Category: uncategorised

Idaho’s US Rep. Russ Fulcher on President Trump, Socialism, AOC’s Green Deal, Voting, and Immigration

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...what happens over the next couple of years is going to have a monumental impact on the direction of this nation.

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Mandatory Vaccinations in WA State

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There is legislation being introduced in many states including Washington (HB 1638), that will remove a parents right

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Contemplating Full Term Abortion Is Quickest Catalyst to Make Eastern WA 51st State

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“If a mother can kill her own child, what is left for us but to kill each other.”

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The Case for Raising Pay of KC Sheriff’s Employees

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The men and women of the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office are grossly underpaid. This must be fixed - the status quo fails to recognize the risks they take and the

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DID THE USDA JUST DECEIVE AMERICA?   By Bill Bullard, CEO, R-CALF USA On January 9, 2019, The Washington Post article titled “Trump farm bailout money will go to Brazilian-owned meatpacking firm,

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 The Deep State’s ‘Directors’ Revealed       

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Most Americans have never even heard of the Council on Foreign Relations, yet the members of the CFR dominate almost every aspect

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Green New Deal Reveals The Naked Truth Of Agenda 21

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As George Orwell said, “The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”.

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Jussie Smollett and “Trump Derangement Syndrome”

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Anyone who wasn’t biased, prejudiced, blind, deaf or dumb should have seen this coming a mile away.

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Hate crimes are so rare they have to be invented

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If hate crimes are so rare they have to be invented, perhaps America is not nearly as racist and homophobic as the Talking Snake Media wants us to believe.

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The Democrat Party’s History of Anarchy: Part 4

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Almost daily there is some new violent threat to President Trump, his family, his supporters and/or conservatives in general. - BY STEVEN NEILL

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Fmr. Swedish prime minister warns Bernie Sanders about socialism

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...the former prime minister of Sweden threw cold water on the idea that socialism builds sound societies.

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The dark side of Green technology

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The mere extraction of the exotic minerals cobalt and lithium used in the batteries of EV’s present social challenges. - BY RON STEIN

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How Trump Can Scale Back Birthright Citizenship Without Congress

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President Donald Trump last fall floated the idea of ending universal birthright citizenship by way of executive order.

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Carbon Dioxide: The Newest Form of Renewable Energy?

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“A side benefit of the process is that the carbon can hold electrical charge, becoming a supercapacitor...,

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How Government-Guaranteed Student Loans Killed the American Dream for Millions

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While the program might have had good intentions, it has had unforeseen harmful consequences.

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USMCA Advances the Globalist Agenda!

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The (USMCA), has the inherent power to strip us of our independence and advance the new world order (NWO).

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I-1000: Reviving Bigotry in WA State

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The initiative itself is bigoted in that it postulates without the preferential treatment of this initiative, minorities could not get the job.

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What a Convention of the States (C0S) will NOT do!

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The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War

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The most immense and dangerous public scandal in American history is finally cracking open like a ripe pomegranate.

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First, it’s unthinkable. Then, it’s permitted. Then, it’s mandatory.

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Regressives on the left have a simple strategy for taking control of all of American society, one segment at a time.

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Return to Families

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Government became our god because we began relying on it for sustenance and wisdom, and we grew in faith believing it would remain so. - BY ROB CHASE

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Idaho Proposal Answers New York, Virginia Infanticide Laws: “Abortion Is Murder!”

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Idaho Code defines murder as “the unlawful killing of a human being including, but not limited to, a human embryo or fetus

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Sustainability: The Green New Deal

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All Sustainability/Sustainable Development and Cap & Trade programs promote environmental-green tyranny and need to be scoured from local cities.

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Community Based Tourism

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To guard your local land use policies from this assault, contact your local elected officials about creating a citizen advisory committee (CAC)

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Republic VS. Socialism, Communism

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We have complicit media that support the socialist agenda with propaganda and fake news, anything to divide us and destroy the country our forefathers fought, died and struggled to build.

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Con-Con Rescissions on the Rise!

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Con-Con Rescission Resolutions are now being introduced in numerous states across the country due to effective grassroots education and activism.

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False sea level alarm

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The paper shows there has been no acceleration in sea level rise in recent decades, eviscerating the claims of alarmists.

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The Democrat Party: A History of Anarchy – Part 3

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The collaboration between socialists, trade unions and the Democrat Party started slowly during the late 1800’s

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Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s Happy Ending

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I believe I can end AOC’s political career, as quickly as it began.

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NYC Fast-Food Workers Stunned Some Are Being Fired after $15 Minimum Wage Hike

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NYC Fast-Food Workers Stunned Some Are Being Fired after $15 Minimum Wage Hike Serving as ground zero for the $15 minimum wage battle, New York City saw its fast-food workers

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Democrats Rush To Criminalize Gun Ownership

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“Nancy Pelosi and her anti-gun team are either profoundly stupid or genuinely evil,”

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Building Diversity Through Affirmative Action:  Legalized Discrimination

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...I-1000 translates into an effort to pick winners and losers based on race instead of competitive procurement.

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WA’s I-1000 Affirmative Action Bill injures equality which should be based on merit.

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This has never worked and is unfair. It is a step in the wrong direction.

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Why are Idaho School District Levies & Bonds EXEMPT From Campaign Finance Reports?

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Idahoans are very generous people but there seems to be a lack of transparency in funding for expensive mailers supporting a costly levy. 

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Democrats Can’t Hide Crazy!

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It’s all out in the open for everyone to see. The Democrat Party is dangerous, extreme, reckless, radical and really, really crazy.

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