Time for Un-Sealing Obama’s Records Is Overdue

Time for Un-Sealing Obama’s Records Is Overdue



                        A Top Project for Trump, Bondi & Patel



By Rich Loudenback


I Believe that Barack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Sotero intends for his sealed records to remain so forever because he’s a complete fraud and would be destroyed should they be revealed.


If such a revelation were to come to the fore then as Biden’s autopen signatures renders most of what he supposedly signed as null & void, likewise so could all the damage Obama did to America be declared likewise, not legal.  For instance, all the ‘far-left wing’ Obama appointed judges that are wreaking havoc on President Trump would be discharged.


States author Lloyd Billingsley: “As Trump voter Malik Obama (Barack’s half-brother) put it in 2015: ‘I don’t know how I’d deal with it, if it really came out that he really is a fraud or a con.’ He really is, and that is how he should be remembered. The identity fraud, perhaps the most successful in history, makes a strong case that nothing from the president’s two terms should be retained.”


In 2017 Obama declared that his presidential records are to remain sealed for 12 years, so they should be un-sealed in 4 more years.  But I’ve never found any time constraint declared on his most vital travel, education, and citizenship records.


Honest people generally have nothing to hide, so this begs the question – ‘If Barack Obama has nothing to hide, then why has he gone to such lengths and personal expense to hide his birth records along with many of his other early records?’




See the above website for much more in-depth information.


There is no reason whatsoever for his records to remain sealed except to protect him from exposure to the probable fraud committed. When exposed, if law was broken he should be prosecuted and if found guilty sentenced like any other criminal. Do to the level of high treason that this would represent, his sentence should be heightened in severity to show for all time that no one is immune to real justice in America. Our Manchurian Candidate should meet his fate.




“Obama has totally ignored our Constitution. Obama has had all of his records “SEALED” – WHY? Because one seals documents because they are hiding something. And Obama has “sealed” everything, including but not limited to his college records from Occidental, Columbia and Harvard [probably will show Obama received “foreign aid”]; access to his “real” birth records or lack thereof in Hawaii and Kenya, Africa; his Passport [probably from Indonesia]; access to his adoption records; access to his affidavit to reclaim U.S. Citizenship – [it is believed he never followed through with the requirements to regain his U.S Citizenship and therefore is an illegal alien]; records legally changing his name from Barack (Barry) Soetoro to Barack Obama; and has failed to address the issues of his citizenship and his right to hold the Office of Presidency in the United States.” – From ObamaScare- by Philip J. Berg Also, see: Obamacrimes by Phillip. S Berg, Esquire




  1. The original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate.
  2. Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barack Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released
  3. Obama’s baptism records — sealed
  4. Obama’s adoption records — sealed
  5. Records of Obama’s and his mother’s repatriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
  6. Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
  7. Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released
  8. Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
  9. Occidental College financial aid records — not released. (These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
  10. Columbia College records — not released
  11. Columbia senior thesis — not released
  12. Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)
  13. Obama’s law client list — sealed
  14. Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
  15. Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
  16. Obama’s medical records — not released
  17. Obama’s passport records — not released


A professor who wrote a letter of reference for Obama reinforces the point that Obama was an ‘unspectacular’ student telling Obama-friendly biographer David Remnick “I don’t think [Obama] did too well in college.”


Jack Cashill states in his 2012 WND.com article ‘Why Did Obama Seal His Transcripts?‘:


“Obama claimed a 3.7 (out of 4) at Columbia. This is unlikely. Although Obama did graduate from Columbia, he did not graduate with honors. This much we know from the graduation program.


“Isn’t this Interesting?


“How such an indifferent student got into a law school whose applicants’ LSAT scores typically track between the 98th and 99th percentile and whose GPAs range between 3.8 and 4.0 is a subject neither Maraniss nor Remnick chose to explore.


