Results For: casey whalen

What to do now! A call to action with Caleb Collier JBS Field Coordinator

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Collier showcased how to become effective at a local level and fight back against the oncoming Marxist system being implemented nationally. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Freedom is the cure: ‘The future of America with Matt Shea’ in Bonners Ferry, ID

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Shea discussed a wide swath of topics to include the recent national elections, the ongoing chaos and division transforming America, ushering in the globalist paradigm. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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The REAL reason Lavoy Finicum was murdered by the state – Interview with Ammon Bundy

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LaVoy Finicum and other occupiers of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge teaching locals about creating a Committee of Safety picqued attention of law enforcement and government officials. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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‘Mass vaccination units’ implemented by Seattle Fire

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An online panel involving the Seattle Fire Department, Mayor Durkin of Seattle and the press took place to discuss door to door vaccinations. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Attorney Art Macomber of Macomber Law, PLLC next Idaho Attorney General?

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Many of the attendees at the Pachyderm meeting were supportive of his prospects and encouraged him to run. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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‘Support Trump Rally’ In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Full of Enthusiasm!

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Well over one hundred people assembled outside the Idaho Congressional offices of U.S. Senators Risch and Crapo on January 5, 2021, for a ‘Support Trump Rally.’  - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Freedom rings at The Black Diamond in Spokane Valley, WA

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Since the Black Diamond's reopening this past week it inspired another bar, Stormin’ Norman's Shipfaced Saloon to also follow suit and open back up to support... - BY CASEY WHALEN

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State of Idaho issues sealed warrants for people exercising RIGHTS at public officials home

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...over 300 protesters assembled at CDH in Boise to peacefully show their desire ensuring the rights of the citizenry be left intact. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Idaho National Guard taskforce activated: Interview with Lt. Col. Borders

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In an interview with Lt. Col. Chris Borders of the Idaho National Guard, we discuss the recent activation by Gov. Little via Executive Order 2020-19 to... - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Agenda 2030 endgame: One Health exposed by analyst Vicky Davis

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Researcher Vicky Davis of The Technocratic Tyranny made a recent discovery linking agendas and explains why this is the end game regarding Agenda 21/2030.  - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Peoples Rights stand up for liberty at the Kootenai County Courthouse

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Kootenai County citizens confront county courthouse personnel with Idaho Constitution ARTICLE 1, SECTION 18, superceding Idaho Supreme Court's rule demanding masks to be worn in courthouses. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Case dismissed for Thompson Family accused of having a yard sale

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The Thompson Family of Rathdrum, ID received a misdemeanor on April 17th for not quarantining and having a yard sale. No member tested positive... - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Interview: Mike Bauer, Independent Candidate for Sheriff of Kootenai County

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Lifelong Republican, LA County Corrections at 19 to Deputy and Intelligence Sargent by 25, During 33 years was SWAT and Joint Bureau Captain working Organized Crime/Vice. – BY CASEY WHALEN

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Creating a narrative: The White Supremacist Boogie Man of North Idaho

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After submitting multiple public records, North Idaho Exposed shines light on some of the allegations made against the patriot community of North Idaho. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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EXCLUSIVE: Spokane Man Jailed After Testing Positive COVID-19, Tells His Story

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Jerred Baddeley of Spokane, WA explained to North Idaho Exposed what transpired after being the first man in Spokane history forced to isolate in jail. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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The PEOPLE begin to stand for liberty in Moscow, Idaho

By 0 Comments is our on the ground interview and documentaries with those who decided to stand for freedom, liberty and preserving the Constitution and Rule of Law. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Protesters gather in Pullman, Washington to defy Gov. Inslee proclamation

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...approximately 25 people assembled in Pullman, Washington...near the Washington State Campus for a '1st Amendment Celebration' in defiance of Gov. Jay Inslee’s proclamation... - BY CASEY WHALEN

