...the author states: “I would challenge anyone who believes the initiative process is a good thing for Idaho to explain how it serves interests of Idahoans.. - BY KAREY HANKS
Read FullExpecting genuine reform at the UN — after decades of repeated promises of reform —is not only a delusion, but a dangerous, deadly delusion. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full...former NYC mayor and federal prosecutor was provided with a trove of damning information on Joe and Hunter Biden and other Obama-era officials. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullVenezuela is the canary in a coal mine for the U.S. economy going from the richest country in Latin America, to nightmare, tragedy and mass starvation. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullGovernor Newsom should know California is the only state in the union that currently imports most of its crude oil energy from foreign countries. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullInflation is nothing more than a hidden and regressive tax. Auditing and ending the Fed should thus be a top priority... - BY RON PAUL
Read Full...the Leodler Dossier was a hit piece on a local level, masquerading as a legitimate report. Both were taken seriously by the 4th Estate (the Press). - BY ROB
Read Full...we elect and pay our legislators to read these bills before they vote and they obviously don’t, or they are dirty ($$$) or un-American. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...national, international, and local media labeling him “domestic terrorist” and calling for him to resign, Washington Rep. Matt Shea refutes false charges,vowing to keep serving. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullAs long as our government continues with the UN, we will never be free from UN atrocities, it is the same lie as Arbeit Macht Frei. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full...why should anyone believe new amendments will be followed any more than current law? It’s illogical to think that new rules will compel chronic rule-breakers.... - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullIt is the progressive socialist leftists that while speaking of constitutional integrity ignore the rot that they have produced in the impeachment process - BY JOHN C. VELISEK
Read FullSoros has been funding progressive Christian groups for some time, such as the Sojourners Community and Vote Common Good activist organization for promoting Refugee Resettlements... - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full...good news is that there’s much more Democratic pain to come when Bill Barr finishes his investigation and makes public the mountain of Dirty Dem malfeasance... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullCritics of certain elected officials are labeled as "extremists and terrorists" to marginalize and discredit them. The media takes such reports at face value...- BY RON T. COP
Read Full...with Stafford County seeing over 3,000 citizens attend the meeting and other counties seeing over 500 citizens show up in the middle of the workday... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe situation is escalating rapidly in Virginia, which is precisely what Democrats and globalists are seeking. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullThe team is working double-time to collect data and pool together resources necessary to boost Bloomberg’s prospects ahead of 2020. - BY CHRIS WHITE
Read FullThe bureaucrats seek to take the people's power. Matt Shea has stood in their way for years. Now they lie and seek to destroy him. - VIDEO BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThis is an attempt to remove an elected official from office based on a "report" bought and paid for by political opponents? - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullBecause of this level of incompetence, AmRRON members from this point onward are advised to avoid contact with any independent investigators, especially Rampart Group, - BY JOHN JACOB SCHMIDT
Read FullWhile the report itself contains clear bias, misrepresentation, and untruths regarding many issues, there is one blatant fraudulent statement on page 75. “…Agenda 21, - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullOut of the 8,156 members who make up this deep state of ensconced bureaucrats, over 7,000 were appointed by Obama. - BY ANYMOUS PATRIOTS
Read FullDue process is the right of every citizen, and should be afforded to all members of the House regardless of views or party affiliation. - BY COMMITTEE TO ELECT
Read Full...the Democrat Party’s presidential candidates -even supposedly moderate Joe Biden- are now officially poison to working class and middle-class America. It’s not even close. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThis sovereignty destroying USMCA is happenng to us because our US legislators are not reading these documents like we are electing them to do. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullShawn is not being consistent, because it is politically incorrect to attack someone for their skin color, unless maybe they are wearing a Trump Hat. - By ROB CHASE
Read FullRICO initially was used to target mob families. RICO is also a useful tool to fight white collar conspiracies. - BY RON WRIGHT
Read FullWarren Buffett, the multi-billionaire known as "The Oracle of Omaha," is perhaps the biggest private funder of abortion in the history of the world. - BY BRYAN FISCHER
Read Full...the DOJ Inspector General’s report on Operation Crossfire Hurricane has revealed that Obama himself was brought into the loop at an early stage of the investigation... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe canine predators are merely the latest tool in a generation-long campaign to stop ranchers from raising cattle, and Americans from eating beef. - BY BRIAN WALKER
Read Fullhink of it this way – the goal is global government with climate change hoax being used as the catalyst to attain the goal. - BY SUZANNE HAMNER
Read Full...it should be beyond clear to Congress that not one more American cent should be used to fund this absurdity known as the UN. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullGov. Little emphasized themes from previous workshops...Yep, all bases covered for implementation of United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - BY KAREN SHUMACHER
Read FullIdaho is one of the last bastions of conservatism, we fear crony politicians will over time destroy it if they are not voted out of office - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read FullSit down and get ready to dig into what is perhaps the most egregious scandal of President Drone’s administration – and there’s a lot to pick from. - BY BRIAN MILLER
Read Full