
What Trump’s been lied to about is designed to Transform America to a member state of NAU. Once it’s done, we’re screwed! Read to believe:
“But, generally speaking, the Protective system in these days is conservative, while the Free Trade system works destructively. It breaks up old nationalities and carries antagonism of proletariat and bourgeoisies to the uttermost point. In a word, the Free Trade system hastens the Social Revolution. In this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, I am in favor of Free Trade.” — Karl Marx, addressing the Democratic Club, Brussels, Belgium; January 9, 1848
By Rich Loudenback
How many patriotic Americans are going to tolerate President Trump’s much vaunted USMCA once it begins being implemented by the powers of the UN globalist, once our patriots see what the USMCA really does:
- Take our sovereignty,
- Override our Constitution,
- Circumvent our Congress,
- Take jurisdiction over our Courts
- Override our Property Rights with the UN’s Sustainable Development/Agenda 2030
- Establish a Single Energy Grid for Canada, Mexico and the US run by the UN
- Establish a Supranational Bureaucracy for all three countries
- Establish Open Immigration among the 3 countries
- Climate Change regulations & taxes
- “Gender Identity” and “gender-related issues” (aka LGBTQ)
- Control our Customs Duties
- Effectively make us a member state of the globalists run North American Union
- And then there are the exceptions for each country (even more UN control of America)
This is all hard to believe isn’t it, since virtually all the talking heads in the media including all of them on Fox News choose to believe our wonderful President who is so busy and wants something so badly that is better than NAFTA, he is willing to follow the recommendations of his ‘trusted advisors’ who are to the one, all blatantly poker face lying to him. See: Why All ‘Free Trade Agreements’ Must Be Banned, They are Sovereignty Stealing, Deceitful Tools of Globalists: Some History & Facts
Since this is truly so hard to believe, then do something none of the talking heads or, unfortunately, none of the 348 House Democrats and Republicans who just voted ‘YEA’ for the USMCA obviously did not do: Read the damn document!
We should be livid, because They generally like to say they voted for the ‘bait’ woven into the document for them to justify their votes, like they are pearl-like gifts for dairy farmers or other special interests.
Read: THE FULL ACTUAL DOCUMENT: USMCA | United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
However, it runs for 1,809 pages — 1,572 pages for the treaty chapters, 214 pages for additional annexes, and 23 pages of side letters. Obviously, the mammoth size of the agreement should set off alarm bells that much more is involved than “free trade,” which should mean the absence of government intervention.
A much easier approach to learning all that’s in this scheme to ‘transform’ (sound familiar) America into a member state of a regional UN run government via this fine- tuned instrument of deception and guile, is to look at Christian Gomez’s spectacular expose’ of it in his article What’s Really in the USMCA? – A MUST READ!
Gomez’s genius approach to revealing the USMCA is to expose the UN’s controlling tentacles within the Trojan Horse agreement in his article and then allow you to go to his in-depth ‘USMCA Issues Index’ at the bottom of the article that features links to any of your concerns that take you directly to them in the actual agreement. You will save a lot of time and be convinced quite quickly why this is all a ruse to take utter control of our freedoms and our government rendering The United States of America null & void.
“The pact is even worse than NAFTA regarding undermining American sovereignty and self-determination, in favor of North American integration extending beyond trade to include labor and environmental policies. It is, in fact, so bad that the globalists who had lambasted Trump for renegotiating NAFTA praised him afterward,” says Gomez.
“A side-by-side comparison of the USMCA and the TPP shows extensive overlap. Virtually all of the problems inherent in the TPP are likewise contained in the USMCA, such as the erosion of national sovereignty, submission to a new global governance authority, the unrestricted movement of foreign nationals, workers’ rights to collective bargaining, and regional measures to combat climate change.” – Quote from Christian Gomez in his New American Magazine special report ‘USMCA – A TPP Redux?’
Guess who was the chief negotiator in both NAFTA and TPP?
Answer: Robert E. Lighthizer, who is also a member of the globalists’ Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). See: The Council on Foreign Relations: the Deep State’s Leaders ‘In their Own Words’
Larry Kudlow, President Trump’s Chief Economic Advisor assures Trump that Lighthizer is the best negotiator we have and the USMCA is just what we need.
Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haas said “The USMCA looks to be the trade pact formerly known as NAFTA plus 10-20%. Hope it becomes a precedent for TPP. I suggest the US-Pacific Trade Agreement (USPTA),” Haass said on Twitter, adding, “What matters is that the US joins it; doing so would bolster our strategic position visa-vis China and our economy.” The next day, Haass again took to Twitter, where he reiterated his renewed hope of the United States rejoining TPP. Haass tweeted: “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks.”
The USMCA — the NAFTA replacement — represents the next globalist step toward the economic integration of the United States, Mexico, and Canada into an EU-style North American Union.
Oh, and they said NAFTA would boost our trade in large numbers and add at least 177,000 new jobs. Yet, after having had a trade surplus for years, we immediately went to a $15.8 billion deficit the first year and it has increased every year since and we LOST at least 700,000 jobs stated Robert E. Lighthizer in his remarks on a NAFTA renegotiation, Aug. 16, 2018
Now VP Mike Pence’s office states, “The U.S. International Trade Commission says that within five years, the USMCA could add up to $235 billion in new economic growth and 589,000 jobs to the U.S. economy.
