Boise & The Great Reset

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While this is about Boise, every Idahoan should be on the alert for it happening in their city. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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The Kootenai County Task Ahead: The Patriots’ Challenge

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Now is the time to stop the madness and vote for patriots that have a world view that represents sanity. BY BOB SHILLLINGSTAD

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The Crime of the Century: Did Joe Biden and his Cronies Steal a Billion Dollars from U.S. Taxpayers by Overpaying for Chinese Covid Test Kits?

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There are five obvious things almost everyone who isn’t blind, deaf, or really dumb knows at this point…. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT

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How John Durham Documented the Biggest Illegal Dirty Trick in U.S. History & Why No One Will Be Held Responsible

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What did Mr. Durham know three days ago when he released his report, that he did not know prior to the November 8th, 2020 election? - BY ROGER STONE

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The trend I see coming from actions of the global elites is pure ruination of everything they’ve touched with their edicts, treaties, and regulations. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT

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Some Blue States/Cities Look to Ban Fast Food Drive-Thrus

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The idea of drive-thrus creating more climate change is laughable.- BY MARK S. SCHWENDAU

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Path to Liberty: Top-4 to Nullify

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...if we want to build a real “land of the free” – there’s a lot of stuff that needs to be nullified into oblivion.  -BY MICAHEL BOLDIN

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Hunter Is Also In Violation Of The Mann Act

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The Mann Act is a federal law that criminalizes the transportation of “any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery or for any other... - BY DENISE SIMON

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This will be an opportunity to ask the commissioners the hard questions and to hear their answers. - BY JENNIFER NOEL

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Empowering American farmers to stand up and take action

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Organizing local Freedom Pods will allow concerned Americans to stand up and say they know how to tackle the growing attacks they are facing. - BY TOM DEWEESE

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Decisions Have Consequences

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DeSantis's poor judgment could end up costing him not just the opportunity to become the 2028 Republican nominee, but the opportunity to ever become president.  - BY ROBERT RINGER

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It’s Time for GOP Congress to Subpoena CEOs of Mainstream Media and Ask Them Under Oath Why They’re Covering-Up Biden’s Crimes

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This is the biggest story in America today. The entire mainstream media is owned by the Democrat Party, thereby effectively turning America into a one-party state. - BY WAYNE ROOT

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Understand that the perpetrators of the radical environmental movement aren't protectors of the planet, they're destroyers of human society. We're fighting for our right to exist. -BY TOM DeWEESE

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IDFG & Wildlife Disease

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Pressure must be brought to bear on agencies using destructive practices until they study the cause and effect between pesticides and the health of wildlife. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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Supreme Court’s WOTUS ruling will shake things up across the board as result of Sackett v. EPA in Idaho

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The administrative regulatory state has been dealt a setback, and the country has moved a few steps closer to restoring the Constitution’s separation of powers. - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph.

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Stop Spy Cameras and Smart Cities

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This video explains why “Transportation Management Center’s” are enormous threats and how KMPO's plans for Spy Center in CDA can be stopped. -BY NISGR AND ‘STOP SMART CITIES IN IDAHO’

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Global food-processing giant announces world’s largest lab-grown meat facility to be built in 2024

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One of the ways these “innovators” are able to grow cultured fake meat so fast is by harnessing the replicating ability of animal cancer cells. - BY LEO HOHMAN

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Climate Change is Both a Hoax and Money Pit

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...the past 40 years, not one major climate change prediction's come to pass. If you, buck the narrative, you're labeled a “climate denier.” - BY MARK S. SCHWENDAU

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It’s time to take off the cloak of secrecy and let the rest of us see what’s behind the veil. It’s clear not enough “smart people”... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN

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If You Work for the FBI, Quit Your Job

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We’ve moved way past the “few bad apples,” excuse. The FBI is a tool of leftist power. - BY ADAM MILL

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Human Rights Task Forces call to action over fabricated North Idaho College accreditation debacle.

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Public records prove extremists are once again stirring the cultural pot. = BY CASEY WHALEN

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‘Huge success’: LA Dodgers protest rally dwarfs support for blasphemous ‘Pride Night’

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The massive rally in LA against the Dodgers’ honoring anti-Catholic drag “nuns” drew several thousand people dwarfing the turnout for the drag queens’ award ceremony... BY RAYMOND WOLF

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Our Vanishing Justice System

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Within a year and a half we will know if the US has devolved from a two-tier justice system to no justice system at all. - BY ROBERT RINBER

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SDG #2 In Idaho

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Food is one powerful weapon that can, and has been weaponized for control.  The stage has been set for a very bumpy road ahead regarding food. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down On Woke Even As They Lose Billions

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ESG is not going away on its own. Woke ideology is not going away on its own. These structures will have to be destroyed... - BY BRANDON DURST

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RFK Jr. and Elon Musk Discuss ‘Reclaiming Democracy’

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Kennedy: "We need to assure the people..that the Constitution is no longer under threat, and nobody wants to come and take away their guns. - BY DR. JOSPEPH MERCOLA

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A Pfizer shot. A failed heart. A transplant. Get vaxxed again?

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The Berndsens are grateful that there are doctors like Peter McCullough, who do question the safe-and-effective vaccine narrative. He gave perspective to their vaccine experience... - BY MARY BETH PFEIFFER

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Climate ideology in America’s classrooms

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Children deserve climate facts and realities by using scientifically sound, agenda-free climate components to K-12 curriculum. - BY PETER MURPHY

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The really Big Guy behind the Big Guy

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The evidence shows that Obama, not Hillary or Biden, launched the Russia-gate probe of Donald Trump. Obama was the real security risk, and still is. - BY CLIFF KINCAID

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Limitations on mining for electricity

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...more than three billion tons of metals and minerals could be required over the next three decades to power the technologies for a global electricity transition. - BY RONALD STEIN

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Red China in Cuba

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China's not going away. The US must increase its own “gray zone” activities built upon a strong military and economy. Reciprocity to CCP actions is essential. - BY LAURENCE SANFORD

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What Actually Happened at Trump’s Arraignment?

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A quite thoroughly detailed accounting of the just over 30 minutes of President Donald Trump's Miami arraignment. -BY ANNA BOWER

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As US Military Files for Bankruptcy, the Creditors Keep Calling

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Across the armed forces, service leaders continue to tout a military getting smaller and older as necessary to free up funds for other priorities. - BY MACKENZIE EAGLEN

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FROM MSN:  Audit Reveals ‘Improper Payments’ From Feds Ballooned To Over Half A Trillion Dollars Under Biden

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The Biden administration wasted over half a trillion dollars in its first two years due to “improper payments,” according to an audit... - BY WILL KESSLER

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Globalists revving up plans to engineer global famine and starvation: 13 nations agree to convert over to less-productive ‘green’ farming methods

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There's no more efficient way to depopulate than through war, famine and plagues. ...all three of these time-tested methods of murder are in play right now? - BY LEO

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The National Debt is a National Curse

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If you want more liberty, a strong national defense, more peace and prosperity – you have to reduce debt by making the government smaller. -BY MICHAEL BOLDEN

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