It’s By Design: Democrats Let Iranian Hostiles in Pentagon Conduct Spying Operations

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"This could be the biggest infiltration of the government by a spy since Alger Hiss, the Russian spy who was exposed by Congressman Richard M. Nixon." - BY ROGER STONE

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Virtual Home Invasions: We’re Not Safe from Government Peeping Toms

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Despite the fantasy that things will change if we just elect the right candidate, we’ll still be prisoners of the electronic concentration camp. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD

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A System to Replace the Dollar Will Be Ready in 2025

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Prepare for the new gold-backed monetary system to replace the dollar and SWIFT. The system to make it happen called The Unit will make us instantly poor. - BY M DOWLING

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Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie Receives Strong Support for Bill to Abolish the Federal Reserve

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The Fed's an economic cancer and great enabler of economic growth having facilitated the largest expansion of government in American history the last 100 years. - BY JOSÉ ALBERTO NIÑO

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My Message to President Trump: The Debates are a Trap. Something is Wrong. Drug Test Biden.

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I know of no presidential debate in history ever held in June. Obama's running the show, and calling all the shots. He's the real President... - BY WAYNE ALLYN

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The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a Massive Land Grab Masquerading as Restitutions

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Due to the full implementation of 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, at home and abroad U.S. Federal agencies are under the control the United Nations. - BY DAN TITUS

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Scouting Neutered

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Scout activities used to be practiced through attachments to religious organizations but now that role has been removed and replaced with UN institutions. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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Principle or Power

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Will the KCRCC consist of grassroots MAGA Republicans like you, or “Astroturfed” -fake grass roots- members of special interest groups? You will decide Tuesday May 21st. - BY BRENT REGAN

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The First Americans Built This Monument as a Blueprint, Declaring Laws Based on Christian Morals is the Only Way to Keep America Great

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Republicans must pass and enforce laws against this, prosecute those who commit crimes, and institutionalize those on the street. - BY DAILY VERASITY STAFF

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Girl Exposed to LGBTQ Agenda with Tragic Consequences at Lakes Middle School in Coeur d’Alene

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Shelia believes that other parents need to "pull their heads out of the sand" and address the skyrocketing mental health problems within the Public School system... - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Competing titles of the same subject, just different views: One is a Marxist, fatalist view. The other is one of protecting property rights and individual freedom. - BY KATHLEEN

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Beware: Many So-Called ‘Conservatives’ Vote Against the Party Platform

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“Gem State Conservatives” are so desperate to take back their power, they’ve even recruited LOBBYISTS to run for these positions! - BY DANIEL BOBINSKI

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The Way Clarence Thomas Describes DC Is Truly Terrifying

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...people in Washington “pride themselves on being awful,” resulting in him and his wife spending their free time outside of the left-leaning city. - BY SARAH ARNOLD

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Biden Administration locking up public lands from West to East

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Public lands are for all Americans to enjoy and cherish, not just the Biden administration’s preferred environmental buddies. This isn’t conservation; it’s a land grab. - BY GABRIELLA HOFFMAN

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The Idaho Freedom Foundation's Freedom Index, launched in 2013, has been referred to as the “gold standard” for state-based legislative scorecards. Get your copy today. - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUDATIKON

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Alex Adams Takes Over at IDHW

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Numerous people I trust have spoken highly of Adams. His pharmaceutical background and experience with cutting government regulations make him perhaps the best person for this job. BY BRIAN

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Report: Biden’s General Services Administration sent pallets of docs to Mar-a-Lago a year before Jack Smith stormtrooper’s raid

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The Federalist has thrown another monkey wrench into Special Counsel Jack Smith’s politically motivated show trial of former President Donald Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case. - BY PAT DRONEY

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It’s long past time to restore America’s election integrity. Without fair elections, we do not have a free country. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY

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Gillis says IFF does good work, but clearly disagrees with a small and incomplete sample of “crime bill” ratings that represent about 4% of bill ratings. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM

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A Green Embargo by China Will Trigger a Financial Crisis That Will Implode the US Economy

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The “green” revolution to occasionally generated electricity from wind and solar has the world on the cusp of a Green Embargo by China... -BY RONALD STEIN, P.E.

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The Supreme Court: The most powerful, least busy people in Washington

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...the Court’s docket is that (Roberts) describes a Court that “can only hear roughly 150 cases each term.” Now, the Court's hearing barely more than 60. - BY IAN MILLHISER

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Government Schools Leading Children to Suicide, Drug Overdoses

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Government schools are indoctrinating our children to death,” cntributing to the highest drug overdose, suicide, school shooting rates, and the spiritual death of America’s youth. - BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF

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The Steady Slide Towards Tyranny: How Freedom Dies from A to Z

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Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton: they have all been complicit in carrying out the Deep State’s agenda sliding us ever closer towards a pervasive authoritarianism. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD

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There is Nothing Conservative About “Gem State Conservatives”

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The old guard establishment believes power is its birthright and that the repudiation it faced in 2022 was a minor speed bump. - BY BRIAN ALMON

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Department Of Defense Playing Doctor?

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Scrutinize every piece of information disseminated by the government for accuracy and truth.  Above all, conduct research on whatever the government is reporting.  - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER

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William F. Jasper April 30th Speaking Event Video: America Is Going Away Fast – We Cannot Rely On Others to Save It!

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States Must Stop: *The Invasion, *Illegal Voting and the *UN New World Order... Or AMERICA - WILL – BE - GONE! - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SPEAKERS BUREAU

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White Elephant or Trojan Horse

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The NIR logo is a White Elephant and a “White Elephant” is something that is costly, of no use, and difficult to remove. Perfect! - BY BRENT REGAN

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The Second Great Awakening in the Pacific Northwest

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While America was expanding westward, the son of a Spokane Indian chief helped bring the Gospel to the Indians of the Pacific Northwest. - BY ROB CHASE

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The debate over causes of the broken economy—laissez-faire government, poorly managed globalization, the rise of technology in favor of the few, wide open. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT

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Living Lives of Noisy Desperation

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Palestine will be liberated when Palestinians throw out Hamas barbarians who steal their humanitarian-aid resources, use them as human shields, and bring them nothing but misery.  - BY ROBERT RINGER

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Hell Yes, This is “The Great Replacement.” That’s Why Social Media & the Entire Mainstream Media are So Scared of My Speech That It’s Been Banned, Censored & Demonized Everywhere. Here It Is.

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...DMV employees cannot ask them if they're a legal U.S. citizen. So, every illegal alien in Nevada who drives is automatically registered to vote. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT

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It’s coal to the rescue as wind and solar fail to keep German lights on

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Germany invested a fortune in wind,/solar which are unable to meet energy needs, it simultaneously shut down clean, safe, functioning nuclear plants that were paid for. -BY CRAIG RUCKER

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