The SDGs in Your Town
APC’s good friend, Lynne Taylor, the Common Core Diva, has written another new article and I’m pleased to share it with you. ~ Tom DeWeese, President, American Policy Center
By Lynne M Taylor
Greetings, my freedom loving Americans!
Welcome to 2024?! While you think I might be wrong about celebrating a new year, I’m very concerned by the ‘opportunities’ the US government, our States, and our local areas will use in 2024 to advance the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) from the UN (United Nations).
While we know that the push in our culture has been advancing us ever closer to these Goals, 2024 is going to bring about some REALLY big movements. As far as education goes, every single one of the plans being made will CENTER energy on educating, not only our PreK-college students, but every single citizen in our nation. This will DIRECTLY go in concert with the other countries (member states of the UN, just like America). So, no matter where you live, where you are reading this from:
My goal, in this article, is to give you ideas for places to identify just how ‘far out there’ your town or school will be going in 2024 and beyond. I recognize that most of you who read my blog are very aware of what’s going on. However, every one of us knows several people who are clueless, but content to just follow the leader in what’s going on. It’s my hope that by your conversations with these people, that the light bulb goes off for them. If that’s not possible, well, then you have extra information to help you prepare.
While we’ll identify places you wouldn’t think are being used for advancing the SDGs, we’ll also find solutions to fight back against this most unholy tidal wave heading for us all.
Americans, we all know that the global mantra is that gas cars are bad, right? Well, think about the public transportation we also use. School buses are gas powered, most city buses, taxis, etc. However, according to the SDGs it’s the single family household that’s the biggest worry. We go to too many places. Back in Sept. 2023, a joint effort between South Carolina and North Carolina’s Depts. of Transportation sent out a glossy giant postcard mailer for my opportunity to participate in a Household Travel Survey. The guise was to answer a few questions about your travel routes and you’ve been rewarded with a gift card with a nominal amount. Sounds great, right?
The sales pitch was simple: Improving community travel options, NOT improving the roads! Oh, and as a bonus more incentives to go along with the agenda can also be yours in a later stage!! This particular survey isn’t easily accessible (you have to log in to answer), however, it also wants to dive into racial matters as well as your income level. As far as that gift card? All taxes and fees associated are on YOU.
From the US Dept of Transportation, the national Blueprint to ‘decarbonize’ our roads. If you visit the link, be sure to download the fact sheet. There you’ll be able to see why an innocent survey is key to the Blueprint (it’s about unity aka collectivism). You should also notice that not a single category is provided for personal cars. Not only is the US DoT heading this up, but it’s been joined by the US Dept of Housing and Urban Development and the Environmental Protection Agency. (All of these are unconstitutional and every one of these agencies is in the UN’s back pocket).
QUESTION: How does this impact education at all levels? What about in the culture?
Answer: Curriculum and tests geared for climate actions/Look for programs, events and propaganda promoting climate justice
In 2021, the US Dept of Education, enacted Climate Change programs still in use. Also, many US Federal Agencies and their NGOs (Non Governmental Offices) have ‘free’ educational resources for any school type to use.
IF you live outside the US, look at your different local, ‘state’ or federal levels for education resources on climate change.
QUESTION: Where can I look in my community to identify this type of surveying? Especially if I’m not in the USA?
Answer: Search your town’s website and budget for any funding or programming supporting ‘greening up the roads’ or ‘removing cars’. Sometimes the funding from state or federal levels will have a catchy sort of name, so that it sounds great, but isn’t. Increasing toll road fees, or personal property or road use taxes are all ‘innocent’ ways of discouraging you from driving. (Example: My local town recently approved a 10 year plan for more bike routes, using funds from higher government. It’s called PEDAL.)
Action Item: The next SDG Transportation global meeting is set for April 2024. Read the UN letter for “Transportation Week” and plan awareness events or even respectful and peaceful protests.
Action Item: Read the Transportation SDG Knowledge Hub information, found here (https://sdg.iisd.org/issues/transport/). In short, transportation will impact SDGs #1 (poverty), #3 (education safe routes), #7 (energy), #9 (infrastructure), #11 (urban access), #12 (fossil fuel use), and #13 (greenhouse gas).
Art Around Town:
Americans, we all like pretty things. They help us brighten up a dull day. Sometimes we are the ones creating those pretty things, but what happens when the art you see isn’t for creative expression, but driving home the ‘responsibility’ of your part in embracing the SDGs? Think it can’t happen? It already has!
