Dr. Scott Jensen: "...Medicare has determined that if a hospital has a COVID-19 admission they’ll get paid $13,000; $39,00 if hooked up to ventilator..." - BY CHARLES CREITZ
Read Full...it appears the Chinese, aided by a compliant American government, have a well-devised strategic plan to literally colonize the once great United States of America... - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullPotentially, the result of these studies indicates the government lockdown was based on not built on data but rather on fear, assumption, ignorance and political power. – BY LIZ WHEELER
Read FullEvery person it harms is directly attributable to the Chinese Communist Party. “I believe that viruses can’t survive where hearts have compassion.” - BY JOSHUA PHILIPP
Read FullThese governors — these petty tyrants — will use this power again and again until some courageous federal court or an outraged public stops them. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullDriven by political incompetence, personal dogmas, lack of historical knowledge, misinformation and greed, Our state is continuing the re-make the same mistakes made by several other countries. - BY DAVID BOLENEUS
Read FullThe medical gurus of Idaho are making decisions without the necessary evidence to prove their theory about distancing. These are the people who gave us Obamacare... - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read FullApproximately 50 of the 500 children vaccinated developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.” - BY ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR
Read Full...Technocrats, who think it is their role to control all of nature, resources, manufacturing, consumption and management of the ‘herd’ of humans on earth that all... - BY PATRICK WOOD
Read FullThe approach raises some privacy concerns, says Prausnitz, who helped invent microneedle technology and directs Georgia Tech’s Center for Drug Design, Development and Delivery. - BY KAREN WEINTRAUB
Read FullThe Ivy League geniuses you’re taking advice from have destroyed the greatest economy in world history, in a month. Their computer models are horribly wrong. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullEnter the USA democrats led by Pelosi and Schiff. Impeachment. A hoax. A distraction for our people and President. Xi Jingping and his thugs see this. - BY
Read FullWhat a Nazi. Now Northam and Democrats in Virginia get to decide how many guns their citizens are permitted to buy and how often. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullWhat all these nitwits don't understand is that they themselves have posted the accurate and reliable information that validates their covert activities to manipulate the public... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullFauci’s recommendations have led to depression-like conditions in the US with over 16 million unemployed, on the heels of the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. - BY RON PAUL
Read FullPresident Trump was right back in 2017, breaking Red China’s stranglehold on America’s life-saving drug supply is a national security and quality of life imperative,.. - BY CHQ STAFF
Read FullWill we excuse the current exercise of totalitarian power and implementation of socialistic policies as now being necessary and justified in America? - BY ROBERT W. PECK
Read FullBeijing and Shanghai are the areas adjoining Wuhan. The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but the virus did not affect Beijing and Shanghai. - AUTHOR UNKNOWN
Read FullDr. Shiva Exposes Everything the Deep State’s trying to hide about the Coronavirus and the claims by Fauci, Birx, Gates and the W.H.O.’s Covid-19 Endgame –INTERVIEW BY GARY FRANCHI
Read FullThat Sheriff Wheeler’s very temperate letter to the governor would stir such intemperate responses from the left-tilted media and intolerant “progressives” is hardly surprising. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullCol Shane Day: "...the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists.” - BY ROWAN SCARBOROUGH
Read FullInslee has accidently become a true change agent in Washington State, but probably not the way he planned. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read Full...the bill accepts the universe in which the Left operates; namely, that we need to move away from reliable energy and work on global warming priorities. - BY DANIEL HOROWITZ
Read FullI hope readers can recognize the absurdity of claims that the burning of fossil fuels and releasing their carbon dioxide control earth temperatures. BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullIt is our individual responsibility to decide what happens, even during a crisis and should not be solely dictated by federal or state governments. - BY JBS STAFF
Read FullObviously, Gov. Inslee places more value on political correctness and maintaining ties to China than on saving American lives. - BY STEVE BUSCH
Read FullThey also oppose any changes in law, such as Voter ID statutes, that might reduce vote fraud and thus Democrat vote totals. - BY STEVE BYAS
Read Full...$6 trillion stimulus package: where most of that money is going and the refusal of Massie on the floor of the House for a recorded vote. - BY TNA VIDEO
Read FullSo there, we got it all fixed up now. Last thing we need is the usual suspects screaming “fake news”. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIES.COM
Read FullAIM, Inc. was founded for one sole purpose. The construction of a greyhound track, and eventual casino in Council Bluffs, Iowa. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIES.COM
Read FullWe’re quite sure Dougo will call this post and others we make “fake news,” then go cry to officials that he was wronged. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIESONLINE.COM
Read FullIf any candidate had what Doug O has in his past, we’d expose them as well. - BY CHUCKLEBERRIES.COM
Read FullDo I still believe we are submitting and standing down to the powers that be, and allowing them to control us and our livelihood? You betcha... -BY COREY LYNN
Read Fullthe Fed is creating trillions of currency out of thin air using "Special Purpose Vehicles" (better known as front companies) to buy up real assets including... - BY TNA
Read Full...We must retain only what government services are truly critical at this stage to weather the economic blizzard, avoid doing more harm, and help average people... -BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThe destruction of the economy will result in many more deaths and hardships than COVID-19 could ever imagine. - BY PATRICK WOOD
Read Full