“Yet it seems unlikely that mediocre grades or LSAT scores would have led to this complete an informational shutdown. It seems unlikely, too, that Obama would have deemed a college thesis too radical for exposure. That he could have written off to youthful indiscretion.


“Trump’s linking of passports and transcripts, however, suggests a potential secret that would demand concealment: passage through Occidental and possibly Harvard as a foreign student.


“We know now that Obama was willing to claim foreign birth when it suited his purposes. In 1991, he famously described himself in his literary agent’s publicity brochure as having been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”


“We know, too, that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, claimed Indonesian citizenship (and “Islam” as religion) for their son “Barry Soetoro” when they enrolled him as a first grader in an Indonesian school in 1968.


“When he filed his 1973 tax form, however, Soetoro falsely claimed the more favorable “nonresident status” and so was denied re-entry to Hawaii after a subsequent business trip to Indonesia.


“The documentation surrounding Soetoro’s re-entry is maddeningly scrubbed from the record. It appears, however, that the INS relented and allowed Soetoro back into Hawaii a few months after he left.


“Obama biographers prefer the “son of a single mom,” riff, so they usually write Soetoro out of the Hawaiian picture. But it appears that he remained in Hawaii with daughter and stepson for the remainder of the time Dunham was there.

“A review of Soetoro’s INS files shows a young couple fully willing to game the system to keep Soetoro in Hawaii. To do this, they employed any number of scams from claiming nonresident tax status to faking stomach surgery for Dunham.


“Dunham returned to Indonesia for fieldwork in 1975. She and Soetoro would not divorce until 1980, a year after Barry left Hawaii for the mainland and Occidental College.


“Although he went by “Barack Obama” after leaving Indonesia, Obama had Soetoro as stepfather from the time he was 2 until he was 18. If his scam-artist parents thought it improved his life chances, they may well have claimed Indonesian or dual citizenship for Obama during this period.


“This is where the passport comes into play. In the 13th paragraph of a March 2008 Washington Post article, the reader learns that of one of the three contract employees caught in the act of breaching Obama’s passport files at the State Department worked for the Analysis Corporation, the CEO of which was John Brennan, a 25-year CIA veteran.


“The Post does report that Brennan donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign but suggests no deeper tie. In fact, Brennan was no casual donor. To its credit, CNN Politics saw the real news angle in the passport scandal: “Chief of firm involved in breach is Obama adviser.” As CNN reported, also on March 22, Brennan “advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues.”


“After its initial article, the Post said not a single word about the incident or Brennan’s connection to it. Today, Brennan is Obama’s deputy national security adviser.


“A month later, at an April 2008 fundraiser in San Francisco, Obama countered Hillary Clinton’s boast of having met leaders from 80 foreign countries with his real-world experience.


“I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college,” said Obama in the way of illustration. “I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic – Obama has always had problems with noun-verb agreement] before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.”


“This declaration took ABC reporter Jake Tapper by surprise. He thought it odd that he had not heard of this trip – no one had – especially “given all the talk of Pakistan during this campaign.”


“Had Tapper inquired further, he would have learned that Obama did not mention the Pakistan visit in either of his books, the 1995 “Dreams From My Father” or the 2006 “Audacity of Hope.”


“The very real possibility remains that Obama traveled to Pakistan the same way to traveled to Occidental – on the Indonesian citizenship he claimed as a boy. The passport breach may have allowed Obama to open up about Pakistan.


“It is a shame we have to speculate about such matters eight years after Obama first descended onto our planet. If we had a legitimate media, we would not have to.”


However, if one believes the sun rises and sets with checking facts at fact checkers like Snopes and PolitiFact you can expect all the protection Obama could possibly ask for. Contrary to what they say, Obama’s sealed records are sealed!




