... beyond the Biden-Burisma-Ukraine story there is another more important Obama/Biden/Clinton/Deep State/Ukraine “conspiracy theory” that is far from debunked and very much in need of investigation. -BY WILLIAM F.
Read Full...may be that Donald Trump’s real offense against the socialist left was to be the blockade to protect our country from a planned invasion of our country... BY VICKY DAVIS
Read Full...UN officials are barking orders at the U.S. government as if America were a mere administrative unit in what globalists describe as the “New World Order.” - BY ALEX
Read FullIf you want to take your state back and “Make Idaho Great Again” while draining the Idaho Swamp, you need to dump crony politicians in 2020. - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read Fullthere are a lot of folks out there that know the truth on abortion, that it is the murdering of a live baby at any stage... - BY REP. HEATHER
Read FullThe answer was provided yesterday by Calvin Woodward of the Associated Press: Impeachment a political judgment call, crime not required. - BY CHQ STAFF
Read FullThe Patriot Act drove a stake through the heart of the Bill of Rights, violating at least six of the ten original amendments— BY JOHN W. WHITEHEAD, JD
Read Full...tech giants have way too much power in their hands when it comes to controlling the information we are allowed to receive. - BY TRACEY WATSON
Read FullThis nonsense is impossible — politically, socially, economically and even physically. The report specifically calls for social disruption. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullIn reality, democratic societies are approaching a tipping point beyond which the damage caused by the global warming movement becomes irreversible. - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read Full“Right now, Twitter, Facebook, Google and Apple think they are too big to be stopped, but that is not true. If Constitutionalists stand together and unite... - BY ANDRREW MEYER
Read FullI think that a majority of Spokane Valley voters are still Conservative, but they have been duped by the Sheriff, the RINO’s, and the local Mainstream Press. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullFaith and reason are not star-crossed lovers; they are literally a match made in Heaven. - BY RACHEL LU
Read Full... through sheer gall and nastiness, Democrats are quite capable of causing turmoil even when Republicans are in majority, so why should they ever back off? - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe toilet may sound like a joke, but it’s a serious boondoggle that has fleeced taxpayers out of at least half a million dollars. - BY TOM FITTON
Read FullThis holiday season, I am thankful Democrats have no candidate to compete with Trump. I’m thankful Democrats still don’t speak the language of middle-class Americans. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullYes, leftists level their accusation only because of their targets’ skin color. It’s racist and disgusting — and pure projection. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullHopefully with the success of these bills, other policymakers elsewhere will become inspired to lead by example on this vital issue as well. - BY JOE WOLVERTON, II, JD
Read FullJohn Green, JD: "“Abortion is really not the appropriate word. Abortion is a sanitized word for another legal concept we call murder. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullInterviews with attendee's and questions for 3 time Mayor Sandi Bloem regarding the creation of CDA2020 a 501(c)3 non profit 'visioning' company, implementing sustainable development... - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullNow we know why he explicitly refused to recuse himself and his office: to sabotage this voter-approved initiative from within. - TIM EYMAN
Read Full18 experts in UNSUSTAINABLE: The UN’s Agenda for World Domination who will tell the story of Agenda 21 and its neo-Marxist spawns. - BY JAMES JAEGER, PRODUCER/DIRECTOR
Read FullGovernment has a plan for us, in partnership with the UN, and executed without your involvement. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullAlex’s campaign will focus on promoting his Opportunity For All Agenda. - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullThe ordinance declares Westbrook to be a “Sanctuary City for the Unborn” and bans abortion at all times and during all stages of pregnancy. - BY RAVEN CLABOUGH
Read FullIdaho has been following...footsteps of other states that embrace many ideas and agendas which are harming them as well as countries around the globe. - BY REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullAn information monopoly, if you will, Google is right now getting away with murder when it comes to its involvement in trying to silence truth on the internet. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullUnder the guise of promoting “health,” multiple UN agencies are funding a radical “sex education” curriculum that teaches American middle-school children all about homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism... - BY ALEX
Read Full...it is an agenda, intimately tied to the UN Agenda 2030 for “sustainable” economy, and to developing literally trillions of dollars in new wealth - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read Full...intermittent electricity from wind turbines/solar panels CAN NOT produce, we see they are blatant failures to qualify as replacements for fossil fuels producng those 6,000 products. - BY RONALD
Read FullDemocratic operatives who worked for former President Barack Obama are spearheading websites designed to mimic journalism outfits in an effort to push liberal positions. - BY CHRIS WHITE
Read FullWilliam Bradford: "This was an experiment tried by "good and honest men." If this crew couldn't make it work, nobody's ever going to make it work." - BY BRYAN FISCHER
Read Full...the CSKT Compact has nothing to do with water rights, Indians, culture, fish, or environment. It's all about money for a ...group of tribal elite... - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read Full...threat to liberty comes through the connection of REAL ID to growing federal surveillance apparatus...the ability of...state to track individuals in real time. - BY JOE WOLVERTON, II, JD
Read Full...World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – the world’s most powerful, radical environmental organization -- has managed to worm its way into control of the American beef industry. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullScott Herndon quote: "If you allow something in law that is unlawful, people will run to do it. It’s the nature of human beings." - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full