In the days ahead, judge Biden not by what he says, but by whom he appoints. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullVP Mike Pence surprised no one yesterday by proving to be a total coward, refusing to issue letter to states in which overwhelming fraud has occurred, - BY MIKE
Read FullFox News has more leftists than CNN some days and the interim news chief is the very corrupt Democrat Donna Brazile. Even CNN fired her... - M. DOWLING
Read FullTed Cruz: “It is time to take anyone who was involved in voter fraud and prosecute them and put them in jail.” - BY ANDREW
Read Full… Stewart Rhodes emphasized the importance of America’s police, sheriffs, soldiers, sailors, EMS, and other first responders must always adhere to their oath of office… - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full…the Constitution clearly states to have a qualifying slate of Electors, State laws must be adhered to, or the act of Appointment itself has not occurred. BY TIMOTHY WULFF
Read FullWhen trying to better understand the political makeup of Washington State, it is worth looking closer at precinct level data. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullTrump has a duty to invoke the Insurrection Act. Article 4 of the Constitution requiring the federal government guarantee every state a Republican form of government. – BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThe election battle is not between Republicans and Democrats but between good and evil, right and wrong. - BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read FullPelosi said...that the House would hold a recorded roll call vote on the standalone measure Monday, Fox News correspondent Chad Pergram reported. - BY THOMAS CATENACCI
Read FullAfter the initial panic surrounding covid-19, objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore. - DOCS 4 OPEN DEBATE
Read Full…Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko informed Kent that he was offered “high-level” access to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign by the same firm that represented Burisma Holdings. – BY TOM FITTON
Read Full"My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election was over grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything... " - BY ALEX NITZBERG
Read FullIn addition, several other fact-checkers that Facebook employs aside from Lead Stories also have problematic links, with many of them having left-leaning backgrounds. - BY FRANZ WALKER
Read FullIn particular, states James Troupis (shown), pressure from the Left is stopping lawyers and judges from accepting and hearing vote-fraud cases. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullThe bill only gives $200 billion to the suffering Americans and much of the remaining $700 billion to foreign countries and apparatchiks. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullAs is the case with other COVID-19 restrictions, it appears the repercussions of partially closing down Idaho’s judicial system will also be substantial and long lived. - BY MATT TOBECK
Read FullThose of us who are over 35...grew up in a different America. We were taught, very directly, what it means to be an American. - BY LARRY P. ARNN
Read FullRand Paul: "To so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of Democrats: If you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better.” - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullRussian diplomat: “Donald Trump is doing something his predecessors lacked courage to do,...It is well past time Americans learned from our disastrous role in Afghanistan..." - BY RICHARD WALKER
Read FullThe protesters expressed opposition to the state’s ordering of certain businesses to close. ...some of the protesters were armed with rifles, handguns, and even a pitchfork. - BY BOB
Read FullThe idea that Trump, Flynn and the Patriotic American Military are going to give up is not consistent with a great deal of information that... - BY TIMOTHY WULFF
Read Full...because of knowledge of events such as the World Internet Conference, we now know why Silicon Valley is so eager to help the CCP’s preferred candidate. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullThere is considerable debate among economists about the extent which tax cuts stimulate growth and “pay for themselves.” certainly doesn’t look like taxes were reduced. - BY FRED BIRNMAUM
Read FullTrump has been coy about any plans he has made for the future. He recently called for a massive protest on Jan. 6, the day Congress meets...- BY JACK DAVIS
Read FullRadical Democrats seek expansion of their power, and Republicans just want to retain liberties assured by the constitution. Which is the more reasonable position to hold? - BY DAVE KING
Read Full...the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative in response to the coronavirus pandemic is an attempt to manipulate “citizens and nations through ignorance and fear”... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullIt is clear that Swalwell would fail such a test, and so would China Joe Biden. This makes it imperative that Trump stay in office... - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read Full“The machines and also the signature verifications. Let us see the signatures in Fulton County, Georgia, and a couple of other places, let us see the signatures - BY ZACHARY STIEBER
Read Full“There are many ways you can place a price on carbon, I think regulation is one of them,” McCarthy said,... - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullLet’s learn from history and not allow tyrants to leave us deprived of the power to protect and preserve the liberty granted us by God. - BY JOE WOLVERTON,
Read FullDeep State supporting minions who screamed, “Don’t do it,” are terrified over the prospect of President Donald Trump exercising his authority to declare martial law. - BY MARK MEGHAN
Read Full“I can promise you: President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers,” Byrne said, “They want him to lose and are lying to him. - BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV
Read FullC.A. Fitts: “If you look at the Covid 19 restrictions, they were clearly aimed at wiping out the businesses of millions of Trump supporters." - BY GREG HUNTER
Read FullOur grandchildren should be begging us to ‘patriot up’ and get America back to what brought our demanding accountability and enforcement of laws. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullSince the Black Diamond's reopening this past week it inspired another bar, Stormin’ Norman's Shipfaced Saloon to also follow suit and open back up to support... - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full