Incumbent Democratic Governor Jay Inslee is running for a third term, but who are his political opponents, which of them are serious? Let’s take a closer look. -BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThe attack on the suburbs attack on a lifestyle – one enjoyed or aspired to by the overwhelming majority of Americans. - BY SAM JACOBS
Read FullThis solution saves the economy, protects the elderly, stops the panic and hysteria. No one needs to fear leaving their home and going to work. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullIn this contentious video the people force their way in the building only to have police show up, the meeting was ultimately cancelled. - BY VIDEOGRAPHER LORI MARR
Read FullGet ready for a lot less freedom and prosperity, and a lot more government — at least if the elites get their way. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullBiased fact-checkers are a menace to open, fair and free dialogue online. They assume an unearned mantle of authority and use it to skew debate. - FROM CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullThere is a growing trend of State and local governments violating the Rights of the people by mandating masks with criminal penalties. - BY KRISANNE HALL, JD
Read FullIt’s unclear how Central District Health will enforce the mandate. Boise implemented a similar order earlier this month, but other Ada County cities declined to do... - BY DUSTIN
Read Full...before you know it, we may not have any cash at all, and the government will be tracking every penny we get and...spend. - BY ISABELLE Z.
Read FullKootenai County Sheriff's office would not allow entry to court without a mask. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...a free combined social and utility web application and platform that offers many common social features and unique tools including a private library, eCommerce, video, account encryption... - BY SPHIR
Read FullA free place to store data, catalog content, articles, research, photos/videos, memes, facts, statistics, case studies, stories, collaborate, and connect with others in a meaningful way... - BY MELISSA CURTIN
Read FullIt seems the P.C. police want to finish the re-write of American history. - BY JEFF HALL
Read FullAl Gore has made his hundreds of millions perpetuating climate lies and embellishments...Gore’s not to transform capitalism, but to subjugate - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullMaybe now is a good time to look to the left and...the right then decide,...who is on the side of all American’s and who is not? - BY GINA
Read Full... if you want to divide people — whether children or adults, a small group or a whole nation — emphasizing diversity is precisely the way.... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full...yesterday the daily death toll reached its’ lowest point since the beginning of the pandemic. There were fewer people in ICUs and fewer people on ventilators... -DR. JOHN LIVINGSTON
Read FullWe who do not wish for a mandated Covid-19 vaccination would be wise to go on the offensive against this possible action. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullVoting by mail and electronically fits the bill for just that need and Covid-19 lockdowns are just what these treasonous vermin need to make it happen. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...she praised the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement. She also boasted that she planned to overthrow the United States government and destroy the rich. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullVast majority of American citizens want to pursue careers, raise families, and have money in their pockets, peace in their hearts and safety in their homes. - BY JOAN
Read FullWhat authority does the Town of Eagar, or any other state or local government, have to infringe on the rights of healthy law- abiding citizens? - BY MAYOR BRYCE HAMBLIN
Read FullWithout fixing the corrosion of civic education, it’s unlikely American liberalism is going to survive. We can’t fix either problem without smashing “public education” as it... - BY DAVID HARSANYI
Read FullAs government schools help stoke anti-American cultural fires, the homeschooling movement is rapidly growing for obvious reasons. Public schools have become toxic. - BY DAVID FIORAZO
Read FullOne thing is clear: Obama and his people are calling the shots, literally, behind the Biden for President campaign. Obama wants a third term in office... - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullDoes the people’s war strategy make sense of recent Maoist-inspired attempts to establish autonomous zones in several cities coupled with constant political... physical attacks on police? - BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read Full...neither party opposes the existence or mission of any of these plainly unconstitutional agencies and programs of the federal government. - BY LAURENCE M. VANCE
Read FullDr. Jay Lehr addresses the Democrat climate plan at and spotlights a disturbing new trend; morphing everything on the left-wing wish list into a “health crisis.” - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullThe number of rights, liberties, and freedoms lost during this Wuhan virus COVID-19 lockdown is tremendous! Around the globe, countries have shown that shutdowns are not necessary. - BY
Read Full...opening up new markets through the PRIME Act or the New Markets Act would certainly benefit farmers and consumers, ranchers, by just creating new channels, new... - BY VIRGINIA ALLEN
Read FullRand Paul: ... “Only decentralized power and decision-making, based on millions of individualized decisions, can arrive on what risks and behaviors each individual should choose. - BY JOSEPH SUNDE
Read FullIt ain’t no “conspiracy theory” any more, folks. Corporate America is now FUNDING open terrorism across America with money funneling to Black Lives Matter extremists... - BY S.D. WELLS
Read FullSpokane Sheriff & Liberty Lake PD DO NOT SOCIAL DISTANCE OR WEAR MASKS and neither should you. - BY VIDEOGRAPHER CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThe Washington State Patrol says it will no longer allow protesters to enter I-5. WSP says it’ll arrest pedestrians who walk onto the freeway. - BY STEFANIE KLEIN
Read Full... a former White House official believes he would stand a better chance of winning the presidency than even someone such as Vice President Mike Pence. - BY LUIS MIQUEL
Read FullIf I were cynical, it appears Democrats have done an outstanding job of exchanging the physical chains of slavery for economic desperation and dependency. - BY WAYNE ROOT
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