For example, in Texas, at the University of Texas-Dallas, a joint combination of SDG #3 and #4 (Good Health for All and Quality Education for All) which used art murals to remind students that the SDGs must be followed.
Another example is a public library art statue in Durham, NC titled “Purple STEAM”. It’s goal? To uplift and celebrate the United Nations insertion of STEM in education AND our communities. As you’ve learned here on my blog, STEM, STEAM, and STREAM are all extensions of the UN into our communities as tools to advance the SDGs. From the SDG Toolkit’s pages, written years ago at the Univ. of TN, the goal then, is still being used today: cause UN activity for support of the SDGs from within our local areas. Local areas engaging is far less intrusive than an all out UN forced acceptance, right? My 2021 article I’ve included here (https://www.commoncorediva.com/2021/06/17/educratic-summations/), goes into more detail, as well as link you to the Tool Kit article.
Throughout places like Durham and Dallas, we are seeing less of a presence of the one true God and more of the accepted goddesses and social justice icons. Community wide health clinics are now more visible than a sanctuary of worship. Public private partnerships (P3s) are largely responsible, but check your city’s budget for their collusion into art installations and where they are.
Action item: Review the color psychology of the SDGs, I’ve written and exposed them many times over.
Action item: Read from the UN’s website, how art is being used to advance climate change and SO much more!
Government, Locally, Right?
Back in 2020, on my blog, I wrote about supranationalism from the perspective of the UN’s usurpation of our local governments, as well as at the state and federal levels.
Since then, the usurpation isn’t hiding whatsoever. It’s ‘loud and proud’. Being boldly displayed. Why? Because, to shift culture you must shift perspective. Perspective that includes freedom is bad and collectivism is ideal. Perspective that creation is an almighty god, not the Creator. Perspective that tells us the SDGs are for our good, not our detriment.
But what if I’m not in the USA, is my government also being turned against me? Certainly! The UN’s SDGs depend and demand complete compliance with ZERO exceptions. That’s why education was chosen by the UN to be the ‘chief change agent’. Because it can reach the most number of people all at the same time. Every form of government is being sacrificed to become managed by the UN. It’s called “Supranationalism”. It’s also a way to become a ‘global citizen’.
Speaking of the government, what about housing and zoning districts for businesses? What about private home ownership? All around us we’re seeing towns, cities, rural areas transformed into types of UN hubs. Deceptive uses of culture are in play here. “Economy zones”, ‘opportunity zones’, ‘prosperity zones’ and even ‘inclusion zones’ and being created via local legislation, state funded projects and yes, P3s from the federal government on down the line. Workforce housing is also becoming more visible. These are being completed as a RoI for those P3s (Return on Investment) and all in the name of community health, well being and development. Government agencies which traditionally had zero impact on the family are now in full use to micro-manage families. Along with all this ‘government help’ comes mind manipulation, especially due to the accepted belief that COVID somehow rendered us all in need of mental health!
Action item: Read the UN’s 10 Point Agenda List on housing. Then look up the International Habitat for Humanity website. They have an instant downloadable 21 page report on the SDGs and housing for all. SDGs directly impacted by housing are 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17. Indirectly related SDGs are 2 & 4.
You Are The Solution!
Warriors, all around us we see not only what I’ve listed above, but the SDGs inserted into healthcare, technology and even more. Change agents are also being inserted into our towns and governments. Schools see the biggest presence of these intruders of our lives. Why? Because as we creep ever closer to 2030, the UN will increase its evil into our worlds UNLESS we stop it! Think of it this way, the wave of change agents is an updated version of the village raising your child. As stated above, the school is the easiest target for the change agents. Schools from daycare to college are involved. Schools paid for by your tax dollars as well as the ones out of your own pocket. CULTURE shifts don’t stop at the public school gate. The shift is prevalent in every part of your community.
So what CAN you do? Inform others! Know the UN’s calendar (for example, Sept 2024 will bring about new meetings and new SDG action items)!
Review where your taxes are going! Get involved in standing up for your family, in your community! Band together with others who are just as aware as you are!!
Lynne M Taylor (aka Common Core Diva) is a published writer, speaker, media guest and freedom loving American. She’s married with 3 grown children and resides in NC.
Website: www.commoncorediva.com
Questions: info@commoncorediva.com
Published with permission of americanpolicy.org