Preventing Another J6: Why You Need to Take Action
By William S. Hahn
As more is revealed about the events of January 6, 2021, one word comes to mind: railroaded. The conspiracy at the highest levels of government to protect its Deep State and drive toward tyranny under a New World Order appears to have contrived quite the plan to stop patriots from returning government to a semblance of its original constitutional limitations.
But is anyone really surprised?
After all the lying, the censorship, and the great lengths governments around the world have gone to over these last four years to control humanity and pound out dissent, no one should be surprised.
Writing in American Opinion, a predecessor to this magazine, in November of 1973, Medford Evans noted, “Conspiracy is a real mode of political struggle. Few people will long continue to accept the implication that so natural a weapon as conspiracy is used only against the Communists and never by or for them.”
The John Birch Society has tracked the master conspiracy to end freedom and enslave mankind for 65-plus years. The goal is subversion from within, so that the United States will fall like overripe fruit into the hands of the communists. Yet, in the age of 24-hour security cameras, video cameras in the hands of nearly every teen and adult, and the ability to livestream and upload video and photo content from almost anywhere, the truth is not easily hidden. J6 footage continues to be released and discussed by the pundits, while the only true conclusion is that a weaponized federal government will stop at nothing to protect its ill-gotten gains from anyone who threatens to take them away.
As Lord Acton so accurately assessed, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
The next obvious question is, what can we do? Some have suggested that gun owners take up where the Founding Fathers left off. However, doing so would be playing right into the hands of these despots. They want to have another reason to go after patriots and crack down on the God-given rights of all Americans.
No, what’s needed is an exercise of Americanist tools already at hand. The doctrine of lesser magistrates proclaims that elected officials (who have sworn an oath to the Constitution; including and especially county sheriffs) are to protect their constituents from the overreaches of higher government. Note this does not mean laws that they merely dislike, but laws, rules, edicts, regulations, etc., that are unconstitutional (i.e., not pursuant to the Constitution, as stated in Article VI). The Founders pointed out that these officials have the sworn duty to interpose and nullify the unconstitutional actions. This occurs much more often than you may realize.
Another protective measure is the local police. In January 1964, JBS founder Robert Welch wrote in the JBS Bulletin, “The local police everywhere are preponderantly our friends, because many of their own number are familiar with Communist tactics and viciousness from firsthand experience. The local police forces of our country will constitute — and in some cases already constitute — our final physical barrier against the Communists’ taking ‘the law’ and ‘law enforcement’ into their own hands. For this reason the Communist press of America has been screaming for years — and louder every year — to have local police forces discredited, shunted aside, or disbanded, and replaced by Federal Marshals or by similar agents and personnel of a national federalized police force.”
Welch launched the Support Your Local Police and Keep Them Independent campaign in 1963, and it remains a priority today.
Our patriotic members care about the longevity of this experiment of freedom launched long ago by the Founding Fathers and others. If you’re concerned, too, The John Birch Society can help. We provide the training, the education, and the plan for less government, more responsibility, and, with God’s help, a better world. We can help keep J6 from happening again, while also restoring freedom, independence, and liberty.
Join today to work with others in your community. Start at JBS.org.
Published with permission of thenewamerican.com