...to ensure the stability of something shouldn’t you know what it is, how it works...and why it’s better than other forms of government, like socialism? - BY BRENT REGAN
Read Full...the subtle methods used to convert legitimate uses of landscape-scale ecosystem management and mitigation into tools for political agendas. - BY ROBERT S. KLAMMER
Read FullThe names change, but the threat is real to your family and community. DeWeese lays it all out, and what we CAN and MUST do. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read Full...real objective Shawn Vestal reporting with words like; paranoid 2X, extremist 3X, fantasyland, conspiracy, white theocrat, feverish Islamophobe, coming apocalypse, dangerous extremism, loony, outlandish, concocted. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullThe reason the Democrats are up in arms about a bogus impeachment inquiry is because they know their gods’ heads are in the guillotine. - BY TIM BROWN
Read FullBut Biden will never be the Democrat presidential nominee. Never. The Democrats and their promotion department (ie the mainstream media) are delusional about Biden. -BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullAmerica's Founders understood that liberty cannot exist with a government that has access to a printing press. - BY RON PAUL
Read FullRep. Stewart Jones of South Carolina advocates for the importance of upholding the Constitution and keeping liberty local. - BY TNA VIDEO
Read FullIt may sound ridiculously cynical to some, but there are many who believe that cancer is too big a business (meaning too lucrative) to ever actually cure. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullDeWeese stresses the importance of citizens getting involved, researching and challenging these professionally prepared programs that seek to ultimately destroy our Constitutional property rights. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullOur public school system is failing at its primary mission because like Kodak, Sears and other institutions, technology is making it obsolete. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read Full...in order to win the Culture War you must know the rules of engagement…You must know the law, what law is and what law isn’t. - BY MICHAEL PEROUTKA, ESQ.
Read FullIt is time for western states to take the initiative and assert themselves with elected officials to take back state control of our natural resources. -BY GEM STATE PATRIOT NEWS
Read FullThe Department of the Interior is implementing a new strategy for managing the lands for which it is responsible: Landscape-Scale Mitigation. - BY ROBERT S. KLAMMER
Read FullThe USMCA or (NAFTA 2.0) picks up where NAFTA left off. NAFTA was originally intended as “the architecture of a new international system” and not as a conventional trade agreement.
Read FullThe problem is that there is no support in that report for the crisis narrative, none at all. The so-called crisis is a gross misinterpretation. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullFacebook Admits in Court Filing That It Is a Publisher, Opening Itself Up to Libel Suits By C. Mitchell Shaw Having spent years defending itself against claims of
Read FullThe increased costs, monetary and otherwise, associated with zoning restrictions falls most heavily on the lowest end of the income spectrum. - BY MICHAEL H. WILSON
Read FullI believe the single most important trait to success is being relentless. Keep fighting, keep attacking, never give up. This is Trump’s greatest trait. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...we have been told that it will still include the unlawful Unitary Management Ordinance (UMO), placing 30,000 people and legal state waters rights under Tribal jurisdiction. - BY LAURELEE O'NEIL
Read FullThis is a four-part series that examines the UN’s goal of global governance... -BY ROBERT S. KRAMMER
Read FullThe EPA stresses that water quality will not be harmed by the repeal, which will be accompanied by restoration of prior longstanding Clean Water Act regulations. - BY ERIN MUNDAHL
Read Full...Google has finally gone into full censorship mode, ensuring holistic health and nutrition websites aren’t shown to people seeking information about their health and their bodies. - BY ISABELLE
Read FullThe FCC is prohibited from engaging in censorship or infringing on First Amendment rights of the press...It is, however, illegal for broadcasters to intentionally distort ... - BY SHER ZIEVE
Read Full...reduce the bureaucracy because if we can reduce overhead only 10% we can increase teacher pay by 40% without growing the education budget by one dollar. -BY BRENT REGAN
Read Full,,,if we had our own Eastern WA State we would be more likely to spend our tax revenues wiser and thriftier...with lower taxes and regulations - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullFor over 150 years taxpayers fund all the annual basic needs and services of 573 Indian tribes, to the tune of trillions over these years - BY ELAINE WILLMAN, MPA
Read FullFacts & Events of the Upper Hughes Creek Private Property Dispute - BY AMMON BUNDY
Read FullRINO’S are Republicans in Name Only. They wear the red but don’t adhere to the Republican beliefs and vote against those who do. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullBonner County Sheriff informed the commissioners that if a lawsuit is filed against the city then he wants to be listed as a plaintiff in the suit! - BY GREG PRUETT
Read FullThe 2030 Agenda is nothing more than a reboot of Agenda 21. The UN uses such updates of plans to keep their people excited and involved. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullCulp proposed an ordinance to make Republic, Washington a “2nd Amendment sanctuary city.” - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullOn every issue in which the left differs from conservatives (and often from liberals), they are fools. - BY DENNIS PRAGER
Read Full"At least 12,000 late-term abortions take place yearly,"..."but that's not enough for Democrats. Abortion extremism is the new normal for Democratic politicians." - BY JOAN SWIRSKY
Read FullThe Pentagon's research arm DARPA is developing AI for the sake of fighting "fake news," or falsified photos, videos, and audio. - BY CHRISTIAN GOMEZ & JOE WOLVERTON
Read Full