Yet, The United States International Trade Commission website usitc.gov, their article ‘USITC Releases Report Concerning the Likely Impact of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)’ those claims differ markedly: “The Commission’s model estimates that USMCA would raise U.S. real GDP by $68.2 billion (0.35 percent) and U.S. employment by 176,000 jobs (0.12 percent). The model estimates that USMCA would likely have a positive impact on U.S. trade, both with USMCA partners and with the rest of the world. U.S. exports to Canada and Mexico would increase by $19.1 billion (5.9 percent) and $14.2 billion (6.7 percent), respectively. U.S. imports from Canada and Mexico would increase by $19.1 billion (4.8 percent) and $12.4 billion (3.8 percent), respectively.“ ??? Right.
The late, Professor Robert A Pastor, one of the leading architects of the European Union wrote in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations: “NAFTA was merely the first draft of an economic constitution for North America.”
Out of Nowhere, USMCA push has Strange Bedfellow: Nancy P
Making the strongest of statements on how bad this monstrosity must be, the person that would do about anything to hurt Trump, Nancy Pelosi, all of a sudden is pushing for its passage, in fact, its reported that after having a lot of new Progressive stuff inserted into it at the last minute, she is even now trying to take credit for the bill and its passage. That is all most true Constitutional conservatives should need to hear to ‘catch on.’
If this passes the Senate and Trump eagerly signs it, we are screwed! Trump was able to cancel the TPP/TTIP on the 3rd day of his Presidency because it was still just a bill in progress. Once he signs this giant win for the globalists it would take Congress and Trump to repeal it. Good luck with betting on Congress. This could be tougher to accomplish than BREXIT in England, given the kind of money that would be available for our sorry LOBBYI$T loving legislators and see how frustratingly BREXIT has been going, going and going. It’s possible that spirited American patriots may be more inclined toward civil war than putting up with absolute control by unelected, unaccountable, global elitists who know what’s best about everything for everybody in a Socialist world.
We have almost no time left to wake up Senators and especially President Trump.
I really want to believe in President Trump enough to think he would nuke this masterpiece of sovereignty destroying, evil deceit as soon as he recognizes the truths about it.
If we could only find one person who has his ear to open his eyes. In the meantime all we can do is all we can do. Please spread the word and make phone calls ASAP.
Mitch McConnell has said that he won’t bring this up till after impeachment trials in January. But then, he could bring it up tomorrow. I do not trust Mitch McConnell!
Call and log your opposition to this American sovereignty killing bill, the USMCA:
President Trump at 202 456-1111 or 456-1414
Your Senators at 202 224-3121
Your Representatives at 202 225-3121- Ask how your rep. voted!
For much more information including a lot of very troubling facts check the following articles:
Read Christian Gomez’s complete articles:
Five Reasons to Oppose the Now-introduced USMCA Implementation Act
What’s Really in the USMCA? – A MUST READ!!!
Also see:
Why All ‘Free Trade Agreements’ Must Be Banned, They are Sovereignty Stealing, Deceitful Tools of Globalists: Some History & Facts – Rich Loudenback
U.S., Mexico, and Canada Sign “Progressive” USMCA Regional Government Scheme – By Christian Gomez
USMCA Exposed: Towards a North American Union – By Christian Gomez
USMCA Advances the Globalist Agenda! – By Kristin Kenowski
Creating a New World Order Out of Regional Orders – By Alex Newman
Private: UN Globalism to Replace Americanism? – By Alex Newman
Problems With Boris Johnson’s “Brexit” Mirror Those of USMCA – By Christian Gomez
World Government Summit – Behind the Deep State – By Alex Newman
At UN Summit, World Rulers Adopt Agenda 2030 for Global Socialism – By Alex Newman
Inside the Council on Foreign Relations — Behind the Deep State – By Alex Newman
UN Summit Seeks “New World Order” to “Transform the Way We Live” – By Alex Newman
“World Government Summit” Plotting Your Future – Alex Newman
The Deep State’s ‘Directors’ Revealed – Even In Their Own Words – By Rich Loudenback
At “World Government Summit,” Globalists Push UN Agenda 2030 – By Alex Newman
PROOF! The Pearls for Special Interests in USMCA are UN’s Poison Pills, Trump’s Trusted Advisors are Lying – It takes our Sovereignty! Read how, easily here: – Rich Loudenback
America is about to transition into a member state of a global government via USMCA! Trump’s advisors are lying to him or he wouldn’t be for it.!!! – Rich Loudenback
Why We Need to Stop the USMCA! – By The John Birch Society
What Trump Can’t Know About the USMCA! – By Rich Loudenback
Betrayed, by Advisors, Trump Will Be Livid When He Learns the USMCA Takes Our Sovereignty! – By Rich Loudenback
USMCA Passage: At What Cost? – By Kristin Stockheimer
President Trump’s Brutus and Cassius? – By Rich Loudenback
ID’s US Sen. Risch: Don’t Vote with Trump on USMCA, Have the Guts to Show Him What He’s Not Aware Of! – By Rich Loudenback