SNOPES: EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind Snopes.com? and Snopes Caught Lying For Hillary…Again. Loses All Credibility and The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers and Snopes, Which Will Be Fact-Checking For Facebook, Employs Leftists Almost Exclusively and SNOPES EXPOSED – Heavily financed by George Soros


POLITIFACT: Running The Data On PolitiFact Shows Bias Against Conservatives and The Liberal Tilt at PolitiFact and Something Odd Emerges When Fact Checking The “Fact Checkers”


Soetoro INS file challenges Obama narrative


By Jack Cashill

December 7, 2011


The intrepid Heather Smathers of the Arizona Independent continues to do the job the mainstream media refuse to do, this time posting the INS documents for Barack Obama’s stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.

First, a caution: Many of these documents have been fully redacted or referred to the State Department, and the ones that are posted, although real, may not be reliable. It is altogether possible that Soetoro was being handled at the time by the U.S. government. WND continues to investigate.

For the mainstream media, however, these documents represent the official record. As such, they play havoc with the Obama narrative first spun in “Dreams From My Father” and accepted uncritically by the MSM ever since.

They also shed additional light on how Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (Ann), casually fabricated facts to game the system, a trait her son would inherit.

“I grew up without my father around,” President Obama casually lied in his 2011 Father’s Day address. “He left when I was 2 years old.”

No, as Obama Sr.’s INS file confirms, he never lived with Ann. But as Soetoro’s INS file confirms, Soetoro filled the void almost immediately and would do so for the next 11 years.

According to Janny Scott, the New York Times reporter who spent years researching Ann’s life, Soetoro began dating Ann in late 1963 right around the time Obama turned 2. There are photos to prove it.

Soetoro was expected to return to Indonesia in 1964, both to comply with American immigration law and to honor his contract with the Indonesian government. He did not want to go.

So he got married. On her 1981 passport application, Ann claims March 5, 1964, as her marriage date. Scott confirms this date in her book, “A Singular Woman”: “[Soetoro] and Ann had married on March 5, 1964, shortly after she divorced Obama.”

Very shortly indeed! If Scott were paying attention to dates, she would have noticed that Ann formally divorced Obama on that very same day, March, 5, 1964. According to Soetoro’s INS file, he and Ann would not marry officially until March 15, 1965.

Get the latest details on the jarring facts about Barack Obama and his past. Jerome Corsi’s e-book, “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate?” demonstrates conclusively that no legal authority has ever verified Obama’s legal eligibility to be president, that glaring inconsistencies, blackouts, and outright fabrications in his life narrative have generated widespread doubts, and that, in fact, a compelling body of evidence says Obama is not a natural-born citizen as the Constitution requires

The INS also noted that the couple provided “evidence of the legal termination of his spouse’s prior marriage,” as required. These divorce records, however, do not prove Ann’s marriage to Obama.

In plotting to keep Soetoro in Hawaii, Ann knew the INS would require proof of her divorce from the baby’s father and of her subsequent marriage to Soetoro.

It is likely that she imagined a 1964 marriage to Soetoro for the sake of appearances much as she likely did with Obama three years prior. Then too, a documented marriage to Soetoro might have forced her to give up her fabled food stamps.

In any case, three months after the official marriage, when questioned by the INS, Soetoro did not remember the date. The wedding obviously did not make much of an impression.

Despite the marriage, the pressure was mounting on Soetoro to return to Indonesia. As one official wrote of his stalling tactics, “It can only be assumed that this was an intentional disregard of East-West Center advice.”

The Soetoros were prepared to lie outright when it served their purposes. In July 1965, for instance, Lolo told the INS he could not return to Indonesia because his wife had a stomach ailment requiring surgery.

When questioned, however, Lolo could not name the doctor. When a doctor finally did send a letter to the INS on Soetoro’s behalf, all that he offered as an excuse was potential “emotional strain” on Ann. The INS saw through the fiction and rejected the Soetoros’ request, at least initially.

It was in this same uncertain atmosphere of July 1965 that Ann applied for a passport. Although the State Department claimed to have “destroyed” the 1965 application and any that preceded it in a routine purge, a 1968 renewal application exists.

