GAO Report: Feds Spent Over $1.5 Billion To Arm Itself In The Past 7 Years – Seeks To Infringe On You Arming Yourself

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Democrats have threatened to attack the rights of law-abiding Americans that are protected under the Second Amendment in 2019.

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Does the Constitution Allow Trump to Build the Wall Without Congressional Approval?

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...Trump told reporters in the Rose Garden on Friday at the White House that he could build the wall even without congressional funding.

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Mother America…the Shabby Shepherd

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These last few decades in this country have shifted the duty and honor of individual responsibility to artificial pseudo-rights and entitlements. - BY ELAINE WILLMAN

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You Won’t Believe What Obama Did in South Africa

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This could be the most disgraceful speech ever by a former U.S. president. Yet the media said nothing. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT

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‘I’m a Democrat. I will always be a Democrat!’

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Good Americans should understand that America is about the freedom to pursue happiness, not to have it guaranteed

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Clinton wants to run Facebook because of power to control news

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Just imagine a world where social media news flow would be in sync with fake news CNN, MSNBC and other mainstream media alphabet soup news networks. After two failed presidential

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Bogus IG report: Now it’s up to Freedom Watch

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Let me now read you the facts of life in our nation’s capital of corruption, infested with establishment hacks of both political parties.

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North Korea: Old Assumptions Vs. New Realities?

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Some observers have suggested that the young Kim’s survival calculus may be different from that of his predecessors

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Foreign manipulation of U.S. enviro groups erodes military readiness

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...special interests, including the Natural Resources Defense Council and Center for Biological Diversity, are doing the bidding of China,

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Lying, spying, propagandizing – OH MY!

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The Obama administration has been caught lying, spying, and propagandizing. In a cosmically outrageous attempt

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The 3 Biggest Media-Deep State Scams

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The liberal media is the key to all of this. They lie with impunity on behalf of this big government cabal. They are the worst scam artists I’ve ever seen.

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Tropico 5: The Game That Proves Central Planning Can’t Work

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Tropico 5 presents an engaging platform for players to craft their socialist paradise and examine the mechanics of socialist economies.

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Killing Nationalism: Merkel Says Nations Should Give Up Sovereignty

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So “Democracy is Parliament, Patriotism is Internationalism, Nationalism is Treason.” We thought the new math was bad, but, hey, The Party has spoken.

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“Meet the Press” Drops Any Pretense at Objectivity on Climate Change Issue

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Todd and many other so-called journalists are not reporters, but seek to make sure one side wins.

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Landmark bill protecting endangered salmon signed into law

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(NOAA) to issue five-year permits for the lethal and non-lethal extraction of sea lions as long as the sea lion population isn’t depleted. - BY GABRIELLA HOFFMAN

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The betrayal of America: Who do you trust?

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Politics in the United States is currently experiencing seismic trust issues. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT

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