...corporatism is the merger of political power between business and government...From the point of view the average citizen, there is no difference between corporatism and communism. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullThere is NO climate emergency. Preaching doom and gloom is a crime against the young generation. These are the key points of a new manifesto from... - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullSheriff Daryl Wheeler: "If law enforcement is not acting under the same interpretation of law, it is just impossible for us to work together to enforce it." - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullThe New World Order (NWO) allied with the Deep State and the media are trying to subvert and undermine the will of the American People... - BY RON WRIGHT
Read FullOur economy is growing and we are at peace, so federal deficits and debt should be falling. But deficits are soaring and debt is at record... - BY CHQ STAFF
Read FullThe most frustrating thing...created by the Dirty Dems, is watching jellyfish Republicans getting pulled off course time and time again by irrelevant “bombshells.” - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe Supreme Court has taken up a Washington state case on "faithless electors," that is, electors pledging to vote for somebody then voting for somebody else. - BY
Read FullPamela Bondi’s meticulous presentation rendered anything John Bolton might have to say completely irrelevant. - BY CHQ STAFF
Read FullUnforeseen impacts of envy-driven policies to “soak the rich” will leave poor and middle-class Americans poorer, more likely to be unemployed, and with fewer personal - BY REV. BEN JOHNSON
Read Full"...fellow Republicans have seemed “excited” about the bill, although it’s too early to gauge its prospects for passage. “I have not received any negative feedback...” - BY SCOTT MOREFIELD
Read FullMost Romenycrats, like their Democrat counterparts, do not abide by a set of moral principles. They see nothing wrong with telling lies, making false accusations or... - BY CHARLES WILLS
Read FullBernie Sanders is certifiably insane. And Dangerous. It would be like electing communist Fidel Castro as president of the United States. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullAmbassador Marie Yovanovitch is alleged to have ordered State Department entities to conduct the monitoring of President Trump’s family, lawyer, and journalists, - BY JUDICIAL WATCH
Read FullThis is a follow-up video to Karen Schumacher's excellent article entitled 'Welcome to CDA2030 in Coeur d'Alene.' - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...Coeur d'Alene has created a plan that disguises the same UN Sustainable Development (SD) agenda in the CDA 2030 Visioning Project. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullTogether with your help, I hope to make Idaho government and politics an arena for ALL ideas and beliefs to be discussed in the open civilly. - BY HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullIgor Shafarevich: ..."socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death. "- BY ROB CHASE
Read Full...State of Washington already boasts some of the most egregious infringements against law-abiding gun owners’ rights, including a law that requires an individual to be 21.... - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read Full...a crowd various estimates place between 600 and 1,000, has drawn mixed reactions on social media, but many in the crowd carried signs declaring support.... - BY DAVE WORKMAN
Read Full...there is a nefarious agenda to use certain species of fish, their habitat or lack thereof, and interfere with water rights which are a real property... - BY KAREN SHUMACHER
Read FullThe Divide: "We went to Spokane Valley to get a better understanding of why some voters are unfazed by "domestic terrorism" accusations against Rep. Matt Shea." - BY BRANDI KRUSE
Read FullMany of the headlines printed in the last few days about Idaho House member John Green have been grossly inaccurate, therefore injurious to him. - BY ID REP. TONY WISNIEWSKI
Read FullThe Nation; “If we want to keep cities safe in the face of climate change, we need to seriously question the ideal of private homeownership.” - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullThe press incorrectly reported the issue, the decision doesn't remove the dams. The court decision directs the Environmental Protection Agency to complete Clean Water Act... - BY RONALD HARRIMAN
Read Full“Without robust national and international efforts, the effects of climate change in receiving states may expose individuals to a violation of their right,” the ruling claimed. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read FullEncouraging Democrats to kill the bill was the tax-funded lobbying and abortion giant Planned Parenthood, as well as the far-left California Federation of Teachers. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullParts 1 and 2: Great turn out, there were about 250-ish souls in support of the rule of law, supporting the patriots in Virginia. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullAmerica is taking giant steps toward following Germany’s failed climate goals which should be a wake-up call for governments everywhere. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullIn this exposé, Boise Leaks reveals the power and money behind candidate Doug Okuniewicz. -BY BOISE LEAKS.ORG
Read Full...very well funded organizations, in partnership with state and federal agencies are targeting water and private land owners who live in not only Lemhi county, but... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullExpenses for instructional support, which includes expenses for central and executive-level management services, grew by 287%. Meanwhile, resources devoted to instruction increased 67%.... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullFifth generation wireless technology (5G) will forever alter human evolution, inundating human cells and subtle energy systems of the human body with constant pulses of radio-frequency radiation and ... BY
Read FullTrump should appoint a special counsel outside the FBI and Justice Department, since these agencies have proven they are utterly corrupt and incapable of policing themselves. - BY CHRIS FARRELL
Read Full244 years ago we took a stand and said, NO MORE KINGS, and we’re not about to change our minds now. - BY KRISANNE HALL, JD
Read FullIs VA's governor an idiot or a pawn of the deep state in the ongoing pursuit to take our guns and erode our Constitution? - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full