...U.S. authorities have discovered Chinese operatives scheming to compromise American interests through the university system, including plots to steal missile technology and cancer research. - BY KYLE M. HOOTEN
Read FullSo, what’s Ed-Flex Waiver? Money and ‘permission’ by the Dept. of Education for States to exercise side-stepping certain federal regulations and statutory requirements. -BY LYNN TAYLOR
Read FullDonald Trump railed against Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders, calling him a "socialist-slash-communist" and saying that his tax plan would "take everything." - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullThings in the Idaho Capitol are about to get crazy. Well, as crazy as things regulated by “Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure” can get. -BY DUSTIN HURST
Read FullThis particular tabloid is known for it’s communist sympathies, as is the young blogger they employ to write this drivel. - BY SHARI DOVALE
Read FullProposed red flag laws would allow police to violate both one’s Second Amendment rights and the rights of due process by confiscating one’s firearms - BY DAN GIFFORD
Read FullI want you to know, as details about the majority budgets emerge, there’s already more than enough tax revenue in Olympia to meet priorities - BY WA SEN. MIKE PADDEN
Read FullLeah was a real influence here in North Idaho politics. Now she is able to draw parallels between what is appearing here and Chile. - BY PAM STOUT
Read FullGold and silver are considered monetary metals used in currency exchange. They are the “Canary in the Coal Mine.” - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullContact your legislators and let them know what you think! Call, email, or best of all come to Olympia and meet with them! - WA REP. MATT SHEA
Read FullSandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad is trying to recruit other Idaho mayor’s to support his ‘gun-free’ zone agenda. - BY NORTHWEST GUN NEWS
Read FullLegislative success in containing property taxes will make the difference as to whether some Idahoans have to move from their homes. -BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullSome recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. - SENATOR DON CHEATHAM
Read Full... there are hunters who believe that hunting has become more difficult and over regulated because of these conservation activities. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullDistrict courts by definition have legal authority in their districts and nowhere else. They certainly should not be issuing nationwide injunctions. - BY BRYAN FISCHER
Read FullExperts have been warning for years that countries encircled by the Ring of Fire could fall victim to the next “Big One” at any time. - BY TRACEY WATSON
Read FullMany senators and congressmen and women didn't read the USMCA but they passed it anyway. Did the President read the entire document? It’s highly unlikely. - BY RON EWART
Read FullThe big question is are these bills just a stop-gap quick fix that will make everyone look good for an election or is there more beef... BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read FullIt’s called the New Way Forward Act (H.R. 5383), and it goes way beyond Hillary Clinton’s 2013 call for a “hemispheric common market” with “open borders,” - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullTests clearly show that the models are running dramatically hotter than reality. This exaggeration has led to the description of a future full of doom and gloom. - CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullJust like Reagan, I knew he’d turn around the country, straighten out the mess left by a Democrat president and make the economy roar. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full#NeverTrumpers don’t have a leg to stand on -- or, as Vincent LaGuardia Gambini might say, “I got no more use for this guy”. - BY JEFFERY A. RENDALL
Read FullHeritage Foundation’s Index of U.S. Military Strength details the increasing Chinese military threat, which continues to grow rapidly with help of the secrets it has stolen. - BY JAMES DI PANE
Read FullIf enacted this could change the manner in which energy infrastructure projects are considered and approved on the federal level. - BY ELENA CONNOLLY
Read Full...did any Congress members READ the Agreement? or see the trampling of the U.S. Constitution? or notice the overreaches of several UN declarations, treaties, agreements, compacts, or other actions? - BY LYNN TAYLOR
Read FullWe hear them over, and over, and over again — the same, tired, worn out misconceptions or downright lies about nullification. - BY MIKE MAHARREY
Read FullThis is a dark, evil force with a one-sided goal designed to control or destroy the beef industry. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullI condemn in the strongest possible terms the publication of sensitive information regarding law enforcement officers and agents. - BY WASHINGTON REP. MATT SHEA
Read FullThe new 'vision' for East Sherman is up. This hosts some of the same folks as CDA2030, the Mayor, Hilary Anderson all driving Agenda 21. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...corporatism is the merger of political power between business and government...From the point of view the average citizen, there is no difference between corporatism and communism. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullThere is NO climate emergency. Preaching doom and gloom is a crime against the young generation. These are the key points of a new manifesto from... - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullSheriff Daryl Wheeler: "If law enforcement is not acting under the same interpretation of law, it is just impossible for us to work together to enforce it." - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullThe New World Order (NWO) allied with the Deep State and the media are trying to subvert and undermine the will of the American People... - BY RON WRIGHT
Read FullOur economy is growing and we are at peace, so federal deficits and debt should be falling. But deficits are soaring and debt is at record... - BY CHQ STAFF
Read FullThe most frustrating thing...created by the Dirty Dems, is watching jellyfish Republicans getting pulled off course time and time again by irrelevant “bombshells.” - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full