion voting machine. - BY THE LINDELL REPORT

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Buckle Up, Buttercup

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Buckle up, Buttercup and settle in. Ridding the world of this evil isn't gonna wrap up like a tight 90-minute movie script. This might take a while. - BY R. ALTOMARE

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Europe’s Approaching Energy Crisis and Economic Winter

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Europe is preparing now to suffer the consequences of the wrongheaded interventionist policies it has followed for more than a decade. - BY NIKOLA KEDHI

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Unscrambling Net Zero deceptions

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Some states are stating that 100% of their energy be CLEAN by 2050. All of this is absurd and impossible. - BY DR. JAY LEHR

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Dr. Jason Dean: “This Is How We Change the World”

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...importance of speaking out: as more people speak out, the more other people will speak out. Dr. Dean: “This is how we change the world.” - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER

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U.S. Farmers Grab the Lobbying Pitchforks as Greens Sow Costly New Reporting Mandates

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Echoing conflicts from Sri Lanka to Canada to the Netherlands, tensions between farmers and green-minded government policymakers are building in the United States... - BY STEVE MILLER

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Twitter Hires Army of FBI Agents to Conduct Big Brother Surveillance

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“Twitter is already gearing up to intervene against “misleading narratives” they anticipate are coming ahead of the US 2022 midterm elections. - BY SHANE TREJO

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Planned Parenthood To Offer Abortions Out Of An RV

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Planned Parenthood will offer chemical and surgical abortions out of an RV along the Illinois-Missouri border, according to NPR. - BY LAUREL DUGGAN

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Arrogance of the Ignorant

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...incompetent people often suffer from delusions of superiority that result in their vastly overrating their own knowledge and abilities. - BY ROBERT RINGER

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The case decides since the Constitution does not mention abortion there is no federal right to one and the issue must be decided in the states. - BY DONALD BROCKETT

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Great Barrier Reef Thriving Despite Doomsday Predictions

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This study is an absolute blockbuster in terms of busting the myth that corals are on the verge of extinction. BY JACK DINI

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Health Officials Admit Bill Gates Runs the World

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In a report published in Politico, US and European officials and global health specialists admitted that Bill Gates is running the global COVID response. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA

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The Ideal Communist City: “It is the special and historical claim of communism to be a work of conscious creation based on theory. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT

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Anti-Globalism Is Going Mainstream – Which Means Engineered Disaster Is About To Strike

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The public outcry for reckoning's growing and the heads of globalists will end up on the chopping block. All roads to destruction lead back to them... - BY BRANDON SMITH

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