Gaslighting Is Here to Stay

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No matter who their candidate is, the Dems will throw their full support behind him/her and try to gaslight away all of that candidate’s flaws. - BY ROBERT RINGER

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Modern Day Bolsheviks Attempt To Chill Free Speech In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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Over the last year, we've discovered networks of Marxist groups in North Idaho, working directly with law enforcement to report hate. Namely, the Human Rights Consortium..... - BY CASEY WHALEN

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Ranked Choice Voting Truth

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Ranked-choice voting is just the latest ploy in the left’s pursuit of unlimited power. I'm confident that Idaho voters will reject this radical scheme in November. - BY DOROTHY MOON

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Globalist Front Man Klaus Schwab Tells Elitist Followers They Must ‘Force’ Humanity Into a World Ruled by AI and Other Dehumanizing Technologies

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Schwab told the elitist participants gathered in China that they must “force” humanity into a “collaboration” with the unelected WEF. - BY LEO HOHMAN

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After a trillion tons of CO2, the Great Barrier Reef hits record coral cover third year in a row

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As Peter Ridd says, the biggest threats to the reef are cyclones and crown-of-thorns starfish plagues, neither of which appear to be any worse now than they were years ago.

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Water Update

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Expect a new mitigation agreement in the next few months as well as discussion and possibly even legislation in the 2025 session. - BY BRIAN ALMON

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Idahoans must reject the nanny state...or they will soon discover the cost of “free” meals comes from their pocketbooks and their liberties. BY IDAHO FREEDOM STAFF

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Trump Verdict Reminds Us of What We Are Up Against

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The lawfare leveled against President Trump is indicative of what can happen to someone who works against the collectivist policies of this cabal. - BY WILLIAM S. HAHN

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The Important Question Isn’t “Who is Replacing Biden?” The Life & Death Question We Should All Be Asking Is, “Who Is Running Our Country?”

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Who gives the orders to Obama? Is China running our country? Is George Soros running our country? Has our country been sold out to enemies? - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT

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How Bad Are Things Really, And What is The Real Danger to America

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The assessment highlights the urgent need for proactive and comprehensive measures to address the multifaceted threats posed by China and its allies. - BY CHRISTIE HUTCHERSON

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