This has drawn the ire of local groups such as Stronger Together Spokane & 500 Drag Queen Strong opposing TCAPP at the facility. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThis was the final week of the 2020 Legislative Session, and, as most do, this Session had its own unique characteristics at the end. - REP. SAGE DIXON
Read FullEven while confined by the governor’s stay-at-home order, our legislative work to look out for you, your family and our community goes on. -BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullI’m less concerned about the Legislature’s failure than I am hopeful Little will lead by example, and show that conservative principles and free markets do matter... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullMy current old analog meter, I am told by Avista workers, is very reliable and will nearly last forever while the new ones have a life... BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read FullToday, the nationwide federally funded Electronic Health Records system captures the details of every visit you make to a doctor’s office, hospital, pharmacy, laboratory or... - BY BARBARA LOE FISHER
Read FullYou can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis, legitimate or manufactured. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullThis is a follow-up on the Your Forests Your Future (YFYF) partnership between the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Salmon Valley Stewardship (SVS). - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullZero carbon emission laws like the Green New Deal in the EU and the US will deprive poor people of affordable energy worldwide. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullI’m betting on America. I’m hoping for the best and prepared for the worst. You should be too. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...United States has a power problem. It’s no longer clear where the boundaries of power are and it’s not clear who holds the levers of power. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullWe are right, though, to be cautious about the Wuhan flu. We’d also be right to be even more cautious about government. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullWe want to remind Idahoans of one important fact – in any given year, typically 80-90 percent of the fires in our state are human-caused. BY GRETCHEN HYDE
Read Full...nothing like this has been seen in America since the days of the Great Depression, which provided Democrats great excuses to undermine federalism and constitutional liberty. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...a weak immune system caused by poor nutrition and lifestyle choices can make the body susceptible to infections, like the coronavirus that is currently ravaging the world. - BY DIVINA RAMIREZ
Read FullThe Idaho's 2020 legislative session just ended. IFF analysts are double-checking the 2020 Idaho Freedom Index to ensure scores and ratings are error-free. - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION
Read FullBiden has painted himself into a corner with his promise of a female running mate. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read Full...the 555-page bill would offer parochial research grants and subsidies for wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric power. It also promotes carbon capture to reduce carbon emissions. - BY DANIEL HORWITZ
Read FullThe die is already cast on the Wuhan virus. How we respond to the next inevitable international pathogen will be critical. - BY CHRIS FARRELL
Read FullSome recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. - SENATOR DON CHEATHAM
Read Full...facts reveal that man’s adaptation via freedom, competition and capitalism, which is leading the way, is saying the EXACT OPPOSITE is happening! - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullArab propaganda is one of biggest scams ever perpetrated, and Mahmoud Abbas is still at it. - BY VICTOR SHARPE
Read FullReclaim Idaho is trying to use a new weapon to rain down onerous taxes and new rules and regulations on Idahoans with lies and innuendo... - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read Full...the devastating policies of Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development march on, as their effects decrease representative government through the establishment of non-elected boards, councils, and regional pacts, - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullIf coronavirus continues to put Americans in position to sacrifice individual liberties, the world that existed less than a month ago may be ancient history. - BY C. MITCHELL
Read FullIt is time for the president, Congress, and American corporations to begin to wean America away from China, especially as its mendacious and aggressive behavior continues... - BY PETER MURPHY
Read Full...letting fear drive us to panic-purchasing isn't the solution, it's the problem, especially at a time when there are no actual shortages except ones we’re creating. - BY ROBERT
Read FullViolence and lewdness are the methods of operation for the pro-abortion movement. It’s all they have left since they cannot reasonably refute pro-life arguments. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read FullIt is time for Americans to wake up to the now existing threat to our lives. Technocracy is the reality that will destroy us forever,.. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe Constitution was not written for the government to right every wrong. - BY JUDGE ANDREW NAPALITANO
Read FullThe intelligent response to the COVID-19 is to remain calm and take basic, common sense steps to reduce infection. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullBelow are some recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. I hope you enjoy the information. - BY SENATOR DON CHEATHAM
Read FullTomorrow, March 12, is the last scheduled day of the 2020 legislative session, and what a session it has been. - BY WA SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullCritics contend the new plan amounts to “grooming” by desensitizing young children to overt sexuality and advances a left-wing ideology. - BY RAVEN CLABOUGH
Read Full...a good number of legislators opined that Common Core’s day is done is a dramatic departure from years of blind allegiance the standards have consistently enjoyed. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullStill support GMO food and flu shots? Maybe it’s time you have a read, instead of just listening to your own boob tube’s Counterfeit News Networks. - BY S.D. WELLS
Read Full