Democrats no longer have a choice. So, we are about to get the greatest battle of all-time between the two biggest brands in modern political history… - BY WAYNE
Read FullBoth Congresseional Houses rammed through the 2024 NDAA . . . and they did it by lying, ignoring the rules, and deceit. - BY JOHN McCARDELL
Read Full“Step-by-step, our Liberal government is working an agenda to convert Canada from democracy to socialist state.” - BY BRAD SALZBERG.
Read FullA Senate delegation at the UN COP28 “climate” summit didn't like hard questions about public opposition to their agenda, why they defrauded voters by... - BY ALEX
Read FullClimate campaigners from Al Gore and John Kerry, down to the oddest imported student radical, are freaking out over the draft final text as the climate... - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullOne could only hope Elon Musk realizes that having been a warrior for free speech will be a far greater legacy than having built electric cars. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullIn the City of SeaTac, many rightly question who really runs the city. Mayor Jake Simpson, John Wyble - WinPower Strategies, or Representative Mia Gregerson? - BY GLENN MORGAN
Read FullWith Democrats set to show Dufus Joe the exit and Republican poll-leader Donald Trump being prosecuted for multiple imaginary crimes, chaos is in the air... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full“We have evidence, yes, that they were dishonest, that Anthony Fauci lied in hearings to me, which is a felony, punishable up to five years. - BY SENATOR RAND PAUL
Read FullIn April 2021, Judicial Watch published documents revealing how California officials pressured social media companies (Twitter, Facebook, Google (YouTube)) to censor posts about the 2020 election. - BY JUDICIDAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullHumans are being told,...that they must reduce, and eventually eliminate, their consumption of meat. Substitutes include lab meat and, everyone’s favorite, insects.- BY BONNER COHEN, Ph,D,
Read FullIt has been unbelievable and disheartening to see the Anti-Semitic demonstrations against Israel and the Jews across the world and particularly in America. - BY BOB SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullRetired Gen. Frank McKenzie: "Political leaders are wary of responding aggressively against the Houthi in Yemen, calculating that doing so could spark war with Iran." - BY LOUIS MIQUEL
Read FullSee webinar: '5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Big Tech, Big Brother and Thieves Who Spy on You Without your Consent' Wednesday, December 13th at 5:00PM - BY
Read FullWell understood by those paying attention is the now morphed system we have from representation of the people to crony capitalism, or corporate representation. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWell, we think, that Wray has...been exposed for the petty, smirking liar he is, things surely about to go sideways for the FBI. - BY HUMAN RIGHTS EDITORIAL BOARD
Read FullAn Article V Constitutional Convention would threaten individual rights and our nation’s very form of government. - BY ADRIAN ARPE, PH.D., P.S.
Read FullCountries will pledge slashing carbon emissions. Such promises...will now have to take a backseat to the real business of COP 28: Money – lots of it. - BY BONNER COHEN,
Read FullTrump has sacrificed his life for us. He was a celebrity billionaire with the greatest life on the planet. He gave it up to save America, - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullGlobalists admit that they have contrived the ‘Global Warming/Climate Change’ issue we must buy into so they can take over all that matters. -BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullSwiss authorities are beiong called on to rid the country of organizations like WEF, arresting their leaders, as well as Big Tech and Pharma executives. - BY DR. JOESEPH MERCOLA
Read FullSpeaker Mike Johnson is a COS puppet. If Congress decides to aggregate applications, as COS is urging them to, Congress can call a Convention now. - BY JOANNA MARTIN,
Read Full“Speaker Mike Johnson has long been a supporter of Convention of States,” Mark Meckler, co-founder of Convention of States Action (COSA), told me..." - BY LAURA JEDEED
Read FullThe truth is, Mr. Winder is right there center stage with the corporate world as a member of the (PNWER), while taking money from many others. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullBeyond merely influencing elections on the ground through ballot stuffing and harvesting, the Deep State is controlling the entire narrative surrounding elections in America... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullDid you know you have multiple acceptable screening methods available, yet most doctors simply recommend colonoscopy without reviewing the options, benefits and drawbacks for patients? - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullTop Deep State leaders are increasingly open about how the CCP regime's a role model for the global system they hope to impose on humanity. - BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullWe must counter ruling-class opinion on empirical, legal, and practical grounds. We need all hands on deck to make it clear: we will not relent,... - BY BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE
Read FullCourts in Colorado, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Michigan have all dismissed similar claims by Far Left lawfare organizations seeking to interfere with the 2024 presidential election. - BY CHQ STAFF
Read FullThe Constitution denies to the federal government most of the powers it would need to enforce such a right. - BY RUDOLPH KOHN
Read FullU.S. Archivist Colleen Shogan, whose National Archives and Records Administration operates Presidential libraries, talks about the library... BY LYNN SWEET
Read FullDr. Malone warned that Moderna's own patent shows its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine contains "billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer." - BY ZOEY SKY
Read FullWith regards to reliable electricity, Sweden has said their electricity policy goal is “changed from 100% renewable to 100% fossil-free.” - BY RONALD STEIN, P.E.
Read FullThe Secretary of Defense intervened and delayed naval force planning in the winter of 2020, and the Navy has never really recovered the momentum needed... BY BRENT SADLER
Read FullThe purpose of Covering Climate Now and its mendacious media partners that reach millions of Americans is to deny actual science and instead spread misinformation and disinformation... - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullWe have moved from highly technical long-term recession indicators to more widely understood immediate recession indicators. The combination of the two should give investors pause. - BY JAMES RICKARDS
Read Full