One of the most hotly debated education bills of the year, House Bill 120 would have fundamentally restructured Idaho’s sex education law.
Read FullHere is an example of what ‘you’ can do. - BY ANGELO LONZISERO
Read Full...divided up into five ecosystems but the bill has nothing to do with ecosystem protection, it is about taking land.
Read FullThe wolf is no more “delisted”, “recovered” or its “management returned to the state” than Eastern European countries were “liberated” after WWII
Read FullCalifornia is the perfect example of what America will be reduced to if a proposed Green New Deal goes into action
Read FullBy signing his Executive Order he will let universities know that their wallet is in danger of being lightened.
Read Full...if Trump can flip this Country into something useful, a sort of immortality would be well deserved.
Read Full...politicians/bureaucrats...prefer to violate the highest law of the land to pursue their own financial and political agendas
Read FullIn the end, centralized planning climate change solutions and school bonds are unsustainable.
Read FullClass-action lawsuits have already been filed from coast to coast.
Read Full...Hunter Baker argued that higher education was ripe for massive change and “directly in the path of creative destruction.”
Read FullSomehow, the Database containing my entire website was deleted from my hosting company with no explanation.
Read Full...opposed to renewables of any sort. They are a stain on our system of private property, freedom and self-reliance.
Read FullThe Ultimate Goal of Sustainable Development is to redistribute wealth away from the middle-class lowering standards of living,
Read Full...the rise of self-appointed Leftwing “fact checkers” who have created a cottage industry of undermining straight news reporting critical of Democrats and Leftist causes.
Read FullThere is no doubt that interests have long planned to control the federally managed lands of Idaho.
Read FullMillennials are stuck with loans they can't afford and degrees they often have no use for.
Read Full...not a conservative or a Christian. He was a self-proclaimed "eco-fascist" who admires Red China. In China, they put Muslims in camps.
Read Full...describing a scenario in which he would accelerate a car into a group of children while hearing them scream.
Read Fullhe Southern Poverty Law Center was long ago exposed as money-making scam. It has amassed almost half-a-billion dollars
Read FullThe ultimate government game is to reorganize our cities into massive urban areas where single-family neighborhoods are replaced by the Sustainable/Smart
Read FullWhat remains in play this session is breathtaking - a radical agenda that aims to remake our economy and society, without regard for consequences.
Read FullIt’s time to stand up to these bullies and bring back order, justice, equality and the Freedom of Speech
Read FullFunding bills flew through the House this week. The House's version of the school funding formula died in the Senate Education Committee, and the Senate introduced a new bill with
Read FullThe NVIC is one of dozens of member organizations around the country opposed to mandatory vaccination laws.
Read FullGroup opposed to a timber sale southeast of Bozeman has likely halted logging activity there for the next 25 years.
Read FullBy reining in voter fraud and securing individual rights, the Electoral College has effectively done its job for well over 200 years.
Read FullBorrowing from Aesop, our national bird, the American Eagle, is a metaphor for the internal self-destruction we are doing to the United States.
Read FullThis proposal to deny Americans their right to posess firearms underscores the serious dangers of amending the federal Constitution in this current age
Read Full...the social media sharing site Pinterest is reportedly now blocking all pins about vaccines and vaccination that contain any information whatsoever in contradiction of the official government narrative that all vaccines are
Read FullBelow are some recent activities and highlights taking place in the Idaho Capitol. I hope you enjoy the information
Read FullWe must end the ignorance of the people regarding the limited nature of their government and their personal responsibility to confine that government within its designed limited capacity.
Read Full...the mainstream liberal media are tying the shootings to President Donald Trump and his supporters. But their allegations are disconnected from reality.
Read FullRon Paul didn’t win, but neither did Swamp creatures McCain or Romney. I still believe they were designated losers playing that role.
Read FullThe left wants to control everything you do, everything you own, and—ultimately—everything you think.
Read FullLet’s make it a simple referendum in 2020, “Do you want Hamas in the US Congress?” If not, vote Republican.
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