See how Venezuela had a CONVENTION to amend their Constitution – & got a replacement MARXIST Constitution
By Publius Huldah (Joanna Martin, J.D.)
1. Here is a fascinating 27-minute video from a former Venezuelan showing how a new (and Marxist) Constitution was foisted on The People of Venezuela. Chavez got a convention called to “amend” Venezuela’s existing Constitution. But instead of proposing Amendments to the existing Constitution, Chavez’ henchmen at the Convention imposed a new Marxist Constitution granting dictatorial powers to Chavez & disarming the Venezuelan People Con Con: The Venezuelan Angle
Americans! The globalists want to move the United States into the North American Union where a Parliament is to be set up over and above the United States, Canada and Mexico; and our police & military forces are to be combined. To get this done, they need to get a new Constitution for our Country which transforms the United States from a sovereign nation to a member state of the North American Union. Here is the Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) Task Force Report on the North American Union.
The Biden Administration is also pushing the North American Union – see this January 10, 2023 Declaration of North America signed by Biden, the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico. It’s a summary of the CFR’s Task Force Report.
To get a new Constitution, they need Congress to call an Article V Convention.
Their hirelings, who pose as “Patriots,” claim we need a Convention to get Amendments to “limit the power & jurisdiction of the federal government.” But our Constitution already limits the fed gov’t to a tiny handful of enumerated powers – the problem is that everyone ignores the existing constitutional limits on federal power.
2. Mark Meckler of the so-called “COS” organizations, says the new Speaker of the House [Klaus Schwab’s puppet Kevin McCarthy] supports an Article V Convention. Of course he’d support a Convention – how else to usher in The Great Reset!
3. It appears that if Congress adds together all of the applications sent to Congress since 1789, they have enough States to call a Convention.
4. For years – and still today– convention pushers have falsely assured people that Congress “can’t” call a convention until Congress gets 34 applications asking for the same Amendment & that Delegates “can’t” do anything except consider Amendments requested by 34 State Legislatures.
Meanwhile, their puppets in Congress are filing legislation for Congress to count all applications together – regardless of the Amendment specified in the State’s application:
The legislation filed last year [HR 8419] provided that ALL non-rescinded applications would be counted together to get to 34 States.
The Legislation filed this year [HCR 24] provides that all applications on any “national issue” or for a BBA – whether since rescinded or not – are to be counted together.
So it doesn’t matter what Amendment a State Legislature asks for! The federal bills show that if Congress calls an Article V Convention, Congress is likely to count ALL applications together—including applications filed in 1789 for a Bill of Rights, during 1861 to avert the Civil War, during 1901 for popular election of US Senators, with all other applications requesting amendments on a variety of subjects to get to 34 States asking for a Convention.
We are facing Great Evil. The convention pushers are serving the interests of the globalists and are telling Americans a great many lies in order to get their support for an Article V Convention.
It is imperative that your State Legislature promptly rescind all of the applications they sent to Congress for an Article V convention!