William F. Jasper April 30th Speaking Event Video: America Is Going Away Fast – We Cannot Rely On Others to Save It!
If Not Us? Who? If Not Now? When? What Are You Doing Now? What Should You Be Doing To Save America? States Must Stop: *The Invasion, *Illegal Voting and the *UN New World Order (We MUST Get Out of UN!) Or AMERICA – WILL – BE – GONE!
By The John Birch Society Speakers Bureau
William F. Jasper – Nearly 4 decades ago, long before our present border crisis was recognized by the mainstream and conservative media, Mr. Jasper sounded the alarm with his pathbreaking 1988 documentary ‘‘Out of Control: The Immigration Invasion.’ During the 1980s, he was the only journalist traveling the entire length of the U.S.-Mexico border filming what was already at that time a national security threat. He has continued to expose that existential threat ever since.
Jasper’s career spans more than four decades as an author, journalist, investigative reporter, documentary producer, and international correspondent. For over 30 years, he was an officially accredited correspondent at the United Nations in New York City and at UN conferences and summits around the world. In addition to his acclaimed books exposing the UN, he has written thousands of articles on a myriad of topics and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs in the U.S., Europe, Australia, and Latin America, including C-SPAN, FOX News, The History Channel, Infowars, PBS, and NPR.
Presentation by William F. Jasper at the Coeur d’Alene Resort & Convention Center on Tuesday April 30th:
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