By 1968, the future president had moved to Indonesia with his mother and stepfather, and his mother listed him on the passport application as “Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah).”

The “Soebarkah” has never been well explained, but it may be a compound name Soe-Bar-kah suggesting that “Bar” as in “Barack” has been adopted by “Soe,” as in “Soetoro.”

There is one other bit of evidence to consider. Before signing the application, Ann had to attest to several conditions. Most would have no applicability to her son – for instance, serving in a foreign army or voting in a foreign election – but one might.

It reads as follows: “I have not (and no other person to be included in the passport or documentation has), since acquiring United States citizenship, been naturalized as a citizen of a foreign state.”

The application then cautions the signer that if any of these acts apply to anyone named on the passport, “the portion which applies should be struck out.”

Likely after reading this, Ann struck out the name “Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah)” with five carefully placed scratch lines. This would seem to strengthen the case that Obama was adopted by Soetoro and became a citizen of Indonesia.

Again, all this subterfuge may have been orchestrated by certain agencies of the U.S. government. In any case, it raises more questions about the Obama narrative and Ann’s role in it.

The game playing picks up again in 1972. Ann and her daughter with Soetoro, Maya, returned to Hawaii that year. Her son had returned a year earlier. According to the INS documents, Soetoro returned to Hawaii on Oct. 8, 1972.

Having spent more than the mandatory two years in his home country, Soetoro, according to the INS, was “admitted as a lawful permanent resident.” When he filed his 1973 tax form, however, he claimed the more favorable nonresident status.

On Feb. 6, 1974, Soetoro returned to Indonesia, allegedly for business purposes. By the time he applied to return, the INS had caught on to his tax scam and denied his re-entry visa.

This led to another flurry of letters much as in 1965. “I was completely unaware that I had contravened any law,” wrote a desperate Soetoro from Jakarta in March 1974. He blamed the person who helped him fill out his forms, a friend who worked for a bank. Although he did not say so, this might have been his mother-in-law.

What is curious is that in Scott’s allegedly authoritative biography, she has Soetoro in Indonesia for all but a brief time during this second Hawaii period. Writes Scott, Ann was “in effect, a single mother.” Her need for an advanced degree “required that she live apart from Lolo, at least for a time.”

The documentation surrounding Soetoro’s re-entry is maddeningly scrubbed from the record. It appears, however, that the INS relented and allowed Soetoro back in a few months after he left and that he remained in Hawaii for the remainder of the time Ann was there.

Why authorities felt the need to conceal this information and refer it to the State Department for adjudication is the subject of an ongoing WND investigation.

Ann returned to Indonesia for fieldwork in 1975 with Maya, but without her 13-year-old son, who remained behind with his grandparents.

Scott says little about Soetoro’s whereabouts during this period, although she notes that Ann and Maya went to live with Soetoro’s mother in early 1976. The couple would not divorce until 1980.

In her treatment of Ann’s two presumed marriages, Scott tries to honor the official Obama narrative. First, she fully manufactures a domestic life for the boy and his mother with Obama Sr. to sustain the multicultural ideal that Obama first spun in “Dreams from My Father.”

Then, Scott subtracts years from the mother and son’s genuine domestic life with Soetoro to advance the “single mother” myth and to suppress any talk of Muslim influences on Obama or Indonesian citizenship.

Finally, Scott fully ignores the possibility that Ann may have had a friend in high places guiding her through these bureaucratic labyrinths and getting her a job finally with the Ford Foundation in 1981.

The Ford Foundation archives have revealed any number of joint projects undertaken with the CIA. Whether Ann or Soetoro was involved in any of these projects is a subject Scott and her colleagues dare not broach.


Jack Cashill
Jack Cashill has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American studies. His latest book is “Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities.” Read more of Jack Cashill’s articles here.




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