Results For: casey whalen


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Kootenai Health’s administration has decided to move forward with a Covid-19 shot employee mandate despite a nationwide court-ordered stay on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid... - BY KATIE VAN RY

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China’s War Inside America and How We Need to Fight Back with Trevor Loudon

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Author, historian and filmmaker Trevor Loudon reveals how necessary it is for us to start effectively fighting back against China immediately and aggressively. – BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY

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The Invisible Wall

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In this demented, twisted upside-down world, it’s perfectly consistent that a racist hate group masquerades as a human rights group.  IREHR is one such hate group. - BY VICKY DAVIS

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The Red Pill Festival – Join us!  Saturday July 24th – St. Regis, MT – FREE ADMISSION

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A full day of great music, delicious food and enjoyment for all ages. Be edified by some of the most profound local speakers of the day on the current state...

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Critical Race Theory: Origins, History & Function with Dave Reilly

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Have you been told about the Revolutionaries, Terrorists, Marxists and Traitors that developed this genocidal critique of white people and the West as a whole? - BY DAVE REILLY

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THE CDA SPEECH: ‘Stopping the Deep State’s War on America’ with Alex Newman

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Alex Newman gave a resounding speech on May 5th at the Coeur d’Alene Resort to a packed house of over 640 in attendance. - BY THE JBS SPEAKERS BUREAU

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Kevin Wolter & Alex Newman on The Looming Totalitarian Full Takeover

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Alex Newman explains what we should be doing to stop this totalitarian invasion that intends to transform America ultimately via economics, education and propaganda. – BY JBS SPEAKERS BUREAU

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Liberty KNOCKS at Coeur d’Alene Prosecutor office over mandates

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CDA Chief Criminal Deputy City Attorney is grilled about his intentions to unlawfully charge citizens for wearing a mask in violation of the Constitution. - BY NORTHIDAHOEXPOSED

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BONNER COUNTY EXCLUSIVE: Toddler denied medical services for not wearing a mask

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Bonner County mother of 3 year old denied care at orthopedic surgeon's office due to forced compliance of mask wearing and the child's refusal to abide. - INTERVIEW BY RACHEL

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Dr. Ron Paul on current state of affairs – Interview with Saved Magazine

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Dr. Ron Paul is interviewed on topics ranging from BLM to Antifa, hyperinflation and the cashless society as well as abortion and his Christian faith. - BY PASTOR AFSHIN YAGHTIN

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Coeur d’Alene City Council issue special meeting to mandate masks

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CDA's City Council makes contingency plans for a special Mandate for Masks vote for next Friday should Panhandle Health District not pass it on Thursday. - FROM NORTH IDAHO EXPOSED

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Ammon Bundy & The People not allowed entry to Caldwell, Idaho City Council Meeting

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In this contentious video the people force their way in the building only to have police show up, the meeting was ultimately cancelled.  - BY VIDEOGRAPHER LORI MARR

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Idaho Reps meet to discuss Gov. Little’s tyrannical actions – to a packed house

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…Governor is supposed to be enforcing our law, not making his own, taking money from out- of-state and creating programs however he chooses.  - BY IDAHO REPRESENTATIVES

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‘COVID-19: Tool of Red China and the Socio-Globalist Left’ – If you could only watch one important video the rest of your life, this is probably it!

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Double down the next four months. Write a bigger check, do more phone banking, more door knocking... This is the most important time in your life.  – BY TREVOR LOUDON

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Chile: From economic miracle to econmic social chaos. Could it happen here?

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The realities of nationalizing the means of production and its implications now facing the people of Chile. It could happen here. - BY LEAH SOUTHWELL

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Interview with Kootenai County Sheriff Candidate Rick Whitehead

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"I am for upholding and defending his sworn oath to the Constitution, defending the rights of the citizens and promoting property owners’ freedoms." - BY RICK WHITEHEAD

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North Idaho Exposed covered both sides of this event with video commentary and interviews.

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Drag Queen Story Hour Spokane Downtown Library & The Press Box

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Here is hopefully our last video on this subject for a while, it was interesting covering this and hearing opinions from both sides.

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SPECIAL REPORT: The United Nations Is Permanently ‘In Cd’A’ – What To Look For Where You Live

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Coeur d'Alene has bought into this soverignty destroying 2030 program from the UN, formerly Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, that dictates much that you do.

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The Battle Lines and the Road Ahead:  Part 2 of 2 – Arthur R. Thompson, retired CEO of The John Birch Society and Jim Robinson

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PART 2: The enemies of America, the enemies of God, family, and all that is sacred, are waging open, Total War,... - VIDEO BY CASEY AND AUSTIN WHALEN

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The Battle Lines and the Road Ahead:  Part 1 of 2 – William F. Jasper with WA State Rep. Matt Shea and Jim Robinson

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The enemies of America, the enemies of God, family, and all that is sacred, are waging open, Total War,... - VIDEO BY CASEY AND AUSTIN WHALEN

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