UN funded “Sex Ed” Teaches U.S. Children Perversion

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Under the guise of promoting “health,” multiple UN agencies are funding a radical “sex education” curriculum that teaches American middle-school children all about homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism... - BY ALEX

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The Climate change money machine

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...it is an agenda, intimately tied to the UN Agenda 2030 for “sustainable” economy, and to developing literally trillions of dollars in new wealth - BY DR. JAY LEHR

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Educational deficiencies lead to doomsday projections

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...intermittent electricity from wind turbines/solar panels CAN NOT produce, we see they are blatant failures to qualify as replacements for fossil fuels producng those 6,000 products. - BY RONALD

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Here Are the Obama-Era Operatives and Former Journos Behind a Covert Propaganda Outfit

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Democratic operatives who worked for former President Barack Obama are spearheading websites designed to mimic journalism outfits in an effort to push liberal positions. - BY CHRIS WHITE

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The Pilgrims tried Socialism – It did not work

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William Bradford: "This was an experiment tried by "good and honest men." If this crew couldn't make it work, nobody's ever going to make it work." - BY BRYAN FISCHER

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...the CSKT Compact has nothing to do with water rights, Indians, culture, fish, or environment.  It's all about money for a ...group of tribal elite... - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT

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DHS to Tell States How to Implement REAL ID Requirements

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...threat to liberty comes through the connection of REAL ID to growing federal surveillance apparatus...the ability of...state to track individuals in real time. - BY JOE WOLVERTON, II, JD

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A win for the Cattle Industry!

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...World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – the world’s most powerful, radical environmental organization -- has managed to worm its way into control of the American beef industry. - BY TOM DEWEESE

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AHRA bans abortion through Idaho’s murder laws because abortion is murder. – Part 1 of 4 Part Series

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Scott Herndon quote: "If you allow something in law that is unlawful, people will run to do it. It’s the nature of human beings." - BY RICH LOUDENBACK

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The Two Party System Is Broken

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The two party system has failed us, stealing our democracy via gerrymandering voting districts, creating biased and pre-ordained outcomes in elections. - BY ANTHONY WELTI

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Communist Symbol Causes UPROAR In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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Amazing what a tip, a little Communist music and a video of the artwork on the display for the public to see can do. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Federal Indian Policy is Destroying America: Open Letter to President Trump

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The original 1930 ‘trust’ relationship was intended to be with individual Indians, but for perhaps expediency, Congress and federal agencies worked exclusively with tribal governments... - BY ELAINE WILLMAN

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The Red Fog of Communism in the Dark Web of the Deep State

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The Councils of Government and Metropolitan Planning Organizations represent the collectivization of governments above the level and outside the level of elected, representative government. - BY VICKY DAVIS

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Conservation Easements: A Trap That Keeps on Trapping

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...more private land is placed under easements, the more the public will have to deal with the consequences..and burdened by these arrangements. - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph. D.

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Conviction of Roger Stone is the “tipping point for tyranny” as Americans realize the whole system is rigged, dishonest and DANGEROUS to us all

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Justice is dead in America. The courts are rigged, judges are corrupt, “journalists” are all run by the CIA and the fake news media is complicit... - BY MIKE

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Inside The Media Conspiracy to Hype Greta Thunberg and the UN Climate Conference

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Myron Ebell: “Large parts of the mainstream media have stopped pretending to strive for objectivity in their reporting,” - BY CHRIS WHITE

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What Happens In Vegas, Is Going to Ruin America

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Say it aint so, Sheriff Joe. It sure looks like Sheriff Joe, with one bad decision, has single-handedly turned Las Vegas into a Sanctuary city.  - BY WAYNE ROOT

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Assembly Week in Olympia

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This week lawmakers returned to Olympia for what are known as “committee assembly day“ the time when legislative committees meet to do some pre-session planning. - BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN

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Enslaving Humanity Under a Global Currency | Behind The Deep State

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the globalist establishment imposing a global currency... would enable the Deep State to fund its totalitarian global designs, including a global army, police force, and courts. - BY

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Pro-Life Nations Reject UN’s Cultural Colonialism on Abortion, Population Control

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Many Africans think that international efforts to promote abortion are a prime example of cultural colonialism. - BY GRACE MELTON

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Restoring Responsible Government by Cutting Federal Aid to the States

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Federal presence in states is facilitated by “grants-in-aid” programs, which are subsidies to state and local governments accompanied by top-down regulations. - BY CHRIS EDWARDS

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Federal Reserve: Enemy of Liberty & Prosperity

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The Federal Reserve is responsible for the growth of government, the loss of liberty, the rise in income inequality, and the boom-and-bust economic cycle. - BY RON PAUL

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“Climate Emergency” Warning Exposed as Fraud

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...approving the warning: “Mouse, Mickey” from “Mickey Mouse Institute for the Blind, Nambia”; Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts; and Araminta Aardvark from the University of Neasden... - BY BOB

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Liberty State Being a “Secessionist Banner” Could NOT Be Further From the Truth!

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In Liberty State there will be a much reduced government presence in people’s lives, therefore fewer restrictions in the pursuit of both personal and fiscal success. - BY GALEN SORENSON

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Ban Communism in North Idaho

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Patriots have shown up at Riverstone in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to protest the site of the Communist symbol of the hammer and cycle. – BY CASEY WHALEN

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Communism on Display in Coeur d’Alene

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See what a woman walking her dog on a beautiful day at Riverstone in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho shockingly came upon. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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The Grand Chessboard of the Trilateralists (Their Scheme for Globalism)

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The re-organization into “common markets” comes with global governance, fascist management of the economy and a weaponized, militarized system of transportation. - BY VICKY DAVISON

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AG Barr Announces Project Guardian to Prevent Unapproved Gun Purchases

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As President Trump is facing mostly manufactured charges of committing impeachable offenses, his attorney general is committing actual offenses against the Constitution... - BY JOE WOLVERTON, II, J.D.

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Reimagining the Rural West – 2nd Workshop: How the WGA Is Implementing a United Nations Agenda

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Isn't it interesting how state governors are implementing an initiative created by the federal government, all the while excluding citizens they are supposed to represent? - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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Planners versus people

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“The globalists are hammering out an agenda that will determine not only how many people there will be, but where they will live, how they will live... - BY DUGGAN

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Sustainable today means sustained control. Sustained power. And... – sustainable poverty for many, and Agenda 21 is a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society”. - BY TOM

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Entitlement Liabilities Are a Graver Threat to the Next Generation of Americans than Climate Change

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We are on the brink of inter-generational strife. We have the political shortsightedness of decades past to thank for that. - BY JOHN PHELAN

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Amazon now harming Americans by allowing Chinese manufacturers to sell harmful and mislabeled products to US consumers

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Amazon appears to have done... little to identify and remove faulty Chinese products from its platform, despite the potential harm...theycould do to American consumers. - BY JD HEYES

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Christian Parent Takes TN School Board to Task over Flyer Promoting Free Contraception

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...elementary school distributed a flyer to children as young as seven that promoted a local clinic by advertising its free access to contraception and pre-pregnancy services. - BY RAVEN CLABOUGH

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The temptation of propaganda

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...problem is, as Plato tried to tell us, propaganda is always bad for human beings and society....making us susceptible to ideology...worse, turning us into liars. - BY MICHAEL MATHESON MILLER

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Governing By Spending Crisis

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President Trump should issue a veto threat against any spending deal that ends in December and gives Democrats leverage over end-of-year legislation and the impeachment proceedings. - BY CHQ

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