DARPA Seeks “Militarized Microbes” So They Can Spread Genetically Modified Bacteria

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...it...seems as though we’ve reached a point where the masses don’t care what’s being done to them, in their name, ...with money stolen from them. - BY MAC SLAVO

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‘The fervent prayer of the righteous’

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Our most important duty as citizens of this divinely-endowed nation is to live in harmony with God's will, not our own. - BY STEPHEN STONE

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Wind turbine waste

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Wind energy is expensive, intermittent, inefficient, highly subsidized, born from the dirtiest strip mines on Earth and kills birds.  When they wear out they can’t be recycled. -BY CRAIG RUCKER

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What Happened to California Republicans?

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Republican efforts to reduce taxes, limit some abortions, and fund additional roads and dams had little appeal to the new gentry classes on the coast. - BY VICTOR DAVID HANSON

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FICO is ‘Digital Enslavement’

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...the dreaded FICO score has its hooks into every nook and cranny of our lives, violating...the most precious and private details of our personal life. - BY MAX ALLEN

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Civil Unrest in Chile | Interview with American Living in Santiago

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A wave of violent protests with socialists’ demands has paralyzed Chile. Christian Gomez discusses this with Leah, an American living and working in Santiago. - BY CHRISTIAN GOMEZ: INTERVIEWING

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Web 2.0 Was Hijacked and Broken by Big Tech. Privacy Pioneers Are Building a Better Web 3.0

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It is a fact beyond dispute that “Big Tech” is nearly — if not completely — synonymous with “liberal.” ...But that may soon be changing. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW

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Statewide Septic System Reg. changes coming up! Comments due this Thursday 11/14/19

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...issues we want to fight FOR and AGAINST.  Please use this information to send comments to Washington State Board of Health before noon, Thursday, November 14 - BY CAPR

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Reimagining the Rural West

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The Western Governors Association has a new project that interferes with and disrupts how rural communities govern their towns and how they live, taking over local representation. -BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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Could Voter Fraud & Manipulation Determine The 2020 Election? You Bet!

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We can lose not only the 2020 election to the neo-Nazi Socialists, but will essentially lose the country to their NWO Tyrannic Dictatorship. -BY TONY ELLIOTT

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Dems Approve Funds for Border Security — in Middle Eastern Countries

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House Democrats apparently have no issue with funding border security so long as it isn’t the American border they’re securing. -BY LUIS MIQUEL

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Those 11,000 “scientists” warning about an impending “climate emergency” are just “11,000 random people,” investigation reveals

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...the climate lobby loves to pull its “facts” right out of thin air, including the newly minted fiction that “More than 11,000 scientists declare ‘climate emergency.' - BY ETHAN HUFF

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Update on the Chile crisis. It’s getting personal!

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Wish me...luck and say a prayer for me. I have my limits... I haven’t reached them yet..., I still hope I can make a difference - BY LEAH

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What Happens in Vegas, Doesn’t Stay in Vegas

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We have to act now to prevent this homeless invasion from destroying the Vegas Strip. And from ruining beautiful neighborhoods like Summerlin and Henderson. - BY WAYNE ROOT

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Update /w Pastor Yaghtin ARRESTED At Drag Queen Story Hour Spokane, WA

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P.astor Afshin Yaghtin gives an update on his trial proceedings following his arrest at the Drag Queen Story Hour last June by the Spokane Sheriff’s office - BY CASEY WHALEN

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City-State Conversion Planning

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They call it market-based governance but it really is just plain old fascism – corporatism for the wealthy and communism for the poor. - BY VICKY DAVIS

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Facts Matter: Democrats Undermining Their Own Impeachment Narrative

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Contrary to what House Democrats and the fake news may claim, the testimonies released Tuesday further undermine the Democrats’ impeachment narrative. - BY CHQ STAFF

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100 Years of Progressivism: How’s That Workin’ for Ya?

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...a few astute commentators have already articulated, while Donald Trump may be the target of the Washington political establishment, he is not their real enemy. We are. - BY ERIK RUSH

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Mr. President, Declare War on the Mexican Drug Cartels

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Mexico needs our help. They can and will never do it themselves. Everyone in power in Mexico is either bought and paid for, or scared to death. - BY WAYNE ROOT

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How to deep six the Deep State

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It's time for members of Congress, in the House and Senate, to introduce legislation to abolish... - BY CLIFF KINCAID

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RINOs Join Democrats in Congress to Push Climate Hoax

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...the GOP establishment has long been at odds with its base, always ready to stab grassroots conservatives in the back whenever the opportunity arises. - BY ALEX NEWMAN

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KC Board of Commissioners Public Hearing Agenda on Community Development Fees Increase – Nov. 21, 9 AM

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The proposed increase in Community Development Fees is probably due to the reversal of the opt-out option of former commissioners Eberlein and Bingham. - INWR EDITOR'S NOTE

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The Criticality of the Rule of Law

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Every elected official that takes an oath to the Constitution must uphold it or be held accountable in a court of law, - BY LADY LIBERTY

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Not just muscle strength: Muscle power also a must to enjoy a longer life

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“Rising from a chair in old age and kicking a ball depend more on muscle power than muscle strength...most weight-bearing exercise focuses on the latter,” - BY EDSEL COOK

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Pseudo scientists wreak havoc on society’s mental stability with fake data

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...the perverse and widespread brainwashing efforts to get our young people as well as many naive and gullible adults to believe the “contrived end”... - BY RONALD STEIN

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Important Update from Tom DeWeese

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To win we need motivated patriots armed with the information, tools and the motivation to fight. My goal has been to provide all three. - BY TOM DEWEESE

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...the U.N. mandated water governance and carbon reduction requirements pose a direct threat to the sovereignty and Constitutional rights of United States citizens. - BY STEVE BUSCH

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Insidious Causes for Outrageous Utility Bills

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Smart meters report activities – not just location, they constitute electronic home invasion – the spy that never leaves. - BY VICKY DAVIS

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It’s Impossible to Outlaw “Crazy” — The Government has a Better Chance of Curbing Being Struck by Lightning

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... “gun control laws” are impossible, as people will always find a way to accomplish what is driving them, whether it's guns, knives, trucks, bombs, etc. - BY VICTOR SPERANDEO

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Trump Confronts Russia with the Fleet Obama “Sank”

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Obama took the Navy below its mandated minimum strength. Now for the first time since those terrible years of appeasement, American naval power is recovering. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

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About the Symbols on Our Dollar Bill

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A most interesting detailed description about the symbols designed on our dollar bill. - AUTHOR UNKNOWN

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Embracing Reality

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As the lying, corruption, and craziness continue unabated in Washington, it’s a reminder of just how important it is to one’s sanity to embrace reality. - BY ROBERT RINGER

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A State Run Collaborative

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The IRRC embeds NGO objectives, through educational programs that mislead children, and involvement in other well-hidden activities, that includes the federal government. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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China Killing Political Dissidents to Steal Their Organs on an “Industrial Scale”

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We even have our own human harvesters, in the form of Planned Parenthood killing babies and selling their body parts. - BY SELWYN DUKE

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Idaho GOP Sen. Jim Risch Offers Citizenship to Kurdish, Syrian Populations

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Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) is pushing a new bill that would transport many Muslims from chaotic Syria and Kurdistan into America’s schools and workplaces. - BY NEIL MUNRO

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On How to Vote in a non-partisan race – City of Spokane Valley

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Last election the Leftists, led by Spokane Valley Indivisibles, and the moderate Republicans of Spokane County, defeated three conservatives and nearly a fourth - BY ROB CHASE

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