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80% of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped. What would happen if all 20 million vacated America? The answers I found may surprise you! - BY TINA GRIEGO

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Florida’s governor doesn’t play, announces robust crackdown on disorderly assemblies

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DeSantis: "...these are people who will come from all across the country … we’re going to figure out who's organizing and who’s funding and hold them accountable,”... -BY TOM

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. picks tech entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan as his vice president

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Shanahan, one of his top donors, was chosen after some better-known people were floated as possible choices. - BY BRITTANY GIBSON

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Big-Spending Voters

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As expected, last week Mike Johnson huddled with Democrats and agreed to go along with more deficit spending in order to accommodate their anti-America agenda,... - BY ROBERT RINGER

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‘The River Is Essentially Dead’: How Enviros’ Push To Save Salmon Ended Up Killing ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ Of Them

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The drawdowns of several reservoirs pursuant to the scheduled removal of four dams in the river preceded the deaths of “hundreds of thousands” of young salmon in the waterway, - BY NICK POPE

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Here’s How President Trump Saves America. This Should be Trump’s First Act on Day One (1/20/25) of His New Presidency.

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This one act by itself may not instantly save America…but it sure is a great start! - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT

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The U.S. DHHS took a definition from the WHO (vaccine hesitancy) which meant one thing and inserted it where the most damage could be done to our children (vaccine counseling)! - BY LYNNE M. TAYLOR

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Revenge of the RINOs: Paul Singer and Kevin McCarthy Behind Trump 2024 Ballot Ban

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Seems that Kevin McCarthy, and...Paul Singer, are orchestrating this collapse of Republican control in the House. Some would call it the revenge of the RINO. - BY ROGER STONE

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ENGINEERED FAMINE: Oregon starts SHUTTING DOWN small farms “to protect the people”

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The tyranny usually starts in one area as a test case, and if the general public does not resist, it spreads like a virus elsewhere. - BY ETHAN HUFF

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If there is no accountability, then there's abuse. It must end. Call senators to get Guthrie and Winder to do the right thing: end Guthrie’s dictatorship. - BY RONALD NATE

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The Idaho Legislature Has Been Strangely Silent About the Upcoming Global Pandemic Treaty

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If the treaty's adopted, it will result in countries losing their sovereignty, and Idaho becoming subservient to authoritarians who will cast unilateral rules across our state. - BY DANIEL BOBINSKI

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A national TikTok ban and the First Amendment

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The House passage of a bill banning TikTok from app stores in the US has ignited a national constitutional discussion about free speech and public security. - BY SCOTT BOMBOY

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Putin Urges U.S. To Close Southern Border

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Putin didn’t say “America close your southern border” but if there’s one lesson to take away from the Crocus City terrorist attack that would be it. - BY GEORGE RASLEY

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URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has announced he plans to pass funding for Ukraine — with support from Democrats in the face of opposition from constitutionalist Republicans.

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House Speaker Mike Johnson has announced he plans to pass funding for Ukraine — with support from Democrats in the face of opposition from constitutionalist Republicans. - BY JBS STAFF

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FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin Discusses Culture And Background Of Agency

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Seraphin has been instrumental in exposing Brady Act violations by the City of Coeur d’Alene Prosecutor’s office for withholding exculpatory evidence in the Patriot Front trial. - BY CASEY WHALEN

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The Mathematical Impossibility Of Evolution

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The chance that a 200-component integrated functioning organism could be developed by mutation/natural selection, is less than one chance out of a billion trillion. – BY HENRY M. MORRIS, PH.D.

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Former Lifelong Democrat Elon Musk: ‘We Need a Red Wave or America Is Toast’

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Billionaire Elon Musk, a self-proclaimed former lifelong Democrat, declared...that America needs a “red wave” in the 2024 election or it will face a severe catastrophe. - BY PAUL ROLAND BOIS

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New York Rescinds All Article V Convention Applications

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Rescission resolutions this year.have also been introduced in Arizona, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. - BY PETER RYKOWSKI

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Libraries & The Legislature

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The Senate State Affairs committee continues to discuss this issue. Contact them at sstaf@senate.idaho.gov and let them know your thoughts because the opposition is strong right now. - BY KAREN

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URGENT; IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED: Congress has released a $1.2 trillion spending bill funding part of the federal government, including the Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services. 

