The NVIC is one of dozens of member organizations around the country opposed to mandatory vaccination laws.
Read FullGroup opposed to a timber sale southeast of Bozeman has likely halted logging activity there for the next 25 years.
Read FullBy reining in voter fraud and securing individual rights, the Electoral College has effectively done its job for well over 200 years.
Read FullBorrowing from Aesop, our national bird, the American Eagle, is a metaphor for the internal self-destruction we are doing to the United States.
Read FullThis proposal to deny Americans their right to posess firearms underscores the serious dangers of amending the federal Constitution in this current age
Read Full...the social media sharing site Pinterest is reportedly now blocking all pins about vaccines and vaccination that contain any information whatsoever in contradiction of the official government narrative that all vaccines are
Read FullBelow are some recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. I hope you enjoy the information
Read FullWe must end the ignorance of the people regarding the limited nature of their government and their personal responsibility to confine that government within its designed limited capacity.
Read Full...the mainstream liberal media are tying the shootings to President Donald Trump and his supporters. But their allegations are disconnected from reality.
Read FullRon Paul didn’t win, but neither did Swamp creatures McCain or Romney. I still believe they were designated losers playing that role.
Read FullThe left wants to control everything you do, everything you own, and—ultimately—everything you think.
Read FullLet’s make it a simple referendum in 2020, “Do you want Hamas in the US Congress?” If not, vote Republican.
Read FullI support training of all types, and do not look down my nose at the ‘amateur’ citizen who makes a difference.
Read Full...they want the utter and complete destruction of everything that we hold near and dear.
Read FullThe created council "shall monitor and review policies and issues associated with federal lands in the state of Idaho".
Read FullThe process for statehood ... would be easier than being dictated to by the tyrants of the west side.
Read Full...regarding the development of very common vaccines through the use of tissue taken from aborted babies.
Read Full“Freedom is not free,” Regan then proclaimed. “Every generation must fight to preserve freedom...
Read FullProblems had been reported primarily by Westside citizens regarding local health jurisdictions rule-making and the authority granted local health jurisdictions through the state board of health.
Read FullMy comments stem from experience of 25 years in an agency 5 times the size of KCSO, of which I lead hundreds of people
Read Full,,,the supplemental levy vote is scheduled for March 12th when snow birds are gone and most people are unaware there is an election.
Read Full...Moore said the plan was a “recipe for mass suicide” and the “most ridiculous scenario I ever heard.”
Read FullThose who cry for a national popular vote, do so out of ignorance, yet maddening on to their own destruction.
Read FullAre the dumb, dense, delusional Democrat politicians of Nevada going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg?
Read FullSo what I can do is to help peel back the regulations and the taxation so that our young people can realize the same dreams and opportunities we’ve had a
Read FullIf the added green area were effectively used for agriculture, it could produce enough food to feed the African continent.
Read Full“Should we accept the local media destroying Idahoans’ lives with lies and labels?” - BY REP. TAMMY NICHOLS
Read FullTribal conflicts, steadily diminishing in the West under capitalism, will rise again to threaten the peace and prosperity of humanity.
Read Full...under the umbrella of identity politics you’re giving the governor the power to engage in discrimination on a massive level.
Read Full...what happens over the next couple of years is going to have a monumental impact on the direction of this nation.
Read FullThere is legislation being introduced in many states including Washington (HB 1638), that will remove a parents right
Read Full“If a mother can kill her own child, what is left for us but to kill each other.”
Read FullThe men and women of the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office are grossly underpaid. This must be fixed - the status quo fails to recognize the risks they take and the
Read FullDID THE USDA JUST DECEIVE AMERICA? By Bill Bullard, CEO, R-CALF USA On January 9, 2019, The Washington Post article titled “Trump farm bailout money will go to Brazilian-owned meatpacking firm,
Read FullMost Americans have never even heard of the Council on Foreign Relations, yet the members of the CFR dominate almost every aspect
Read FullAs George Orwell said, “The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”.
Read Full