Why We Need to Stop the USMCA!
By The John Birch Society
USMCA: Threat to Our Independence
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA or NAFTA 2.0) picks up where NAFTA left off. NAFTA was originally intended as “the architecture of a new international system” and not as a conventional trade agreement. It set the foundation to integrate the three North American countries. The USMCA will move us closer to a full-blown EU-style North American Union.
Even though President Trump withdrew the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), sections of the TPP show up in the USMCA word-for-word! In fact, chief globalists are already endorsing the agreement.
Unaccountable Entangling Bureaucracy
Chapter 30 of the USMCA/NAFTA 2.0 establishes a new governing bureaucracy – an unelected, unaccountable Free Trade Commission overseeing various lower regional committees. Much like the TPP Commission, the Free Trade Commission can make changes to the USMCA without the consent of Congress. This completely undermines Congress’ Constitutional Article I, Section 8 power to regulate trade with foreign nations.
Consistent with other globalist schemes, the USMCA follows the “rules-based system” of submission to international bodies such as the World Trade Organization, International Labor Organization, a plethora of United Nations conventions including the Law of Sea Treaty (which the U.S. has never ratified), and the furtherance of “sustainable development,” which is mentioned no less than six times in the environment chapter.
Part of a World Government Build-up
The USMCA is part of a startling, but purposeful, strategy used by the globalist elites to integrate individual nations into regional unions with overarching unaccountable bureaucracy. These regional unions help to create a “new world order” that is being organized under the United Nations. The UN’s Commission on Global Governance wrote in 1995 “regional cooperation and integration should be seen as an important and integral part of a balanced system of global governance.”
Existing unions include the European Union, African Union, Union of South America, Eurasian Economic Union, and more. We’ve stopped similar trade deals in the past, including the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the TPP, and the TTIP.
Steps To Rejecting The USMCA
The push for passing the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is getting closer and closer as we approach the 2020 presidential election. Congress is back into session next week after its summer recess. No indications have been made as to when the USMCA legislation may be introduced.
President Trump has supported this trade deal from the beginning causing his loyal supporters to back the USMCA, while the Democrats have only tepid opposition to it. Once again, JBS members and supporters are asked to stand in the gap and stop the USMCA to save American sovereignty.
We must be aware of the dangers that the USMCA presents, and get others to see those dangers, so that America does not enter into this globalist trade deal.
First, we urge you to watch our latest Analysis Behind the News video where we discuss that 57% of the USMCA is pulled from the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) as well as other dangers the USMCA presents. We also urge you to read and watch videos regarding the USMCA at our USMCA Action Project Page.
Second, contact President Trump and congress and let them know that we must not sign the USMCA. Phone President Trump (202-456-1111), your representative (202-225-3121), and Senators (202-224-3121) and ask them to oppose and to vote NAY on any USMCA implementation bill. You can also use our Federal Legislative Action Alerts to send a pre-written message on your disapproval of the USMCA.
Finally, during the last battle that we had with the ramp up for building the North American Union (NAU), beginning in 2005, CNN Host Lou Dobbs was on the front lines reporting many of the dangers we pointed to. He helped bring those dangers to the attention of millions of concerned Americans.
Unfortunately, Mr. Dobbs, now on Fox Business, has recently said that the NAU is now dead. We urge you to contact him and his producers to help educate him on what is in the USMCA. Please send physical issues of The New American Magazine that have USMCA articles, as well as other tools that may be helpful. Contact him via social media to ask him to have a JBS representative on his show to discuss the USMCA and the NAU.
We would love the opportunity for Christian Gomez, who has extensively covered the USMCA for The New American, to get on Mr. Dobbs’ show to further discuss the dangers of the USMCA. The USMCA Action Project Page has many PDFs and links to PDFs for USMCA TNA reprints that could be sent via email or via social media. We have included below the contact information of Mr. Dobbs. With your help, we can pump up the pressure and expose the USMCA as the globalist tool that it is.
Mr. Lou Dobbs, Host, The Lou Dobbs Show
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036-8701
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LouDobbs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LouDobbsTonight/
Email: lou@loudobbstonight.com
Analysis Behind the News
Why is 57% of the USMCA From the TPP?
If President Trump described the TransPacific Partnership as the worst trade deal in history, then why is 57 percent of his renegotiated NAFTA agreement copied from the TPP?
We’ll discuss this factoid in this episode of Analysis Behind the News.
- Visit the Stop the USMCA Action Project Page.
- Read New NAFTA: Text of U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Revealed.
- Join The John Birch Society‘s concerted action program.
What Trump Can’t Know About the USMCA!
Please see Christian Gomez’s special report: ‘USMCA – A TPP Redux?’
Also see:
USMCA | United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement – The full actual document
NAFTA’s Next Phase toward North American Union?
President Trump’s Brutus and Cassius?
USMCA Advances the Globalist Agenda!
Negative Impact of USMCA on U.S. Cattle Industry Predicted
USMCA: What They Are Not Telling You – 33 min. video
How to Stop the Passage of the USMCA
From: jbs.org