The Art of Manufacturing Candidates
Legendary Austrian economist/philosopher Friedrich Hayek was on target when he said, “In government, the scum rises to the top.” Government makes it possible for some of the worst human beings on the planet to wield the most power. It’s so consistently true that it can’t be dismissed as mere coincidence.
Take, for example, what Democrats have been up to lately. After spending more than four years manufacturing Joe Biden into a hybrid of The Rock and Elon Musk, party leaders (Obama, Pelosi & Co.) threw him out of office when they realized he was going to cost Democrats their power. They then manufactured (actually, recycled) a new mythical candidate, Kamala Harris, who makes Joe Biden sound like Winston Churchill by comparison. I wouldn’t say she’s weird, but she sure is creepy — and dumber than Biden on his worst day.
The Democrat machine has managed to whip half the population into a frenzy over what David Axelrod referred to as “irrational exuberance.” The seeming excitement of Democrats is as manufactured as their candidates, but they are not the least bit deterred. Not that long ago, many outspoken Democrats (including many in the legacy media) wanted Kamala off the ticket, because they thought she was a drag on Biden’s chances of winning. Now those same Democrats talk about her as though she were the second coming of Margaret Thatcher.
Admittedly, I’ve always been turned off by Democrats, but, hard as it is to believe, in the days of yore there were many Dems who were actually civil, even likeable and well-meaning. JFK was charming and had a great sense of humor. Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale, though philosophically confused, were likeable men, as was Tip O’Neil. Sure, like all politicians they lied, but their lies were mostly of the stretching-of-the-truth variety and generally harmless.
Starting in 2008, however, something happened to Democrats that changed the political landscape. An unvetted mystery man named Barack Obama lied his way into the White House and, right off the bat, said he intended to fundamentally change the United States of America. Even a low IQ person could conclude that for such an unpopular transformation to succeed, nefarious actions would have to replace political arguments. The Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, and other departments of the federal government would have to be used to protect the Democrat machine and destroy its opponents.
Most important, Obama introduced truth inversion as a lethal weapon for Democrats. By “truth inversion,” I’m not talking about garden-variety political lies. What I’m referring to are Orwellian lies, i.e., turning the truth on its head. Nothing explains truth inversion better than George Orwell’s classic doublethink line in his book 1984: “War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength.” Most people who read his book back in the 1900s didn’t take it too seriously, because at the time Democrats tended to be patriotic Americans who, like Republicans, wanted to make America a better place for its citizens but simply disagreed with them on the best way to accomplish that end.
Today, however, things are quite different, because Democrats want to make America worse for all those who are not part of the elite class, and to accomplish that, they’ve normalized lying, cheating, and violence. Under Obama, Democrats came to realize that no matter how big the lie, not only would a certain number of low-information people believe it, no one would get punished for spreading it.
Laptopgate was truth inversion at its finest, because every one of those 51 “former intel agents” knew the Hunter Biden laptop was real when they signed the infamous letter saying it was likely Russian disinformation. Ditto with Russiagate and Dementiagate. And to the Democrats’ delight, no one has ever been punished for any of these inversion lies.
Democrat truth inversion, along with election fraud, now stands between Donald Trump and the White House. Which means it all gets down to messaging, and thus far I have to give Republicans a very low grade in that area. They should forget the name calling and produce ads that ask Kamala questions she will not get in her eventual fake press conference(s) or in her two debates with Trump.
Susan Rice is on record insisting that Harris has been “an integral architect and executor of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration,” so Kamala should be asked to name specific ways in which her Bidenomics program has positively impacted Americans. She should be asked why she hasn’t brought down home prices in her three-and-a-half years in office. She should be asked why she hasn’t stopped the border invasion in her three-and-a-half years in office. She should be asked why she hasn’t instituted a $6,000 child tax credit in her three-and-a-half years in office.
Scores of questions like these need to be hammered home to the 15 percent of voters who are supposedly undecided. Most of them are probably beyond the reach of Fox and Newsmax, so the RNC’s challenge is to find new and creative ways to reach the hollow heads who probably get most of their news from the fake-news media. Those are the voters who have to be reminded, over and over again, that Kamala Harris not only has been in power for more than three-and-a-half years, she is in power today. Why hasn’t she done, and why isn’t she doing, all the things she claims she will do after the election?
If Republicans fall short in this effort, another Democrat manufactured candidate could ascend to the White House and preserve power on behalf of her puppet masters. On the bright side, Kamala might be able to teach us the art of price “gauging,” because she’s unburdened by what has been.
Now, sit back and behold the tsunami of truth-inversion lies that will be saturating the air at the Democratic National Convention.