Hundreds of former aides to RINOs Bush, Romney and McCain endorse Kamala Harris over Trump, proving Trump is truly the anti-establishment candidate

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RINO Republicans have crossed sides due to fear of Trump. Back in 2020, hundreds of aides to both Bush and McCain chose Joe Biden... - BY ETHAN HUFF

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Making Room for Liberty

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Right now, we need room to win back our culture. To do that means electing Donald Trump. Everything else comes after. - BY BRIAN ALMON

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Pounding the Facts

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Trump has a very high intellect and a tremendous grasp of the facts, which should make him feel secure, so no chest pounding is necessary... - BY ROBERT RINGER

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Regretfully, DEI isn’t as useless as tits on a boar hog

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...dedicated Marxists — useful idiots for the globalists and Deep State – are using DEI to destroy the greatest culture that graced God’s Earth. -BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT

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The Right to be Left Alone

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The government spends hundreds of billions of dollars annually just to watch and follow us. Who authorized this? Why do we tolerate it? - BY JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO

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“Joy” slogan being utilized by Kommie Kamala and the Democrats is nearly identical to Hitler’s “Strength through Joy” Nazi propaganda campaign

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Call it Nazi-style rule,, Communist manifesto, or Socialism, ...if Kamala gets control, we end up in the same place – broke, dying and praying for help. - BY S.D. WELLS

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Evidence Shows At Least Two Shooters Were In Butler, PA

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My sources who've been in the trenches of D.C. say what we call the Deep State is broader and deeper than any of us think. - BY DANIEL BOBINSKI

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The "doctrine" allowed the deep state federal agencies to rule over Americans with their plethora of "regulations", not legislation passed by Congress. - BY DONALD C. BROCKETT

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Klaus Schwab says WEF will unleash “an era of shock events” to bring about a globalist NWO

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"The forum warns that we should expect a 'grander scale' of cyber-attacks that will attack BANKS, hospitals, and retailers leadlng to a halt in worldwide services. - BY ETHAN HUFF

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2024 Primary Election Results – Washington State

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We produced a few videos covering the Washington State Primary Election results from over the past few weeks. - BY GLEN MORGAN

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Who Do Our Elected Officials Actually Represent?

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Change the debate, openly oppose anti-freedom policies, expose non-governmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in shadows dictating policy, force elected officials to be personally accountable for their actions. - BY TOM DEWEESE

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Illegal Alien Sanctuaries in Idaho?

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We all know there is a problem in our state and our country with illegal aliens, but what is the specific process for dealing with it? - BY BRIAN ALMON

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Putin designates Russia a “safe haven” for those seeking to escape liberal values, offers Westerners easy residency

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Putin is making a play for the growing number of people in countless democracies who are fed up with liberal leadership... -BY CASSIE B..

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The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom

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You’ve got rights. We’ve all got rights. This is our country, our government. No one can take it away unless we make it easy for them. -

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Who Is Directing the War on Agriculture and Nutrition?

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Elite billionaire organizations and foundations, government agencies and activist pressure groups are funding and coordinating a global war on modern agriculture, nutrition, and Earth’s poorest, hungriest people. - BY PAUL DRIESSEN

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IACI Scorecard Quiz

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The Gem State Chronicle is proud to unveil the IACI Scorecard Quiz, a 17-question survey that tells you how you would score compared to Idaho’s lawmakers. - BY BRIAN ALMON

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The Democratic Party’s History of Anarchy: 1800-1918 – Part 2

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Democrat Memphis City Judge John C. Creighton: “Boys, I want you to go ahead and kill every damned one of the ni**er race and burn the cradles.”  - BY STEVEN

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New ATM technology is coming that will enforce vaccine compliance before you’re allowed to access bank deposits

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"China or USA, I can't hardly tell the difference anymore," someone wrote on X about the new ATM rollout.- BY ETHAN HUFF

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Deep State Preps for the NEXT Plandemic

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The Deep State’s getting ready to launch the next pandemic in a series of meetings and conferences around the world similar to those that preceded COVID... - BY ALEX NEWAN

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BOMBSHELL: The CIA was at the Capitol on January 6 — doing what?

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“Law enforcement personnel working for the CIA on the ground on January 6, certainly that ought to be disclosable or disclosed to the American people.” - BY BLAZE TV

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The Art of Manufacturing Candidates

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Democrat truth inversion, along with election fraud, now stands between Donald Trump and the White House.  Which means it all gets down to messaging... -BY ROBERT RINGER

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American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion

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... it doesn’t matter what religion a particular candidate claims to subscribe to: all politicians answer to their own higher power, which is the Deep State. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD

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Are You a Platform Republican?

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We use the Republican Platform as litmus tests to determine who's living up to conservative Republican principles. How many of us know what it really says? - BY BRIAN ALMON

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Commie Kamala’s New Economic Policy

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Harris’ Economic Plan will produce the same results as other government-run food-and-housing schemes – vast sinkholes of taxpayer dollars, shortages of food and consumer products,... - BY GEORGE RASLEY

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School Choice 2025: Nero, Ford, and Friedman

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After decades of lavish budgets, flat results, and frustrated parents and children, it’s time we followed best practices of school choice. Efficiency and excellence will follow. - BY RONALD NATE

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Solar panel giant SunPower files for bankruptcy as Biden’s economy unravels

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The green energy company cited a "severe liquidity crisis caused by a sharp decline in demand in the solar market and SunPower's inability to obtain capital." - BY

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The Dangerous Delusion of Biden and World Leaders of Transition to ‘Just Electricity’

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As a refresher of the limitations of wind and solar to achieve net-zero emissions, they do different things than crude oil. - BY RONALD STEIN AND TOM DEWEESE

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Fatal Food and Price Control

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After causing an inflation nightmare by reckless spending and her war on oil, now Kamala’s pretending she can fix it with a war on food. - BY GENE VAN SHAAR

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Club of Rome: “...searching for a new enemy to unite us, ...the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…" - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT

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Is Krazy Kommie Kamala Picking “Moderate” Josh Shapiro as VP? I Dare You Kamala. I Double Dare You. Please Pick Shapiro.

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Think who benefits if Kamala becomes president? The Chinese Communist Party,Mexican Drug Cartels, and Iran. You can bet that’s who’s funding Kamala’s fake campaign. - FROM WAYNE ALLYN ROOT

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