There are so many moving parts to this salacious story. - BY FREDY LOWE
Read FullTyranny, lies, censorship, and fear-mongering are never a good solution to anything...with viral infections, as with most problems facing humanity today, freedom is the cure. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThis is not a healthy trajectory for the city. What happens in Seattle never stays in Seattle. It spreads… - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThey think all the energy we need can be supplied by building enough wind and solar farms; and enough batteries...simple truth is that we can't. - BY MARK MILLS
Read FullChief Quigley said the terrorists behind the threatening letters could face serious federal charges. - BY A. M. SMITH
Read FullThe largest corporations in the country are now brazenly colluding with the DNC in a un-American attempt to rig the election and ensure Biden defeats Trump. - BY JON SCHWEPPE
Read FullWhat actions do Idaho citizens need to take? Yes, we are being played as fools if we do not take action to end this tyranny. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe future really does belong to those who show up and voting is just part of showing up this year. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullMaking matters even worse, nongovernmental election groups have deluged Pennsylvania voters with mail-in ballot applications, urging voters to request mail-in ballots. - BY PAMELA GELLAR
Read Full"Any school that adopts the '1619 Project' as a model-has a moral obligation to inform students of the racist legacy of the New York Times." - BY BILL DONOHUE
Read Full...Greta Thunberg would state, "How Dare You"undermine our Constitutions, mock and exclude those who elected you, collectivize decisions within yourself, and use tax dollars for fun. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full...the “Poll Watch” poll released this week that shows Trump winning nationally, in battleground states, and in the Electoral College. Trump dominates on the two issues... - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullLifelong Republican, LA County Corrections at 19 to Deputy and Intelligence Sargent by 25, During 33 years was SWAT and Joint Bureau Captain working Organized Crime/Vice. – BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...the Department of Health and Human Services “coached” doctors on how to write up death certificates to pad the numbers of deaths... - BY TIM BROWN
Read Full...Trump will have to declare victory based on legitimate ballots and remain in power. The Supreme Court may be called upon to validate that victory by... - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullThe companies making the flu shot have to guess which strains will be dominant each year, and they often don’t get it right. - BY CASSIE B.
Read FullThe top budget priority of the 2021 legislative session is for the governor and legislators to return the budget surplus to Idaho taxpayers. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullIt’s not about fighting the virus, but punishing political and cultural enemies. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullBefore you learned that the CIA had hired Brennan, did you ever imagine in your wildest dreams that the CIA would hire an avowed anti-American? - BY ROBERT CURRY
Read FullJacks: "...I think all it will take is numbers and a reminder... there’s a reason you guys feared the Communists more than you feared the Nazis.” - BY GEORGE
Read FullConcerned Americans need to be angry about the way the Surveillance State is and have the courage to see that it does not stay that way. - BY MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullWe must STOP the silliness and over-regulation and allow sound public land management, never forgetting that public lands are FOR the public. - BY DEL ALBRIGHT
Read FullIf Bob Norris wasn’t paying for a promotion, perhaps he should show his other generous donations to voters; the only other one we found... - BY EDITOR THE IDAHO REPORT
Read FullThe Kootenai County Deputy Sheriff’s Association (KCDSA) appears to have broken numerous campaign finance laws. - BY EDITOR THE IDAHO REPORT
Read FullIf there's one video Americans need to watch before voting in the 2020 presidential race, this is it, says talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh. - BY RUSH LIMBAUGH
Read FullThe Civil Rights Act of 1964 is federal civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination in numerous settings including: employment, education, voting, and public accommodations. - BY HEALTH FREEDOM IDAHO
Read Full“Obama intends to focus his efforts on early voting states in the final two weeks of the race, the officials tell CNN. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...Pope Francis’ arguments regarding capitalism, property rights, the world economy, and world economic systems confuses mercantilism, colonialism, and imperialism with capitalism. - BY DR. JOHN M. LIVINGSTON
Read FullThere is much talk about who is behind globalization, the elite, the UN, but the fact is the U.S. federal government is very much involved… - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWashington State Representative Matt Shea. Matt gives a great overview on how to organize and change the debate to help all activists get started. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe new tech lords have amassed outlandish fortunes (even in a time of pandemic)... and is driving the renewable energy revolution and thus the push to “decarbonization.” - BY DUGGAN
Read FullBut don’t hold your breath waiting for the left-wing media to correct anything. They aren’t interested in facts; only in false narratives that can hurt Trump... - BY MIKE BURNS
Read FullNow imagine adding several tens of thousands of electric vehicles (EVs) draining further dwindling supplies of reliable energy from all those power-hungry plug-ins on windless nights. - BY LARRY BELL
Read FullAmong the most populous counties and cities in Idaho that did not participate were Canyon and Kootenai counties, and the cities of Caldwell and Post Falls. - BY MATT TOBECK
Read FullAntifa members are generally young, white militants who have bought into the promises of socialistic utopia, and are willing to use violence to achieve it. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullBonner County mother of 3 year old denied care at orthopedic surgeon's office due to forced compliance of mask wearing and the child's refusal to abide. - INTERVIEW BY RACHEL
Read Full