Thomas Jefferson: "Where powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy.” - BY MICHAEL MAHARREY
Read FullThe Republican Party picked Ronna again, a loser. Now we know why she’s losing. Her priorities are terrible, very bad, and disgusting. - BY M DOWLING
Read FullThe “medical-industrial complex” is every bit as real as its military-industrial counterpart, and it is every bit as real a problem. - BY C.J. BAKER, M.D.
Read FullThrough the deliberate dumbing down and conditioning of children in government schools, the forces of evil have radicalized youth to hate God, family, and their country. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullPeople are very much like Pavlov’s dogs in that when they do something bad and get punished for it, they tend to avoid duplicating bad behavior. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullMass migration is a key component of the Great Reset program of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, which involves completely “resetting” all humanity... -BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullWokeism, which I define as the dismemberment of historical and scientific facts in favor of political agendas, will destroy this country if not held in check. - BY STEVE BUSCH
Read FullThings are so bad, the number one question I get asked at is, “Wayne, tell us…what is coming first- a civil war, or World War 3? -BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullThrough these changes, Idaho is poised for a more informed and accountable approach to budgeting, paving the way for a fiscally responsible future. - BY SENATOR SCOTT HERNDON
Read FullRemember the first rule of holes: “stop digging.” To begin that process, the Legislature needs to see and consider those agency maintenance budget bills. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullThe states should also continue to take measures – including nullification of Supreme Court rulings – to protect against invasion. - BY RON PAUL
Read FullThe facts about the Presidential Caucus are clear, well documented and easily verified. Full information about the Caucus is available at - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullSo what CAN you do? Inform others! Know the UN's calendar (for example, Sept 2024 will bring about new meetings and new SDG action items)! - BY LYNN TAYLOR
Read Full... there is a concern among some who fear that steps are being taken, either intentionally or with negligence as to the results, to destroy this country...- BY DONALD BROCKETT
Read Full...correct as all of Levin’s observations about what is wrong in his books ‘The Liberty Amendments’ and ‘Plunder and Deceit’ are, his fix is dangerously flawed. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullThis year the globalists plan to discuss the disarmament not only of nations, but of citizens as well. In today’s episode, - BY PAUL DRAGU
Read FullWe have an evil “enemy from within” inside the White House with Biden (and his boss Obama). They can see their reign of terror is ending.... -BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullTyranny ends when free people stand strong. That is our duty for this new year. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullIt’s pretty apparent that selling something imaginary without an established, market-driven value is ripe for abuse, fraud, and manipulation. - BY IDAHO ATTORNEY GENERAL RAUL LABRADOR
Read FullIf we are going to rescue the country from the grip of radical Leftist, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place... - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullThe final Report is more of a compendium of false media claims cut and pasted into a baseless document. ...every reference to me in their Report's false. = BY ROGER STONE
Read Full...the packets were stamped with the logo of the American Red Cross and provided illegal immigrants with locations of hotels and clinics as well as routes... - BY MATTHEW HOLLOWAY
Read FullShe is so delusional, or so selfish, or so focused on fame and fortune, or such a “birdbrain,” she doesn’t even see the train coming. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullThe Biden DOJ won't give dissidents the courtesy of a pandemic amnesty. Instead, the regime's targets will join the ranks of Americans punished by the DOJ... - BY BROWNSTONE INSITUTE
Read FullCfact and many friends exposed and ultimately brought down this patently illegal scheme by elites to deny ordinary Americans access to their land’s bountiful resources. - BY BONNER C. COHEN,
Read FullThe era of massive government in Washington, D.C., could be coming to an end as the Supreme Court assesses the so-called "Chevron deference" and determines whether... - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullWhat’s needed is an exercise of Americanist tools such as the doctrine of lessor magistrates, county sheriff's protections, nullifying unconstitutionsl laws and activist citizens.. - BY WILLIAM S. HAHN
Read Full'It's an alternate universe' - BY HAROLD HUTCHISON
Read FullSo how do two supposedly “conservative” justices stab America in the back, and vote against States Rights, and for the destruction of America? - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read Full“Haley’s campaign is not only funded by Democrats — it’s run by Democrats, too!” Ron DeSantis’s campaign posted on X. - BY MARY KAY LINGE
Read Full... “What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath?” The answer, then and now, remains the same: is no difference between psychopaths and politicians." - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullMuch of Congress’s cyber policy emerges from the annual...(NDAA). What are the most important pieces of cyber legislation in this year’s Act? - BY JONATHAN G. CEDARBAUM, MATT GLUCK
Read FullSchool choice in Idaho is a myth. You don’t have a choice when all your options are from the same public education assembly line. -BY RONALD M. NATE, Ph.D
Read FullDemocrats are furious and teaming with anyone that will join them to keep the budgets in omnibus form and keep the extra spending hidden. - BY REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullWoke medical schools are trying to evade the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to stop anti-white, anti-Asian discrimination in admissions and admit unqualified blacks and Hispanics. - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullArgentine Javier Milei: "Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself..." - BY PAUL DRAGU
Read Full