"How could the U.S. Congress know tthere would be a need for such legislation to address an illness that had not been reported to have occurred... - BY EDWARD HENDRIE
Read FullAmerica needs to wake up, acknowledge the hard truths about “renewable” energy, and plan for a realistic power grid to supply abundant, affordable electricity to all. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullIt’s time to prove the US Constitution still exists. That it’s not just a piece of paper to be shredded each time government feels like it. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThis is all very tragic because the policy-making process is like a computer: garbage in, garbage out. Operating based on bad data yields bad decisions. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullEvery clown who works with kids should have at least a cursory background check. Why rescind this policy just because of a virus? - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullMoore: “This is an incredible chance to rescue millions of American children from the anti-Christian indoctrination they are getting in public schools. We must act now.” - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullEnding the welfare-warfare state and fiat money system may cause short-term pain, but that pain will be dwarfed by long-term gains in liberty, peace, and prosperity. - BY RON PAUL
Read FullWall Street has been committing treason by giving Red China the money it needs to replace America as the world’s top economic and military superpower. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullTearful Nurse Blows Whistle on New York Hospitals ‘Murdering’ COVID Patients With ‘Complete Medical Mismanagement’ - BY PAMELA GELLER
Read FullMarc Morano: “Lockdowns…this is what the climate community has preached for decades about global warming!...The climate activists for lack of a better word, are jealous!” - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullIt will be considered a felony "punishable by a sentence of imprisonment of no less than two years and no more than five years in prison." - BY BRYAN BRAMMER
Read FullThis is the overthrow of the United States. It is a conspiracy blended with the Climate Change agenda from day one. - BY MARTIN ARMSTRONG
Read FullNATO must be willing to prevent China from having the capacity to interfere in the defense of the alliance’s area of responsibility. - BY JAMES CARAFANO
Read FullCan Americans — who know more about a cartoon TV family than they do about our country’s history — still be counted on to defend freedom? - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullY’see this game of Doug’s is childish and dumb. He can’t spin a yarn about being transparent and conservative and pull this kinda shenanigan. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIES.COM
Read Full...the lockdown policies imposed on all people have lasted many weeks already. Too long! I feel like being house-arrested under a communist regime. - BY MARY NGUYEN
Read FullUnless restrained and limited by checks and balances, governmental power will continue to expand until it becomes tyrannical. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullHappily, an overwhelming majority of Americans have both eyes and ears. They are watching, listening and keenly aware that Democrats are not on America’s side. - BY JOAN SWIRSKY
Read FullCitizens have been forced to go to court to protect Second Amendment rights in the face of Democrats using the Wuhan virus panic to... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullIt was always intended that government which failed to serve the people should be “altered or abolished. -BY GLEN MORGAN
Read Full...thousands of cars and people showed up to demand the re-opening of the economy on the world famous Vegas Strip should be major national news. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullDevoting $375 million of relief money to the 2020 property tax cycle would pay down property tax bills by an estimated 17%. - BY LINDSAY ATKINSON & FRED BIRNBAUM
Read Full...citizens have been asking, when do governmental actions cross over into tyrannical behavior? My goal throughout this newsletter is to let citizens be the judge. - BY REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullFacts and understanding are the vaccines that are needed to fight off the virus of totalitarianism that is now infecting the world. - BY DENNIS BEHREANDT
Read FullNo method of casting ballots over the internet is safe, secure or trustworthy. Period. - BY SUSAN GREENHALGH AND HANS VON SPAKOVSKY
Read Full...wind and solar power outfits tried to snare $billions out of the Trump administration’s $2 trillion coronavirus aid package. But to no avail. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullAside and apart from the pain and suffering, the coronavirus pandemic has magnified the struggle between entrepreneurial ingenuity and socialist authoritarianism. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe Chinese Communist Party is using the shift to online learning spurred by the coronavirus pandemic to increase its influence over American school children. - BY WND STAFF
Read FullTheir inspiration for this new game plan is from the lessons they’ve learned from Coronavirus lock-down. Fear is the key. The new urgency will be climate... - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullHow many lives could have been saved if the heads of our multi-billion dollar health care bureaucracy had been advocating for HCQ treatment from day one? - BY BRYAN FISCHER
Read FullIdaho Governor Brad Little is feeling heat from citizens who are fed up with his stay-at-home executive order that is violating their rights, destroying livelihoods... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full...Barr directed all U.S. attorneys to “be on the lookout” for local and state directives that could violate religious, free speech or economic rights under the Constitution. - BY JEFF MORDOCK
Read FullFreedoms have been taken away, lives have been ruined, the economy nearly destroyed – all to take a President down, regain control, carry out their socialist... - BY COREY LYNN
Read FullThis ad DOES NOT target a specific candidate. So it seems to be throwing down the gauntlet for an all-out war. - BY MARTIN ARMSTRONG
Read FullThis response has not seen such a majority consensus since other times of national crisis: Great Depression, World War II, and Sept. 11th. - BY JOHN & JIM McLAUGHLIN
Read FullOne analyst upset by the revisions wrote to her bosses that the EU was “self-censoring to appease the Chinese Communist Party,” according to The Times. - BY CHUCK ROSS
Read Full