Category: uncategorised

When environmentalism becomes corruption – Part 2

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...ideological bureaucrats have closed most mines and declared them “Permanently Closed”?

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New Ear To The Ground Poll: Wall Is Make Or Break For Trump And GOP

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91 percent of non-Trump Republican primary voters support declaring a national emergency

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Here’s How To Make Mexico Pay For The Wall!

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Go over Congress’s head and declare a national emergency. It’s your right. Obama used those powers. You can too. 

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Four Years Later, Court Says Planned Parenthood Tapes Were NOT Manipulated

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Once the tapes were released, the reaction was immediate: Americans were horrified to see the truth about this evil organization.

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Dam removal contractor holds Q&A

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Removal of the four dams is believed to be the biggest such project in the West, tentatively scheduled to start in 2021

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Anonymous Donor to Pay Tens of Thousands of Dollars to Destroy Evidence in Las Vegas Shooting As FBI Admits No Clue on Motive

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There are alleged to be at least 47 guns that Paddock owned, and yet, we still have not been told whether any of those that had bump stocks were actually

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California Dept. Of Education Wants To Teach Your Kindergartners There Are 15 Genders

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Stop making excuses for turning your children over to the state to become little statists, and start becoming a part of the revolution!

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Ocasio Cortez And Maxine Waters: Dumb And Dumber – Dems Go Right Along With Them

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Alexandria Cortez is a former bartender with no government experience who got elected to Congress by equally stupid constituents.

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Buzzfeed and Other Media Suffering Financial Woes, Scrambling to Survive

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Having left no stone — real or imagined — unturned in their frenzy to dump Trump, they are now facing the fact that he is still doing well and they

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Rallying the Troops, Globalist “Intellectuals” Warn That the EU is “Coming Apart”

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“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them,” observed 1984 author George Orwell.

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Privacy at Risk: Security Expert Warns “Smart Device” Users to Beware

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One thing is certain: As the IoT continues to emerge, the days and years ahead will continue to show a shift in the way people view privacy

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Democrats Are… Border Crisis Deniers

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Anyone who can’t see even one of these crises is in total denial. But if you deny all of them, you are either mentally ill; complicit in the destruction of

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Sarah Builds a Robot and Destroys Pompous Colleges

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...the smartest students are figuring out that the costs of getting a formal education aren’t lining up with the value of that education.

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The Inalienable Right to Life

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Life is not something that should be legislated away. Life is an inalienable right the State was established to SECURE that Right.

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In Defense of Western Civilization

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Western civilization is much more than a geographical area. It is more about the idea of inalienable rights and the intrinsic value of the individual.

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Celebrated Democrat “Beto” O’Rourke outed wearing “Devil goat” costume; left-wing media tries to spin narrative away from Satanism

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...the entire establishment media is now desperately trying to paint Beto’s dark past as a harmless band gimmick,

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Snopes Lies About California’s Plan To Teach 5-Year-Olds Transgenderism  

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The far-left perverts and fraudsters running the website “Snopes” dishonestly styling itself a “fact-check” operation have shown yet again why they have no credibility

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Maxine Waters Promises More Big Government in Her Financial Services Agenda

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Now Waters is calling for an increase of more than $13 billion in federal spending over five years through the Ending Homelessness Act,

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Trump got more out of the re-opening of the government than most realize

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To those who feel betrayed, understand that the president is playing the long game while Pelosi and Schumer pander to their unthinking base.

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Welcome to Inland NW Report at

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A website 'Focusing On What America Is About' for the Inland Northwest - BY RICH LOUDENBACK

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Missed Opportunity – Trump Should Have Stopped Nancy’s’ Return Trip from Afghanistan: Security Issues

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The headline says it all. Our ‘wicked witch from the west’ might have learned a great deal

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Dear APA: America desperately needs masculine men

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The American left has made a cottage industry out of destroying masculinity. And their goal is to keep hammering American males

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Five Reasons to Oppose the Now-introduced USMCA Implementation Act

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GREAT NEWS: WA PUTC Denies Avista Hydro One Appeal! and See: BAD NEWS

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This Washington State decision does put the final nail in the coffin of this deal since only one state turning thumbs down was needed to kill it. - BY RICH

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Mother America…the Shabby Shepherd

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These last few decades in this country have shifted the duty and honor of individual responsibility to artificial pseudo-rights and entitlements. - BY ELAINE WILLMAN

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Clinton wants to run Facebook because of power to control news

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Just imagine a world where social media news flow would be in sync with fake news CNN, MSNBC and other mainstream media alphabet soup news networks. After two failed presidential

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Bogus IG report: Now it’s up to Freedom Watch

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Let me now read you the facts of life in our nation’s capital of corruption, infested with establishment hacks of both political parties.

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North Korea: Old Assumptions Vs. New Realities?

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Some observers have suggested that the young Kim’s survival calculus may be different from that of his predecessors

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Foreign manipulation of U.S. enviro groups erodes military readiness

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...special interests, including the Natural Resources Defense Council and Center for Biological Diversity, are doing the bidding of China,

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The 3 Biggest Media-Deep State Scams

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The liberal media is the key to all of this. They lie with impunity on behalf of this big government cabal. They are the worst scam artists I’ve ever seen.

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Tropico 5: The Game That Proves Central Planning Can’t Work

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Tropico 5 presents an engaging platform for players to craft their socialist paradise and examine the mechanics of socialist economies.

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Landmark bill protecting endangered salmon signed into law

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(NOAA) to issue five-year permits for the lethal and non-lethal extraction of sea lions as long as the sea lion population isn’t depleted. - BY GABRIELLA HOFFMAN

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The betrayal of America: Who do you trust?

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Politics in the United States is currently experiencing seismic trust issues. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT

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