By Rich Loudenback
After Biden, Obama MUST have someone else he can control and chucklefest Kamala is out of the question. Obama really blew it on Kamala’s selection as a controllable prospect for President. If the Democrats must continue following Obama’s flavor of Marxism in transforming America into a new country we won’t recognize or love, then it seems they pretty well have to convince Michelle to step up, even though she says at the moment, that she’s not at all interested
Mr. California, the climber extraordinaire, Gavin Newsome has nothing to offer but nice hair, lies, inability, and an act. And, I believe, he is probably not controllable. He has clearly outed himself through the utter destruction of his once lovely state. All his rah, rah promotional team talk after the debate was nothing but fluff. He’s victimized himself with a track record that can’t be run from.
However, always available is the least liked woman in America who assuredly is not a ‘deplorable,’ whom also is not controllable or even coachable. Lecherous Hillary would not be taken seriously by anyone in my opinion should her many crimes be divulged, especially the treasonous ones.
If the Democrats were a real America loving party like they used to wish everyone believe they were they should nominate an impressive person among their ranks such as their youthful former campaign surrogate we saw on Fox News after the debate, named Kevin Walling who appears sharp, very presentable, and understands issues and communicates very well. BUT, Obama probably could not control him and therein lies the party’s primary problem.
Finishing the ‘Transformation’ of the United States is the Democrats game, run by Obama’s Marxist methods, with help from the Deep State, ‘Council on Foreign Relations,’ and the edicts of the United Nations.
In the meantime, Obama’s brand of Marxism continues. See what we must do!
May God bless and protect President Donald Trump.