There’s nothing in our constitutions that makes our rights invalid or ignorable in the event of an emergency. -BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullOnly the Idaho Freedom Index can tell you if lawmakers are really conservative, or trying to bamboozle unsuspecting voters? - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION
Read FullThe over-the-top response from all levels of government to the COVID-19 coronavirus has betrayed the very foundations of our Republic. Rights have been trampled. - BY JBS STAFF
Read FullThe U.N., known for its left-leaning, anti-Israel policies and massive money demands, says its "COVID-19 plan" could "defeat the virus and build a better world." - BY WND STAFF
Read Full...most of the nation is nearly paralyzed with fear over the Coronavirus, APC is not. I'm moving Stop Agenda 21 and Green New Deal threat. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe tendency for governments to increase their power during crises and not relinquish that power once the crises are over is why citizens must remain eternally vigilant... -BY STEVE BYAS
Read FullAn aircraft carrier sits dockside and her over 5,000 men and women wait in quarantine as the coronavirus spreads at an accelerating rate on board. - BY FRANZ WALKER
Read FullThe tortuous final days of Evergreen State College are rapidly approaching, and only a few questions remain before this failed experiment comes to an ugly end: - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullFear-based decision-making is destroying the country; it is time for our leaders to stop watching the Fear Porn and to set some procedures and deadlines to... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullForget the headlines and models, and look at hurricane, tornado, sea level and other historic records. There is no crisis, no unprecedented warming or weather events... - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read Full(ICAO) appears to be allowing the UN to dictate the fuels civilian aircraft can use and how much carbon dioxide emissions are allowed for international flights. - BY DR.
Read Full...they made sure the Wuhan virus would spread around the world by lying and then objecting when President Trump closed America to certain travelers from China. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullNow, we are told, the world has to come together to create a global government financed by global taxes to deal with future pandemics. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullNigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party: "“Gordon Brown doesn’t get it,” he tweeted this morning. “Globalization is the cause of our problems, not our savior.” - BY DOROTHY CUMMINGS MCLEAN
Read FullIn October, 2019, corporations, governments, and university “players” gathered at an event called Event 201, to play a simulated pandemic exercise game, and discuss global policy... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHDER
Read Full...Chinese Communist Party is using the coronavirus outbreak as cover for further persecuting religion, tearing down some churches and using cameras to carefully monitor others. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full...surrendering basic human rights and dignity to the government is essentially giving up and allowing yourself to be enslaved for the remainder of your life. - BY MAC SLAVO
Read FullAkiane Kramarik is an amazing artist who started painting when she was five years old and was quickly recognized to be a child prodigy. - BY BIG GEEK DAD
Read Full...the UN and WHO have become increasingly dominated by Chinese nationals, along with European, American, and African toadies for the Beijing regime. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullThis has drawn the ire of local groups such as Stronger Together Spokane & 500 Drag Queen Strong opposing TCAPP at the facility. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThis was the final week of the 2020 Legislative Session, and, as most do, this Session had its own unique characteristics at the end. - REP. SAGE DIXON
Read FullEven while confined by the governor’s stay-at-home order, our legislative work to look out for you, your family and our community goes on. -BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullI’m less concerned about the Legislature’s failure than I am hopeful Little will lead by example, and show that conservative principles and free markets do matter... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullMy current old analog meter, I am told by Avista workers, is very reliable and will nearly last forever while the new ones have a life... BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read FullToday, the nationwide federally funded Electronic Health Records system captures the details of every visit you make to a doctor’s office, hospital, pharmacy, laboratory or... - BY BARBARA LOE FISHER
Read FullYou can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis, legitimate or manufactured. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullThis is a follow-up on the Your Forests Your Future (YFYF) partnership between the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Salmon Valley Stewardship (SVS). - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullZero carbon emission laws like the Green New Deal in the EU and the US will deprive poor people of affordable energy worldwide. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullI’m betting on America. I’m hoping for the best and prepared for the worst. You should be too. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...United States has a power problem. It’s no longer clear where the boundaries of power are and it’s not clear who holds the levers of power. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullWe are right, though, to be cautious about the Wuhan flu. We’d also be right to be even more cautious about government. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullWe want to remind Idahoans of one important fact – in any given year, typically 80-90 percent of the fires in our state are human-caused. BY GRETCHEN HYDE
Read Full...nothing like this has been seen in America since the days of the Great Depression, which provided Democrats great excuses to undermine federalism and constitutional liberty. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...a weak immune system caused by poor nutrition and lifestyle choices can make the body susceptible to infections, like the coronavirus that is currently ravaging the world. - BY DIVINA RAMIREZ
Read FullThe Idaho's 2020 legislative session just ended. IFF analysts are double-checking the 2020 Idaho Freedom Index to ensure scores and ratings are error-free. - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION
Read FullBiden has painted himself into a corner with his promise of a female running mate. - BY JAMES MURPHY
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