The Marxist Community Organizers’ Transformation of America is Almost Complete.  What we must do!  

The Marxist Community Organizer’s Transformation of America is Almost Complete.  What we must do!



By Rich Loudenback


The reality of our times is that O’Biden’s puppeteer, Barry Sotero aka Barack Hussein Obama, (my favorite ‘BO’) is quite thoroughly completing his own Presidential proclamation that he intended to transform America.

Since he finished his second term, in a YouTube video he actually elaborated on how he’d like to stay president through a puppet regime. Many of his old staff, such as Valerie Jarrett, have remained at the White House for control purposes since O’Biden, the puppet, requres total managing and controlling due to his stage of mental decline.


To continue control, BO, immediately after his presidency, set up a “shadow White House” in Washington, DC. for the purpose of organizing anti-Trump protests nationwide and “rebuilding the ravaged Democrat Party,” as former New York Post writer Paul Sperry reported.


As FrontPage reported, Obama rented a $5.3 million, 8,200-square-foot, walled mansion in Washington’s Embassy Row that he is using to command his community organizing cadres. Michelle Obama has joined the former president there as did the Obama Foundation. To stay on track, Obama wanted his former labor secretary, Tom Perez, to win the chairmanship of the DNC in a party election which he won. “It’s time to organize and fight,” said Perez. “We must stand up to protect President Obama’s accomplishments,” adding, “We’re going to build the strongest grassroots organizing force this country has ever seen.”


Ever wondered how so many, mostly young wrongly educated people show up, on time, in big numbers with expensive signs and megaphoned leaders protesting in the streets, attacking our peace, freedoms and values? $15 to $18 hr. is how. They are Obama’s Organizing for America cadres.  See: Obama’s ‘Trump Saboteurs’ at OFA Boasts 30,000 Paid Agitators…


BO has assuredly been the direction behind about everything bad happening in America that’s controlled by the government since BO’s current ‘puppet’ started visiting the White House a few days a week:


  • The border crisis that is intended to hurt America in many, many ways.
  • The dissolving and softening of our military fighting forces.
  • The shutting down of our great oil resources.
  • Socialism replacing real American history and values from kindergartens through universities.
  • The propagandizing, distortion and sexualization of young children in library and school books
  • Incentivizing corporations to follow wokeism.
  • Getting the FED to greatly increase interest rates.
  • Hiring 87,000 new IRS workers and buying them all expensive guns to carry
  • Totally creating a two-tier justice system, us vs. the Teflon elites in virtually all agencies i.e. Justice Department, FBI, CIA etc;
  • Targeting traditional Catholic and other churches by the FBI
  • Cyber intrusions by the government and increased surveillance cameras almost everywhere


This list could go on and on.  See: John and Nisha Whitehead’s ‘Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse




Challenge publicly everything having to do with the evil marxist community organizers Obama and Michelle. Since Obama wants someone he can control, she’s probably his obvious pick.  We might wonder how she would feel if folks refer to her as his pick as his newest puppet, except that I just read that she herself practiced as a community organizer also for 3 years in Chicago.


See: Michelle Obama ‘2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power – Only the Truth Can Stop Her!


An awful lot of the crazies seem to be mesmerized about BO’s personna and they believe in magic.  His many lies have worked because they’ve been fake news repeated so much and hardly challenged with truth.  He must be challenged about everything that spews from his big mouth.  



Mostly we must awaken and activate as many freedom loving patriots as possible to put our elected representatives on notice that we expect them to do the hard work of developing a grand plan that can work to turn things around by returning us to a functioning Republic following our laws and the Constitution before we go away by turning into a member state of a global government run by unelected, unaccountable global power elitists who know best about everything for everybody.


There will be much gnashing of teeth, screaming and whispering threats from lobbyist and many special interests’ PAC’s. But that must be expected, if we are to really get us back to where we should be. 


THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICAL PARTIES! Both parties are full of socialist leaning members. It has everything to do with patriotism, because we as Americans are supposed to care about and run our country. Not political PAC’s, or the Council on Foreign Relations, the corrupt UN and especially not George Soros and his ilk.


Americans must make certain that we continually watch voting records published on both houses of congress every 6 months at so our representatives know we are watching their voting record. Here in Idaho voting records on the state legislaure are found at We must awaken others to the importance of this monitoring and how to do it.


See: ‘What America is Really About!’ HERE!


Join The John Birch Society to get educated and start informing others.



SeeAmerica: What We Are About and A Nation of Coddled Fools?
