Such an election would heal the government of the nation immediately and it is not just something that might happen, it is something that must happen. - BY TIMOTHY WULFF
Read FullThe United States raised serious concerns about having the People’s Liberation Army conduct military exercises just north of the U.S. border with a U.S. ally. - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullI am afraid that this generation may be the last to enjoy the freedoms we have long taken for granted. - BY RAUL R. LABRADOR
Read FullIn Longview, Washington - Stuffy's Restaurant recognized they would either go under or go down fighting in Governor Inslee's lockdown world. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullFormer national security adviser Michael Flynn says President Donald Trump has options to make sure the integrity of the 2020 election remains intact, including seizing voting - BY GREG KELLY
Read FullThe role of neocons today is to assist globalist elites and operatives in major media, the Democrat Party, and establishment GOP in ousting President Trump... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullFor decades, scientists noticed that salmon returning from the Pacific Ocean to spawn along the West Coast turn up dead in huge numbers whenever it rains. - BY DIVINA
Read FullWeather is nothing more or less than nature trying to equilibrate the balance of all energy transmitted to the Earth by the Sun. - BY DR. JAY LEHR, TERIGI CICCONE
Read FullWe constitutional conservatives must find a Senator with the same level of principled commitment to follow the Constitution that Rep. Mo Brooks is displaying. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullLeftists are angry about Parler and see alternative media as “dangerous” because it IS dangerous; it’s dangerous TO THEM and their dream of monopoly of thought. - BY BRANDON SMITH
Read FullMeanwhile, the only way to never hear the horrible clank of the Gulag Gates behind you, is to defiantly refuse to go there. - BY JUDI McLEOD
Read FullThe Insurrection Act is the remedy for our condition, but it cannot be invoked until conditions of Section 252, Title 10 U.S. Code are fulfilled ... - BY TIMOTHY WULFF
Read FullOn the evening show, Obama appeared smug as he told Noah he was “able to get away with” not being born in the US. - BY THE DAILY SHOW
Read FullThe Insurrection Act isn’t a declaration of martial law. The Constitution and writ of habeas corpus aren't suspended. Troops enforce the law, not override it. - BY STEPHEN B.
Read FullEarly on, when Covid-19 first hit the U.S., I was already observing false flags, viral video propaganda, and bad actors warning people that 1-2 million people would die. - BY COREY LYNN
Read Full...China has hundreds, probably thousands of spies embedded in our government, media, education, and elsewhere. Every Chinese national must comply and spy if China demands it. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullCongress must challenge and reject the electoral votes of disputed states when it counts and certifies the Electoral College on January 6, 2021. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY STAFF
Read FullBrooks told ABC: "It's Congress' responsibility to render the final verdict on all federal election contests, not the Supreme Court or any inferior court." - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and military —while replacing them... - BY MARTY ROBINSON
Read FullThe point of this to inspire others to start watching their local government officials. Pay attention to what they are doing. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read Full…how forces are in play to alter SCOTUS’s nature and transform them into what the CFR is calling a so-called Council of Wise Men. - BY DANIEL NATAL
Read FullStephen Miller, told Fox News Monday morning that alternate groups of electors were being chosen in several states, claiming that it would lead to Trump’s reelection. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullAdditionally, Ramsland’s team reported the “extremely suspicious” absence of logs regarding the abnormally high number of digitally adjudicated ballots. - BY RANDY DESOTO
Read FullThis commentary is part of a series on the rogue prosecutors around the country who have been backed by liberal billionaires... - BY CULLY STIMSON AND ZACK SMITH
Read FullThere’s a lot going on, so here’s a quick guide for readers looking to get up to speed on rampant recent cyber attacks. - BY NICHOLAS WEAVER
Read FullNow that the Electoral College has cast its votes, there are growing calls for Congress, on January 6, 2021, to challenge and reject those votes - BY PETER RYKOWSKI
Read FullFirst and foremost, Hunter Biden is corrupt, period, and so is his father, if previously reports detailing business ties to Russia, Ukraine, and Communist China are accurate. - BY J.D. HEYES
Read FullSCOTUS and POTUS are co-equals. SCOTUS cannot enforce its own rulings. POTUS is the top cop and runs the DOJ which enforces laws and presidential orders.
Read FullNearly 2 million CCP members and the companies and government agencies they are imbedded with in the western world have been leaked out of China. - BY SHARRI MARKSON
Read FullTrump’s destiny is to fill the breach. He has taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, and he has the presidential powers to do so. - BY EPOCH TIMES
Read will become clear to you how preposterous it is that people think they can predict and control weather a century from now. - BY DR. JAY LEHR, TERIGI CICCONE
Read FullAlex Newman host of Behind the Deep State, joins Dr. Duke Pesta to discuss the Great Reset and notorious Bond-style villains promoting it around the world. – BY TNA VIDEO
Read FullState officials must get serious about the problem. And journalists need to stop hiding the truth about the looming Medicaid disaster from the public. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullBREAKING: Trump Announces Bill Barr Is Out At DOJ, Effective 'Just Before Christmas' - BY CHRISTIAN DATOC
Read Full...when these courts started saying, well you can’t look at it, I realized it was all technical smoke and mirrors, to fool judges, to fool lawyers,... BY JIM HAYEK
Read FullAccording to Dominion’s vote totals, 663 people voted in a district where there were only six eligible voters, only three of those six actually voted. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full