The Church at Planned Parenthood has been ongoing once a month for a while now, Spokane voted on enforcing a noise ordinance based on decibels. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullDon’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote! - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullBumper sticker in Idaho: "I'm not a native, but I got here as quick as I could!"
Read FullThey don't need drugs or surgical mutilation, they need directed counseling to learn how to align their view of themselves with their God-given biological infrastructure. - BY BRYAN FISCHER
Read FullSure it’s offensive. Sure it’s disrespectful. But you have no right to not be offended and you have no right to be respected. - BY KRISANNE HALL, JD
Read FullThe high court’s intervention strongly signals that the justices will side with Mr. Trump when the cases reach their doorstep in full. - BY STEPHEN DINAN
Read FullFracking has become demonized. But fracking unlocked massive shale deposits of both natural gas and oils. Totally transformed the geo-political world. - BY ERIN MUNDAHL AND MICHAEL SANDOVAL
Read FullThere is nothing noble about thinking globally and acting locally when it allows local authorities to run amok with people’s rights and money. - BY BONNER COHEN, PH. D.
Read FullWith no regard to a States legislative jurisdiction, the Federal Government is adopting state laws as federal laws without a cession of Exclusive or Concurrent jurisdiction... - BY PLJ ADMIN
Read FullWashington gun control, sex education, and the supplemental operating budget: - WA STATE REP. MATT SHEA
Read FullThe President participated, together with Congress, in a usurpation of power not granted to the federal government under the U.S. Constitution... - BY ROBERT W. PECK
Read FullDiscrimination of any sort is wrong. Lawmakers would be wise to keep the blind lottery and keep school choice open to all, regardless of socioeconomic status. - BY DUSTIN HURST
Read FullDo you fully understand the real force of tyranny destroying the very roots of our American culture? And do you know how we can stop it? - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read Full...the lack of studies on vaccine safety, and virus mutations that occur secondary to vaccinations should be watched by every person with concerns about vaccinations. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full...another significant advantage offered by robots: They don’t get citizenship and go on the public dole — and then vote for socialists. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullTodd Myers: “Once again, the science has determined that destroying the four Lower Snake River dams would have high environmental and economic costs,” - BY GILLIAN FLACCUS
Read FullThe primary message of RepublicEN is that climate change is a crisis and Republicans should support a massive new tax on carbon dioxide emissions. - BY JAMES TAYLOR
Read FullFormer Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas, who oversaw the state Department of Education, sounds the alarm about what's happening in public schools across America... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullDaniel Turner, executive director of Power the Future: “The Green New Deal would effectively destroy America’s energy industry, and with it, our entire economy,” - BY SAM DORMAN
Read Full...toward an all-electric society plus the heavy burden on the power grid from charging an all-electric vehicle fleet – seems to be a recipe for disaster... - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read Full...government is taking and spending your money quicker than you can make it...there is zero major tax relief in the Senate Democrats’ budget proposal. - BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullEveryone needs a hobby. Might as well make it a productive one. Confronting politicians, PACs, judges, and others for their law breaking can be beneficial... - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullSome recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol: - BY SENATOR DON CHEATHAM
Read FullThe passage of the USMCA will send a signal to all departments and agencies that green SD programs are the future. - BY DAN TITUS
Read FullUp to thirty percent of the population may already be susceptible to serious complications from this weaponized strain. 5G wireless radiation only compromises immunity further. - BY LANCE D.
Read FullNational polling has shown a large majority of Americans, including those who describe themselves as pro-choice, oppose infanticide, as well as late-term abortions. - BY RAVEN CLABOUGH
Read FullThe Trump administration is legally allowed to withhold millions of dollars in federal law enforcement grants from states and other localities that refuse to work with ICE... - BY JASON
Read Full...Xi’s leadership style has effectively instilled a ‘wait and see’ attitude within the bureaucracy,” which “is leading to slow and hesitant responses from government officials... - BY DOUG BANDOW
Read Full...some random musings from the last several days of Idaho lawmaking that makes H.L. Mencken’s proposal to have seats be filled at random seem brilliant: - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read begins at conception! It commences as the sperm and egg come together, a cellular marriage of two individual components merging into a new organism. - BY D.S. CAUSEY
Read FullExpect more hysteria that is designed to divert our attention from the source... – Communist China. Trump’s critics don’t want lives saved; they want lives destroyed. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullFast food franchisees can stop worrying about federal regulatory overreach and focus on the job we ask of them – like fixing the ice cream machine. - BY REV. BEN JOHNSON
Read Full...“the researchers found that more stringent licensing requirements did not improve customer satisfaction (as measured by ratings) but did decrease competition and increase prices.” - BY MICHAEL TENNANT
Read Full...the outpouring...for Rush has caused me to feel a part of a huge great American family, similar to the early days of the Tea Party. - BY LLOYD MARCUS
Read FullContact your lawmakers using our pre-written email tool and send your two House Members and one Senator an email asking them to vote "Yes" on HB 516! - BY GREG PRUETT
Read Full...NASA has imagined a “Little Ice Age” in the future, because of solar activity that rises and falls in 11-year cycles: ...newest one begins this year, 2020. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read Full