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EXCLUSIVE: Haircuts conducted at Kootenai County Sheriff during STAGE 1

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Kootenai County’s Sheriff decided that haircuts were essential to his deputies being able to perform their jobs. Never mind other citizens job performances. – BY VIDEOGRAPHER CASEY WHALEN

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Special Report: Lame stream media attacks the AMERICAN REDOUBT in North Idaho

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National media is using North Idaho to create a false narrative. Label lynching militias and patriots as white supremacists, haters and a danger to public safety. - BY

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Downtown Seattle, Capitol Hill Aftermath of Black Lives Matter & Antifa

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Driving through the city, it was unnerving to see so many buildings boarded up where windows used to be, with messages left by the ‘peaceful protesters.’ - BY CASEY WHALEN

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EXCLUSIVE: Victim explains assault at Walmart by shopper for not wearing mask – Post Falls, ID

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Woman and husband viscously confront teenager for not wearing mask in Post Falls, Idaho Wal-Mart, even striking him during shameful tirade. – BY CASEY WHALEN

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‘Freedom Is the Cure’ Billboard Causes Controversy – Spokane, WA

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The John Birch Society area coordinator Caleb Collier presents the organization's new 'Freedom Is the Cure' Billboard on Sprague & Pines and on Market & Garnet. - BY CASEY

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NO MASK Protest: Tyranny lives at the Sandpoint Library – 1st Amendment Audit

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Sandpoint Police were about to call for backup & trespass this group from the library, that is how this ended as the people left. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Trespassed: Kootenai County Courthouse & county vote on mandatory masks

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Kootenai County Citizen response to the tyranny of Idaho government's bureaucratic (Panhandle Health District) mandate forcing ciitzens to wear masks or pay $1000 fine. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Appearing for summons after removing unlawful signs in Kootenai County

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Kootenai County Sheriff's office would not allow entry to court without a mask. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Spokane Sheriff & Liberty Lake PD DO NOT SOCIAL DISTANCE OR WEAR MASKS and neither should you. - BY VIDEOGRAPHER CASEY WHALEN

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Peoples Rights Parade & Meeting July 4 – Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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We are creating a communications network to dispatch people to assist local business owners or families being oppressed by a tyrannical government. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Trevor Loudon Interviewed on Cultural Marxism

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Loudon: “Marxism has moved into changing people’s consciousness on cultural issues: Racism, Sexism, LGBTQ movements, environmentalism, art, Hollywood etc. broadening the Marxist thesis on Socialism.” – INTERVIEW BY CASEY

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People’s Rights Meeting in Spokane Valley, WA JOIN US!

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Please join us at Cole's Coffee 3105 N. Pines Rd. in the Spokane Valley, WA. Friday May 22 at 6pm. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Go back to work Idaho and the people will physically enforce your right to prosperity. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Hazardous Liberty Rally/Protest Olympia, WA. May 9, 2020

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HAZARDOUS LIBERTY RALLEY in Olympia, WA with speakers Rep Matt Shea, Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer & Matt Marshall - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Open Idaho Rally Boise, Idaho – May 2, 2020

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Go back to work Idaho and the people will physically enforce your right to prosperity. – BY CASEY WHALEN

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Culture Cannibals protest The Church at Planned Parenthood

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This has drawn the ire of local groups such as Stronger Together Spokane & 500 Drag Queen Strong opposing TCAPP at the facility. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Exposing the Culture Cannibals Operating in Spokane   

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Western States Center educates and creates 'fellows' to further their agenda regionally to combat white nationalism, promote LGBTQ values, racial equality & promote immigration. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Urban Renewal District Town Hall in Coeur d’Alene

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Urban Renewal is one of the methods used to force society’s infrastructure into the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, as established by the United Nations. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Spokane City Council votes on noise ordinance regarding health facilities

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The Church at Planned Parenthood has been ongoing once a month for a while now, Spokane voted on enforcing a noise ordinance based on decibels. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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