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About 80 percent of the current federal government is unconstitutional — and it exists because Congress voted for it in direct violation of the Constitution. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY

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SCOTUS Went 0-for-4 on Monday

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In four cases the Court should have stood strongly against wrongdoing by Biden, the DOJ, and New York, state instead of appeasing them. -.BY JOHN & ANDY SCHLAFLY

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The Great Taking: How the Deep State Will Ensure You Own Nothing

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As part of the plan, laws were quietly changed to strip security owners of their property rights and instead give them a “security entitlement.” - BY ALEX NEWMAN

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Alabama Governor Signs Law Banning State Funding of DEI at Public Schools, Universities

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A new Alabama law bans state agencies, local educationboards, and institutions of higher education from sponsoring so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs or offices, - BY KATABELLA ROBERTS

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“We Kill People Based on Metadata,” Admits Former CIA/NSA Boss

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Retired Gen. Michael Hayden...admitted that the Obama administration murdered people around the world based solely on the so-called metadata collected by U.S. intelligence agencies. - BY ALEX NEWMAN

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Council on Foreign Relations: The ‘Real’ Deep State Leaders, “In Their Own Words”

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Most Americans have never even heard of the Council on Foreign Relations, yet the members of the CFR dominate almost every aspect of American life. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK

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Exit Time for Joe?

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Democrats are gambling that the sheep don’t care about minor issues like inflation, crime, and an invasion....  Kind of scary to think they might be right. - BY ROBERT RINGER

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Every Terrible, Evil Thing Happening In America is Courtesy of China and the CCP…Obama…and Satan. Here’s How They’re Doing It.

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Soon we could face revolution… anarchy… civil war… societal collapse… to anyone who isn’t blind, deaf or very dumb, World War 3 is already here. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT

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Jack McManus – Reminiscences

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Like millions of other Americans, my first encounter with John F. “Jack” McManus was through his film 'Overview of America'. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER

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New Policy Study applies results of the late-2023 Heartland/Rasmussen poll which found more than one-in-four mail-in voters admitted to submitting illegal ballots

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Even if only a fraction of self-admitted violations of election law occurred, Trump beats Biden in multiple swing states and wins 2020 Electoral College vote - BY HEARTLAND INSTITUTE STAFF

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Teacher’s Take A Stand!

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The NEA and it's affiliates want to radically change society and are opposed to an education system that honors family, instills patriotism and teaches our history... - BY

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Criminal Chinese Gangs Run Thousands of US Marijuana Farms

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Chinese organized gangs from California to Maine dominate much of the nation’s illicit marijuana trade. The criminal industry is exploding in growth. - BY M DOWLING

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Brett Kavanaugh rides to the Biden administration’s defense in a big First Amendment case

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The Supreme Court’s center right appears increasingly frustrated with the judiciary’s far right. - BY IAN MILLHIZER

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Boycott Tyson Foods Products

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Tyson’s new low exceeds even Disney’s despicable behavior by firing American workers and replacing them with illegal aliens allowed into the country by Joe Biden. - BY GEORGE RASLEY

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America’s energy scam

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Wind turbines and solar panels are themselves MADE from oil derivatives and only generate occasional electricity but manufacture NOTHING for society. -BY RONALD STEIN

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No Emergency Powers in the Constitution

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Our ancestors understood that emergencies are the time-honored way that tyrannical regimes have destroyed liberty throughout the ages. - BY JACOB G. HORNBERGER

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Two cases released by SCOTUS may be the handwriting on the wall regarding others dealing with social media platforms and their usage now before the Court. - BY DONALD BROCKETT

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