The IRRC embeds NGO objectives, through educational programs that mislead children, and involvement in other well-hidden activities, that includes the federal government. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWe even have our own human harvesters, in the form of Planned Parenthood killing babies and selling their body parts. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullSen. Jim Risch (R-ID) is pushing a new bill that would transport many Muslims from chaotic Syria and Kurdistan into America’s schools and workplaces. - BY NEIL MUNRO
Read FullLast election the Leftists, led by Spokane Valley Indivisibles, and the moderate Republicans of Spokane County, defeated three conservatives and nearly a fourth - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullAs a city we need to move away from this spirit of lawlessness and elect new leadership for Spokane. - BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read FullIt is time we got rid of this corrupt political system that has been in control of Idaho for way too long. - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read FullRep. Matt Shea Spokane, WA, rebutting claims made at The Threats We Face town-hall (September 26th) hosted by Sheriff of Spokane County. - VIDEO BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullA national ID really is a scheme to collect data, surveille and control us so we can become more reliant socialists. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullThe intent of this article is to encourage thoughtful consideration on being fully informed beyond what information the UN has decided you should know. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullIdaho Power is spending millions to implement their green energy program in response to climate change. This is being done to reduce carbon dioxide. - BY ADRIAN ARP,
Read FullMello admits that his bill probably won’t do anything about gun violence, but it would raise an estimated $30,000 to study the problem: - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullIf you’re not paying for it in the form of explicit taxes, you’re paying for it indirectly in the form of inflation or borrowing. - BY VERONIQUE DE RUGY
Read FullThe scandal...was studiously buried by politicians, scientists, activists and crony capitalists, who will rake in trillions of dollars from the exaggerations and fakery... - BY KELVIN KEMM
Read FullThis was no impeachment resolution – it was a coup resolution. This coup attack was corruptly formed and corruptly pursued. - BY TOM FITTON
Read FullRepublicans need to start openly preaching Barry Goldwater’s unequivocal message that the federal government’s number-one job is to obey the Constitution. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThere is a good argument that this entire attack was orchestrated with a specific goal in mind. - BY SHARI DOVALE
Read FullThe Durham investigation will reveal that Brennan Clapper, Strzok, Page Comey and Steele all conspired with Obama and Hillary to rig the election for Hillary. - BY JIM CLAYTON
Read FullThe group is also hoping more school districts will hand over taxpayer money to provide radical LGBT “professional development” to teachers. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full...we have been witnessing is not American politics as usual, but a sophisticated intelligence operation to destabilize and overthrow the legitimate government of the US. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullWhat’s at stake is the power of God to see everything – to know everything about everybody and to control everything. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullQuite ironically, another article in the same issue of this journal suggests further dividing students based on their ethnic and racial backgrounds. - BY RAVEN CLABOUGH
Read FullThe challenge today is “How do I be a man in modern society?” Are we facing the end of real men? - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullAs compared to the trivial or nonexistent benefits of growth management, the costs are huge. - BY RANDAL O'TOOLE
Read FullIn JUST ONE WEEK, we have impacted 5,000+ students at TPUSA events nationwide, and reached tens of millions online with our digital content! - BY CHARLIE KIRK
Read Full...Swedes are fleeing their once peaceful cities and towns where Muslim immigrants have seized control. No wonder. - BY R. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullJust as people lust after money, food, or sex, so can they have a far less common obsession: power lust. Most politicians exhibit this problem, too. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullThe Guardian is now doubling down on the climate narrative, and insisting that it’s more “accurate” to depict human beings suffering from climate change. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullIt’s time to get tough and start exposing fake conservatives like Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Richard Burr, and Lisa Murkowski for what they are: fake conservatives. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullTrust me, if you impeach President Trump and elect Democrats to run the country, Democrats will turn the whole America into one big crappy, miserable, unlivable California. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullExpose the global warming hoax! Get us out of the Communist controlled, tyrannical United Nations by passing H.R. 204. - BY ADRIANNE ARP, Ph. D.
Read Full... the full webinar should be listened to in order to understand this massive, government sanctioned, agenda against Idaho, primarily central Idaho. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full...decommissioning wind farms might be more costly than the construction phase...we learn a bit more about these costs – and news is staggering! - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read Full...“progressive” politicians and educrat allies declared support for the Climate Strike, releasing millions of kids from classroom drudgery to join the excitement of mob action... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullDr. Duke discusses with Rep. Matt Shea all the reasons we need to get out of the United Nations... - INTERVIEW W/ DR. DUKE PESTA & WA REP. MATT SHEA
Read Full“RCW 42.17A.555 is prohibition on using public resources for campaigning. Not even ‘de minimis’ use for campaigning is allowed – not even paper clipS or emails.” - BY TIM EYMAN
Read FullYou are the only barrier between Idaho remaining a conservative bastion and watching it turn to a purple and then a Blue state... - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read Full